You fuckers all press play - right now.
We'll strive to make Torment's combat system and encounters an engaging and entertaining part of the gameplay. We'll connect them narratively to the overall story. And, continuing the Torment tradition, we'll make most if not all combat avoidable.
Why do you think I brofisted that?I wonder if it will make my 2 mil by noon prediction.
Too bad it's not Dungeon Siege 4 by Obsidian.
I've given up on DarkUnderlord a long time ago, still waiting for patron status from that PE drive.. or was it W2.. or both..
And I'm in.
Btw... is that "I'm gone" bit right at the end of the video TNO?
Are you unhappy with the way W2 turned out?I pledged because man is not a learning animal.
Are you unhappy the way FTL turned out ?I pledged because man is not a learning animal.