Game reviewer lacks common sense. People that want to play this kind of game, want to play this kind of game. Obviously, he is not a classic RPG fan, or this would have made sense.
I understand annoyance at delay/dodging in combat. I also understand his comments of "cliche," as I'm sick of standard races such as dwarves, elves, et cetera anyway. Well-represented, they are fine, but EVERY BLOODY GAME has to have them in generic fantasy worlds, and even switching their roles, so that elves are underclass citizens does not change the fact that you've just reversed roles (linear logic) as opposed to creating something new (lateral logic). Developers need to start goldmining the tomes of history for different concepts, racially, different mythologies from European fare, even something Norse or Arabic would be more interesting than standard European "There be Dragons!" derp.
And just reversing elves role from upper-class to lower-class does not prove you're original, it is like a Christian becoming an atheist because HIS God is incorrect, instead of examining lateral philosophies like Zen Buddhism and Confucianism. Indian Mythology... So on.
There are plenty of possibilities to create "fantasy" that diverges from cardboard cliche...
But it is not done by warping a concept into something evolutionary, or reversing a role--it is done by creating something revolutionary--creating a new role, new mythology, new idea, and generally new concept, that doesn't fit into a common archetype or genre role.