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Underrail - Serbian pillow talk, turning Tricks, taking tips


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands

In interest of creating a space where our collective mental breakdown over how awesome Underrail is, doesnt hamper our discussion of gameplay mechanics, quest solutions and general crafting dumbfuckery, this here info was shamefully pulled from magnificently thorough Underrail Wiki

The wiki is a great source of info, so go there to get more up to date info and also contribute to making it even more of an awesome tool for our favorite post
apocalyptic TB RPG.

As for the rest, share some tips, turn some tricks and spoiler as much as you want.

Game Mechanics

Base abilities


Base abilities in Underrail serve as the base for your character and consist of seven attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Constitution, Perception, Will and Intelligence. Certain functions, items and actions require a minimum score of a certain base ability to be used or performed, while some items, such as foods, temporarily boost them. Some feats also require a minimum score of a certain base ability (and skill level) to be picked and used. Each base ability is set to a default of 5 and has a maximum of 10 during character creation.

You gain a base ability point every 4 levels. Theoretical maximum base ability score is 20, although not reachable with the current level cap.

Base abilities directly boost related skills by a certain number. An ability score of 4 is the breakpoint where related skills receive no bonus nor penalty from the ability score.

Every point in base ability above 4 increases the effective value of dependent skills by 8.5%, while every point below 4 decreases it by 10%.



Skills in Underrail represent your character's competence and knowledge in specific topics.

You gain 40 skill points every level, except at character creation where you have 120 points to spend. You cannot increase any given skill beyond its maximum for your current level, which is 10 + 5 per level. This means you can max 8 out of the 22 available skills each level, or split your skillpoints into more skills.

Related base abilities

Each skill is affected by one of your character's base ability scores, but the amount of points you may invest in any skill is not restricted by them. Every point in base ability above 4 increases the effective value of dependent skills by 8.5%, while every point below 4 decreases it by 10%.
Skill synergies

Some skills also benefit from others through skill synergy, increasing their effective skill level by a percentage of the synergistic skill. Synergies cannot boost skills beyond their maximum for your current level.



Feats in Underrail are similar to perks or traits in other RPGs. They are permament elaborations of your character and serve the purpose to further customize your character build with unique active abilities, skill boosts or passive abilities. Feats do not boost base abilities, but characters gain a base ability point every fourth level.

Human NPCs also use the same feat system and same abilities gained from feats they have. Critters may also use some of the same feats, but they often also have their own unique special abilities.
Gaining feats

For every even level in Underrail, you must pick a feat. New characters start with two feats. In order to finalize your level up phase or complete character creation, you must spend all feat points. You cannot save feat points and use them later and you cannot remove or respec feat points once level up phase has been finalized.
Special feats

There are some feats that cannot be picked when leveling up, instead they require training or other means of acquiring. One such feat is Psi Empathy.
Restricted feats

Certain feats lock you out of another, usually opposite, feat. Examples of such feats are Tranquility and Psychosis.

Status effects


The status effect UI

For an alphabetical list of status effects, see Category:Status effects.

This page contains an overview of the status effects in Underrail. For more details, see individual status effect pages.

General effects, usually shown on your portrait:

In Combat — locked in turn-based combat mode. Ends after 4 turns of no hostile actions.
Focused — Increases accuracy with heavy ranged weapons. In other words, counteracts Move & Shoot penalty.
Level Up — Your character has earned enough experience to advance a level. (Experience earned in Classic XP mode will be calculated from your potential level.)
Regenerating — you slowly regenerate health when above 85% HP

Equipment status

Item durability/weight penalties, shown under your portrait:

Damaged Armor — 30% or less durability: provides reduced damage resistances/thresholds
Heavily Damaged Armor — 10% or less durability: also loses On Equip bonuses (any penalties still apply)
Degraded Weapon — 30% or less durability: reduced precision
Heavily Degraded Weapon — 10% or less durability: heavily reduced precision
Lightly Encumbered — Over carry capacity: reduced movement speed/points, possibly reduced action points
Heavily Encumbered — 35 points over carry capacity: heavily reduced movement speed/points, possibly reduced action points
Completely Encumbered — 70 points over carry capacity: cannot move, possibly reduced action points
These penalties increase linearly.

  • Damaged armor loses a percentage of its resistance/threshold equal to its durability, down to 0% resistances at 0% durability.
  • Degraded weapon loses more precision the more degraded it is, down to -80%.
  • Encumbrance movement speed penalty increases with the amount of weight carried over capacity, down to -100% at 70 points over capacity.

Buffs and debuffs

Underrail has a wide variety of different buffs and debuffs. These are shown to the right of your or your target's portrait.

They can be split into the following categories for purposes of interactions with many feats. (e.g. Locus of Control and Opportunist)


Stunned characters are unable to act. Stun effects cause temporary immunity when they end, so characters cannot be kept perpetually stunned.


Incapacitated characters are unable to act, but any damage breaks the effect. Unlike stuns, incapacitation effects do not cause temporary immunity when they end.


Some fear effects cause panic, making characters flee away from their enemies. Such fear effects cause temporary immunity when they end, so characters cannot be kept perpetually feared.

Mind control

Various mind control effects. Usually caused with thought control psionics.


Immobile characters are unable to move. Unlike harsher disabling effects, immobilization effects do not cause temporary immunity when they end.


Slowed characters have reduced movement points and movement speed.
Other buffs and debuffs

These include inherent abilities like Stealth Mode, assorted effects from many consumables and other items, effects from feats and psi abilities, damage over time (DoT) effects such as Bleeding Wounds and certain Poisons.
Some enemy types also have buffs and debuffs unique to them, for example the Psionic Synergy of psi bug groups, the Anticoagulation of siphoner's attacks and Infusions used by the Faceless.

Oddity XP System


Empty oddity catalog showing silhouettes of all oddities to be found.

The Oddity XP System is an alternative experience system introduced in version

“You gain experience up by collecting "oddities" scattered across Underrail and by completing quests. Higher end oddities are found in progressively more dangerous and hard to access areas, but most oddities can, technically, be obtained without killing enemies. No experience is granted for skill usage or killing (though some oddities are only dropped by creatures).”
— In-game description

The main purpose of this system is to allow players to level at a similar rate regardless of what their build and play-style is. Going through the world stealthily, guns blazing (or in some cases diplomatically) or anything in between should now earn you similar amount of experience.

Since version, completing quests also awards experience in Oddity XP system.

These items are scattered throughout Underrail, mostly at points of interest. Some of them are gained by killing critters and other specific types of enemies, but since each oddity item can be studied a limited number of times, you can only farm XP from a single creature type to a certain point.

Also, there are generally more instances of an oddity item type placed than you need, so you don't have to have 100% exploration score to get them all. Though, some of them will be unique and only awarded for discovering special areas or defeating bosses.

They can also be found when playing with Classic XP System, but do not have as big of a role in leveling process there. Compared to Oddity XP System, they award 50 times more experience in Classic XP System, where other experience gains are also much larger.

Oddity catalog

As of version beta, You can open the oddity catalog window O to review your character's oddity collection and see how many oddity types are still left to be found.



Underrail features an elaborate item crafting system. A vast majority of the armor, weapons and some other items encountered in the game are based on the crafting system, which also works as the random generation system. The player can craft the exact same items with the right blueprint and parts of identical quality.

Crafting process

To craft an item, you require three things:

  1. Blueprint of the item.
    Once you have obtained a blueprint and downloaded it to your wristpad, you can use it anywhere via your Crafting G menu.
  2. The crafting components specified in the blueprint.
    Many blueprints also have optional components alter or enhance the item produced. Eg., a Scope for an Assault Rifle.
  3. Relevant technological skills.
    Skill requirements are derived from the components used, and their quality. Optional components increase total skill requirements by a percentage of the component's skill requirement.
Crafted vs generated items

Investing in crafting skills has the advantage of ensuring you always have the best and most varied items available to you.
  • Some item enhancements are only available through crafting and not through the random item generator.
  • Similarly, some components are available in higher quality by themselves than those used when generating loot items and merchant inventories.
  • And finally, some items will be available only through crafting.
  • Most armor, weapons and other equipment can only be found with 0-1 random enhancements instead of a full complement of desired enhancements.
  • Burrower Carapace, Psi Beetle Carapace, Siphoner Leather, Ancient Rathound Leather are some of the crafting-only components
  • Cloaking Device, Taser and Strider boots cannot be found as loot nor sold by merchants, or are very rare.
  • Falchion pistols, Impala SMGs, Chimera assault rifles, Spearhead sniper rifles and Cyclon crossbows don't appear in shops.
  • Aegis, Focus Stim, Irongut, Jumping Bean and Trance medicines are not commonly sold either.

Crafting feats

Version introduced new Crafting feats, allowing the player to craft further enhanced items


    • Disassemble lets you break items down to their constituent components

    • Armor Sloping improves crafted metal armors
    • Ballistics improves crafted carrier vests
    • Clothier improves crafted fabric armors
    • Gun Nut improves crafted firearms
    • Mad Chemist improves crafted chemical weapons
    • Neurology improves crafted psi headbands
    • Power Management improves crafted electronic devices
    • Practical Physicist improves crafted energy weapons
    • Skinner improves crafted leather armors

User Interface


You can always access the Interface Help by pressing F1 in-game.
This page is intended as a new players' guide to Underrail's interface.

The interface is pretty much what you'd expect from any isometric turn-based RPG, but there are some key differences and concepts that might be different from expected.


Key Function
F1 Help Screen
F2 Toggle HUD
F5 Quick Save
F9 Quick Load
X Swap Weapon
V Toggle Energy Shield
B Recharge Shield
Space End Turn
Enter Start/End Combat
Tab Highlight [1]
Z Reverse Highlight [1]
F Quick Invoker
A Take All
Arrow keys Scroll View
Key Function
S Character Sheet
C Combat Stats
I Inventory
G Crafting Window
N Notes
O Oddities Window
Esc Close active window
Main Menu
Action buttons
Key Function
1 to 9 Action Buttons 1 to 9
Shift+1 to Shift+9 Action Buttons Shift+1 to Shift+9
Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+9 Action Buttons Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+9
RightCtrl+L Lock Action Buttons
Quick Buttons
Key Function
Q Combat Utility Slot #1
W Combat Utility Slot #2
E Combat Utility Slot #3
R Combat Utility Slot #4
T Combat Utility Slot #5
Y Combat Utility Slot #6
Shift+Q Reload active weapon
Shift+W Reload active weapon (with W2C rounds)
Shift+E Reload active weapon (with JHP rounds)
Shift+R Reload active weapon (with special rounds)
Shift+Y Unload active weapon



Basic Character builds


Steam user Creep posted a basic guide to different character builds that can be useful:


Your defensive attributes pretty much dictate how you will play the game. A psionic tank is not so much different from an assault tank in the way you fight battles. There are 3 main defense setups:

Heavy tank:

Strength- 7 to 9
Constitution- 10+

The tank build puts a lot of attributes just into defense for high hit points. The variability in strength has to do with which armors you can wear. If you're willing to lose a few AP by sitting in steel Armour with 7 strength for a while, you can save an extra stat since excess strength is not very good. I wouldn't recommend going below 9 if this is your first time playing.


Agility 6+
Constitution 3-5

Assassins are probably the most fun to play, and many quests in the game have this theme to them. The idea behind the assassin is that many offensive builds are much better with higher attributes, so you stealth before battle and hit them so hard they can't fight you back effectively as you run away.

Many feats even work around this concept like hit and run, tranquility, and psionic mania. Agility is mostly for stealth and some barebones defensive feats like sprint, evasive maneuvers, and uncanny dodge, but you should probably not bother going very high in those skills at all (particular dodge which kinda sucks), as mostly you don't want anyone standing when it comes time for them to hit you.


Str- 5+
Agility 7+
Constitution: 10+
Dex: 5+

I wouldn't recommend this playstyle, but you can mix constitution with high evasion and dodge to have some pretty good defense. One problem with this is that while you can avoid stun with thick skull, you can't to my knowledge avoid all immobilization even with the feat for it, which will leave you a sitting duck in many cases with poor Armour.



Will 12+

Using psionics as your primary offense requires enough so that you rarely if ever fail which requires a large investment.


Dex 13+

Dexterity lowers action point costs by a flat amount, which becomes very powerful as that amount approaches 1 AP. If you're going dex, go all in.


Dex 8+
Perception 10+


Str 10+
Agility 6+

Hammer builds require a lot of attributes all over the place, but also need high strength since you get a whole 10% extra damage per strength above the requirement. You should definitely have 6 agility for sprint regardless of armor choice.


Strength 7
Perception 8+

Assaults need 7 for various assault weapon feats, and a high perception as perception affects your ranged damage. However, very high perception is debatable in worth. You can go very low if you supplement your offense with some other offense


Perception 10+

Basically needed for, of course, the sniper feat.


Much of the reason for having a certain amount in attributes is to get a particular feat. In some cases, there is little point in progressing past the stat because there aren't many good feats left.


7, 8 ,9

Basically, 7 for full auto, some defensive feats, and some end game Armor. 8 or 9 for steel or titanium armor


6-7 for extra grenades and many crossbow feats. Mostly, however, dex is an all or nothing stat.


6-7 for defensive and stealthy stats


5 for conditioning, 10 for thick skull


7 for many psionic abilities, 10 for locus of control. You can use psi with as low as 3 even, as certain psionic abilities do not fail.


6 for aimed shot, 10 for snipe


There's really only 2 values you should ever choose. 3 or 7. 3 if you don't craft, 7 if you do.


Heavy Assault:

Strength 7-9
Constitution 10+
Perception: 10+
Intelligence 3 or 7

^ Probably the easiest build to play. Assault rifle things to death. Optionally add on psionics, but I wouldn't raise will at all.


Dex: All in
Constitution: 5+
Agility 7
Intelligence 7
Perception: 6

^ perception for machine gun for some special ammo

Light Psiker:

Will: All in
Agility: 7
Intelligence: 7
Con 7 (extra con for stoicism)

Heavy Psiker:

Will 13
Con: 10
Strength 7-9
Intelligence 3 or 7


Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility 6
Intelligence: 3 or 7
Dex 5 (or whatever is for the feat)
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Constitution is looking to be this games dump stat, maybe will as well.


Feb 14, 2014
Really I put six points in it and I basically though, "why do I need more in this Stat when I can improve accuracy and Damage".

Juggernaut and Thick Skull are amazing. Nice never having to reload despite walking into some real shit situations.


May 3, 2013
I need some character build adivce, men. I have never touched Underrail during EA, btw. Waiting for this day.


Aug 17, 2014
Oh man, now I feel embarassed as fuck about those shitty maps I hastily threw together in mspaint. :oops:

I stopped updating and improving them when it seemed like there would be a map system in Underrail 1.0, but turns out that didn't work out. Maybe I'll do something about them after the holidays.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Oh man, now I feel embarassed as fuck about those shitty maps I hastily threw together in mspaint. :oops:

I stopped updating and improving them when it seemed like there would be a map system in Underrail 1.0, but turns out that didn't work out. Maybe I'll do something about them after the holidays.

Think that grid cartographer could be a good option for mapping underrail or the non-linear connections from one zone to the other make it harder to make a readable map? Great job on the Wiki btw.


Apr 7, 2004
Hello Underrail experts! Have some questions:

1. I started off the game with 10 in electronics, mechanics, tailoring. Will be splitting 10 points per level across these skills. Will that eventually be enough skill investment to do enough crafting?

2. So I've tried pickpocketing and keep failing. Is there anything I need to do about this? Should I pickpocket in stealth mode? From behind the target? Should I pickpocket when the cameras are not facing me? Or is it just random chance, the target and skill level that determine success? How do I figure out my chance of success?

That's all for now.....


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I need some character build adivce, men. I have never touched Underrail during EA, btw. Waiting for this day.

Easy basic assault rifle/metal armor guide line:
Max perception, 6-7 constitution, 7-8 strength, 6-7 Int and dump agility + willpower to 3. Do not get PSI since it lowers your HP by 25% and your willpower is so awful that it would be a waste of skill points anyway. Dex can stay at 5 once since you will get a decent rank in Throwing.
Try to pump most points from level ups (every 4 levels) into Perception only sparing one for int and/or strength if needed either for feat or weapon requirements.


Guns -> main damage via assault rifles
Throwing -> Grenades provide AoE and some CC. EMP grenades are great against anything mechanical. Also lets you kill silently if needed with throwing knifes afaik. Nets can root melees to keep away from you. Caldrops are nice as well especially with paralyzing poison.

Mechanics -> Craft metal armor and guns(normal, laser, plasma or acid)
Chemistry -> Craft grenades
Electronics -> Craft energy shields and needed for energy weapons in case you want them.

Optional 1: Biology to craft hypos and other meds
Optional 2: Mercentile and/or Persuasion/Intimidate but they do not come into play often but usually let you avoid a major conflict if they do.

You get 40 skill points per level up and just enough points to max 8 skills at start, in other words you can keep 8 skills maxed. The build I described above is a tanky metal amor wearing grunt who primarily uses assault rifles and maybe later energy weapons and uses grenades for AoE+CC.

Feats: You got a wide variety here which gives you plenty of options. Due to heavy armor and low agility you might consider the crafting perk which reduces the armor penalty by 35% multiplicator. It should help quite a bit with speed. Feats like Hit and Run or Sprint are worth considering for mobility purposes. Later you will want maybe feats like Concentrated fire and Commando feat for extra free burst attacks with ever increasing 10% extra damage per hit.
Some crafting feats like Gun Nut are recommended.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2014
Think that grid cartographer could be a good option for mapping underrail or the non-linear connections from one zone to the other make it harder to make a readable map? Great job on the Wiki btw.

I'll see what I can come up with. I had plans for a Google Maps style thing at one point (part of the reason why the wiki has full screenshots of each alpha area - recycled material) but as Underrail grew, I realized it would never work. Sooo many overlapping vertical levels.

And thanks. When Styg wanted to personally host his own wiki I just had to make sure it won't be as bad as all those ad-ridden and abandoned wikias small indie games usually have. Underrail deserves better.

1. I started off the game with 10 in electronics, mechanics, tailoring. Will be splitting 10 points per level across these skills. Will that eventually be enough skill investment to do enough crafting?

2. So I've tried pickpocketing and keep failing. Is there anything I need to do about this? Should I pickpocket in stealth mode? From behind the target? Should I pickpocket when the cameras are not facing me? Or is it just random chance, the target and skill level that determine success? How do I figure out my chance of success?

1. Should be fine. Basically, you get enough points to max 8 skills at each level up, or split points into more than 8 skills. At higher levels, it is easier to spread your skillpoints out as many of your skills start to reach "high enough" levels for everything you want - especially if you have high base ability scores supporting the skills you use. Try any blueprints that seem useful to your character and keep a close eye on shops once you figure out what sort of crafting components you could use. You'll quickly get a feel for how good components you can get and how high crafting skills they will require.

2. Pickpocketing is deterministic. Each NPC has a suspicion bar at the bottom of his inventory - if you max that out, they will notice you. Your pickpocketing skill, the target item's weight and the NPC's detection determines how much suspicion you raise. Also, the suspicion you've raised slowly decays, so you might be able to steal more if you return later on. Stealth helps only if you've got the Ninja Looter feat.


Dec 29, 2014
Shitposter's Island
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I need some character build adivce, men. I have never touched Underrail during EA, btw. Waiting for this day.

Assault rifle + heavy armor is the usual tip, but I'm going for sledgehammer + heavy armor. 10 str, 10 con, ag 6, int 5. Make sure you get sprint and conditioning feats.

Don't get dodge and evasion as the biggest armours will negate it. Get lockpicking and hacking for loots, melee + throwing for grenades, and 4 crafting (I left out biology). This is only a lvl 1 tip but you don't want a full build surely.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Yes always keep lockpicking and hacking updated, there's a lot of locked doors and containers out there.

Personally I never bother with pickpocket, crafting being what it is.


Think about hairy dwarfs all the time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 20, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Don't get dodge and evasion as the biggest armours will negate it. Get lockpicking and hacking for loots, melee + throwing for grenades, and 4 crafting (I left out biology). This is only a lvl 1 tip but you don't want a full build surely.
Fuck me I already spent 15 points in dodge, seeing 3 rathounds raping me with successful hit felt like someone kicking my nutsack :negative:
Which of the Technology skills are important for a gun + psi build? I already dumped points into mechanics and electronics for crafting weapons.


Dec 29, 2014
Shitposter's Island
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Don't get dodge and evasion as the biggest armours will negate it. Get lockpicking and hacking for loots, melee + throwing for grenades, and 4 crafting (I left out biology). This is only a lvl 1 tip but you don't want a full build surely.
Fuck me I already spent 15 points in dodge, seeing 3 rathounds raping me with successful hit felt like someone kicking my nutsack :negative:
Which of the Technology skills are important for a gun + psi build? I already dumped points into mechanics and electronics for crafting weapons.

Are you wearing heavy armor? Dodge Evasion are still good, just not for walking tanks. Biology is very good for a bunch of psi boosters. All the crafting seems very useful.


Think about hairy dwarfs all the time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 20, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Don't get dodge and evasion as the biggest armours will negate it. Get lockpicking and hacking for loots, melee + throwing for grenades, and 4 crafting (I left out biology). This is only a lvl 1 tip but you don't want a full build surely.
Fuck me I already spent 15 points in dodge, seeing 3 rathounds raping me with successful hit felt like someone kicking my nutsack :negative:
Which of the Technology skills are important for a gun + psi build? I already dumped points into mechanics and electronics for crafting weapons.

Are you wearing heavy armor? Dodge Evasion are still good, just not for walking tanks. Biology is very good for a bunch of psi boosters. All the crafting seems very useful.
I'm having leather armor but yeah, I planned to build a gun blazing tank, wasted a bunch of points. Oh well, gonna focus on crafting skills and psi this time.


Dec 19, 2015
After having a ton of fun with full PSI build in EA, I am now trying a Sneaky knife / throwing knife build with subterfuge.

Other than Maxing Agility and Dexterity, I am not sure what to do for attributes. 5 Int for Cheap shots + crafting, 6 strength for bonus dmg, feats, carry capacity?
Will the 3 in Perception, constitution and will end up getting me fucked (in a bad way) in the end-game on hard?

For skills: Throwing, Melee, Dodge, Evasion, Stealth, Hacking, Lockpicking + 1 crafting skill (Mechanic, Biology (for poisoned shit) or Tailoring).
Does it make any sense to go half on some skills, so I could get more crafting?
I have not done any crafting yet, so have no idea if it would be good enough to have three crafting skills only half maxed or are those skill points just wasted?

edit: maybe I'll just make myself a hammer + heavy armor or big gun + big armor build, then I'll have loads of skill points for crafting.
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2014
Shitposter's Island
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
After having a ton of fun with full PSI build in EA, I am now trying a Sneaky knife / throwing knife build with subterfuge.

Other than Maxing Agility and Dexterity, I am not sure what to do for attributes. 5 Int for Cheap shots + crafting, 6 strength for bonus dmg, feats, carry capacity?
Will the 3 in Perception, constitution and will end up getting me fucked (in a bad way) in the end-game on hard?

For skills: Throwing, Melee, Dodge, Evasion, Stealth, Hacking, Lockpicking + 1 crafting skill (Mechanic, Biology (for poisoned shit) or Tailoring).
Does it make any sense to go half on some skills, so I could get more crafting?
I have not done any crafting yet, so have no idea if it would be good enough to have three crafting skills only half maxed or are those skill points just wasted?

edit: maybe I'll just make myself a hammer + heavy armor or big gun + big armor build, then I'll have loads of skill points for crafting.

Go full on all skills on first build, I wouldn't spread them around until you know exactly what you need.


Jan 9, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
Do you have to max out your primary stats to be effective, esp later in the game? I'm playing a psychokineticist / gunslinger hybrid with 8 per/wil/int and so far it's been OK except for being squishy as fuck against multiple enemies that get the drop on me (no surprise there).


Jan 31, 2007
I haven't started playing yet but is crafting a big/necessary part of the game? Not normally a fan of crafting systems (though I like Arcanum's for example).


Apr 7, 2004
I haven't started playing yet but is crafting a big/necessary part of the game? Not normally a fan of crafting systems (though I like Arcanum's for example).

I just created my character, not a big fan of crafting myself, but just with a quick look, the system seems intriguing because the crafting components seem like cool and interesting things that you would actually want to hold on to. Unlike in Arcanum where you were pretty much continuously accumulating literally junk and trash,


Dec 3, 2009
I haven't started playing yet but is crafting a big/necessary part of the game? Not normally a fan of crafting systems (though I like Arcanum's for example).
Its a relatively big but not completly necessary part. There are some items (Ranged weapons types) only accessible by crafting but other than that, you can get by on just the stuff you find and buy in a shop with no need for crafting. Crafting is more of a fine tunning tool to make items just the way you need them for your super complex build.

Also, crafting is fun and not very tedious so even if you decide to try it, it wont make you ragequit.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I haven't started playing yet but is crafting a big/necessary part of the game? Not normally a fan of crafting systems (though I like Arcanum's for example).

It gives substantial benefits but you need decent investment in terms of skills and feats to make it worthwhile. The gear you can craft especially later in the game tends to be better than anything you can buy or find but I do not feel that it is essential though. What is essential that you decide on a defensive concept, high Con+Heavy armor or Dodge/Evasion+lighter armor, and a good offensive concept like assault rifles+grenades or Stealth+Crossbows, etc.
Then if you got a bit left you can invest into rogue skills or traps or social skills.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
A small tip for those playing with the oddity system, keep the tab or z keys pressed while exploring an area for the first time, theres a lot of oddities hidden in piles of rubble that will show up if you press the highlight objects key.

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