Just want to confirm the already mentioned Robinson Crusoe, Spirit Island, Battlestar Galactica, Dead of Winter, Arkham/Eldritch Horror, Sherlock Holmes series, Pandemic series, Zombicide series, Warhammer Quests: Silver Tower / The Adventure Card Game, The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth, Dark Souls (everyone but me liked it). My group also recommends Mice and Mystics, but haven't yet tried it myself. This ones i didn't see talked about here:
Unlock / Exit - escape the room, point-and-click type (combine item cards) series of adventure games... former better than latter
Time Stories - just like Time Cop with JCVD, but instead of going back as yourself, you posses susceptible people, each with their own stats and special abilities (most videogame-like boardgame)... gameplay is like Groundhog Day, where you repeat events (but something always changes) until you fix things right or completely fuckup
Marvel Legendary - deck building, destroy villains before they escape the queue (new card pushes them further every turn), some are more dangerous or/and tough, so you need to prioritize... thematically very well done, great fun trying out all the unique heroes
Aeon's End - deck building without shuffling (cards stay in order you discard them), pretty challenging though (especially if nemesis gets to play consecutive turns)... get the legacy version first, it has a story campaign and is like a tutorial, also can be later combined with the base game and expansions as well
The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game - was the only one who read the books in my group, and it's hard as nails (didn't even manage to solve the first scenario) so the others gave up on it... like marvel legends, but the villains queue does not move once set, instead you have to beat them in a strictly specific order like a puzzle, so heroes have to combine their powers optimally each and every turn
Betrayal (at House on the Hill) Legacy - general rule, if you like a game, the legacy version always makes it even better... for some you don't really need to destroy things (just put them away, and use a non permanent marker), for others there is a separate reset kit (only if you want to play again from start), but most can be continued to play normally once fully completed
Gloomhaven - best dungeon crawler, but way too many side scenarios (and some are grindy) which you don't even have to do since monsters always scale to your level, and once you try out all the heroes it gets repetitive afterwards... but until then you really get your moneys worth, don't worry
Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles - got the expansion before we even finished the base game, but wouldn't otherwise, really fatigued right now... wish it was more streamlined (like gothic) and not so sandboxy (elder scrolls) experience
Detective: A Modern Crime - about to start it any week now...
7th Continent - about to start it any week now...