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Underrail - Serbian pillow talk, turning Tricks, taking tips


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Don't discount fire pistols, their damage is meh but the on-hit effect is great. Cold ones suck big time.
Ice blob pistols are invaluable against sea serpents, they're decent on DC too.
Or roleplaying as

my favorite version of Mr.Freeze!


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
real by the numbers stuff
if anything, with builds that utilise aimed shot and ambush, I don't give a shit about recklessness and scrutinous, enough is enough, things die
grenadier is cool, sort of, but three pointer is really really cool - so I just opt for the latter, because I most likely won't be throwing another nade after I get it
every grenadier utilising char ends up feeling like a grenadier character with an underutilised weapon on top
I've been adamant about blitz in the past, but compared to all other ap boosting and saving feats, it kind of blows for what you get for how long you get it for how often you get it - if the agility is there, I'd also utilise it for dodging and evading, else can't help like feeling I'm not getting most of the investment - so if you don't...

I'd omit strafe and just play around the malus - fuck interloper if you're stealthmaxing, you can afford to be slow on your feetz
I think I'd get more use out of blindsiding, opportunist, quick tinkering and quick pockets
expert sprint also seems kind of ass, but you'll know it by the time you ever reach the point of getting to opt for it lol

something silly I'd think of doing is dropping perception to 10, since it's so heckin easy to boost, lower the AGI, and set dex to 10 and will to 5 to work fatal throw and ripper into the mix, more reliable than blitz for AP lol
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Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
oh, another thing - for builds that dip into strength purely for weapon requirements to keep its accuracy up, do consider if it might be viable and not a headache dropping it and relying on the +2 boost from the adrenaline shot to get your strength where you want it to be while fighting
it's a boost you're otherwise sleeping on - food also
food at the very least with no real hassle, both if you're not a pipeworker


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Well I admit I hate being reliant on foods or drugs for requirement purposes. Not saying your are wrong, just a personal preference, I like not having to think about using a drug or food to meet minimum requirements. The only exception to that is strength and power fist on pure PSI builds since there are not a whole lot of of weapons that are interesting to wear anyway apart from Boxing Gloves and those staves from the native PSI users. Specifically when I want to use Riot Armor on them, Tac Vest does not care about strength anyway. Furthermore, I am not using Adrenaline Shot all that much and there are plenty of fights where it is unnecessary.
For food, I prefer Mushroom Salad for Per. Damage is not so much a concern but shooting high Evasion targets over long ranges can be a hassle unless you hit them with a flashbang first if you want to give up your Snipe, another reason I like high agi it helps boosting Snipe. Also high per to uncover those miserable Death Stalkers. Part of the idea for this build was to hard counter those damn fuckers. I also have a Crossbow build in mind for that purpose. Just a giant middle fingers to the enemy type I absolutely loathe.

Edit: also planning a PSI monk finally, one of the few types of builds I have never played yet.

Still pondering what to get for level 2 though. Also not sure which skills to pick to supplement the build's main skills. Thinking of using the Powerfist instead of making my own weapon. It is a good weapon overall and there are some other decent fist weapons like The Claw.
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Mar 23, 2015
Well I admit I hate being reliant on foods or drugs for requirement purposes. Not saying your are wrong, just a personal preference, I like not having to think about using a drug or food to meet minimum requirements. The only exception to that is strength and power fist on pure PSI builds since there are not a whole lot of of weapons that are interesting to wear anyway apart from Boxing Gloves and those staves from the native PSI users. Specifically when I want to use Riot Armor on them, Tac Vest does not care about strength anyway. Furthermore, I am not using Adrenaline Shot all that much and there are plenty of fights where it is unnecessary.
For food, I prefer Mushroom Salad for Per. Damage is not so much a concern but shooting high Evasion targets over long ranges can be a hassle unless you hit them with a flashbang first if you want to give up your Snipe, another reason I like high agi it helps boosting Snipe. Also high per to uncover those miserable Death Stalkers. Part of the idea for this build was to hard counter those damn fuckers. I also have a Crossbow build in mind for that purpose. Just a giant middle fingers to the enemy type I absolutely loathe.

Why make a build reliant on drugs when there are perfectly fine builds without the extra hassle?

Consumable spam is a sign of weakness.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I would not go that far. People have different likes and preferences. I can see how saving 2 points in strength can lead to a little stronger build. Personally I think that it is not necessary but though I do consider myself to be a min-maxer I do not consider myself an "ultimate" min-maxer. I only min-max enough to get a smooth playthrough, not so much that it completely breaks the game and makes it a joke. Something that Morrowind taught me.


Dec 28, 2015
A psi enemy from a random encounter just attacked me with... Psychotemporal Contraction! I was like, Are you trying to insult my build? But it turned out that
he carried a Beetle Brain in a Jar, the device that invokes a random psi ability lol.

In other news, I bit the bullet and bought a Plasma Sentry for home security, because I was getting robbed all the time. The robberies have stopped completely this far (and no, the sentry does not attack... friendly visitors). Has anyone tried the cheaper Sentry Bot? Does that stop the intrusions as well? I was worried that it might be too weak to prevent everyone.


Dec 28, 2015
Ugh... I eventually got a burglar. So the plasma sentry does not stop them completely. I *think* it makes them rarer, but I could be wrong. The burglar attacked the sentry, so I took him out easily, but the sentry suffered a lot of damage. Two burglars more, and it is gone.

Needless to say, I am not buying another one. Like, ever.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Any way to make it even better? Yes, playing as a cryomancer pure RP build. No, I'm not using fire metathermics and yes, some psychokinesis for defense, CC and machinery.



Dec 31, 2007
Have there been any tweaks in Expeditions lately? I'm itching for another playthrough, but dread the plodding combat in expeditions, where you fight through hoards of the same enemies. I mean, because I'd like to actually finish expeditions at least once, last time I just lost interest at a certain point.
Jan 1, 2011
Have there been any tweaks in Expeditions lately? I'm itching for another playthrough, but dread the plodding combat in expeditions, where you fight through hoards of the same enemies. I mean, because I'd like to actually finish expeditions at least once, last time I just lost interest at a certain point.
No changes for a long time.
If you have enough stealth then it gets a lot better. You can skip nearly all the native fights by sneaking to their temple and destroying their rock (you still have to kill the ones in the temple and the very first raid, but that's it). Never even trigger locusts to spawn, and avoid a lot of crabs since they stay burrowed. Cuts the amount of fighting you have to do way down.


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Don't you think Fallout 2 could also use something in terms of a Dominating mode? Say, a few endgame dungeons that might prove difficult even for a 10 LK Sniper Bozar user with quality of life item rewards.


Feb 9, 2016
Don't you think Fallout 2 could also use something in terms of a Dominating mode? Say, a few endgame dungeons that might prove difficult even for a 10 LK Sniper Bozar user with quality of life item rewards.
That's not even a big deal to do since Fallout 2 has an editor.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Reached nexus of technology. Cleared every single room and no clue about what to do...

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