Fabulous Optimist
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Don't get too excited. Both paradox and white wolf have been cucked to the point of no return. Remember the white wolf "scandal" last year.
What happened to that Werewolf: The Apocalypse game Cyanide was developing?
Be careful what you wish for. Battletech fans did that and look what we got...I just want Arcane Studios to make new Vampire: The Masquerade game.
Cyanide and Big Ben are making it. I think.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines follow-up teased by Paradox with ARG
Either Paradox, who these days own Vampire: The Masquerade & World of Darkness publisher White Wolf, are getting into the Netflix & Chill game, or they’re they’re gearing up to reveal a long-awaited follow-up to the legendary Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines.
They’ve come up with Tender, ostensibly a dating site. Whose metadata just so happens to read “Whether you’re looking for meaningful friendships, true love or simply a late night bite with a kindred spirit, Tender is here to help.”
By the pricking of my thumbs…
I signed up nervously for Tender, readying my desperate justifications should my partner walk in and find me creating an online dating profile while she exhaustedly hauled our e’er-vomiting baby around the house. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Tender became less about strangers honking each other’s pud, and more about nihilism, hobbies including demonology and status updates about eating cats.
As far as I can tell, there’s currently no way to actually communicate with or otherwise progress a relationship with another horny/bloodthirsty soul, outside of being able to choose canned lines approving of their statuses, but that this is a) clearly an alternate reality game and b) is tagged beta and talks about new features coming soon, Satan only knows what it’s got in store for us.
Here’s my auto-generated profile description, after I picked interests including board games and murderers:
Definitely, definitely about boning, and nothing to do with videogames about increasingly corrupted immortal souls, I’m sure you’ll agree.
I’ve done a little burrowing into Tender’s source code, and turned up a few more nuggets of note. First, here’s a video which plays once you’ve completed the initial round of profile-setting tasks and a few short quizzes about e.g. Robert Plutchik’s emotional wheel.
You try and convince me that, for one thing, it isn’t deeply sinister, and for another that the closing music doesn’t positively scream vampires.
My digging also turned up mention of someone named ‘Alice & Smith’ as being responsible for some of these videos. Who, whaddaya know, turn out to be a Canadian developer which specialises in ARGs, including the John Walker-approved The Black Watchmen.
All this means more Vampire: The Masquerade, or I’ll eat my ancient boxed copy of Bloodlines (if I can be bothered to dig it up from the attic). But what form will it take, who’s making it and when we will find out more? Also, when will I get a booty call from an anonymous cat-eater?
What happened to that Werewolf: The Apocalypse game Cyanide was developing?
Pretty sure vampires in this universe are canonically asexual, but can expend bloodpoints to simulate sexual functions. .
No one does. Sweden is more a meme than a country right now.I don't trust sweden
I just want Arcane Studios to make new Vampire: The Masquerade game.
Paradox may be teasing a new Vampire: The Masquerade game with a dating app ARG
It asks for your blood type and matches you with sick people in your area.
There's a new dating app that appears to take the term 'thirsty' quite literally. It's called Tender, a "soulmate algorithm", and seeing as how its powered by Paradox Interactive (you can even sign in with an existing Paradox account) it's probably not really trying to set you up on a date. Considering the rather bloody nature of the app's announcement video, the fact that it asks your blood type before inviting you to match with sick people near you, and that Paradox owns White Wolf Publishing (which filed an interesting trademark just last year), this smells a lot like an ARG for a new Vampire: The Masquerade game. Maybe.
It's been a long while since Vampire: The Masquerade—Bloodlines arrived in 2004, which we consider one of the greatest RPGs of all time, and fans are still hungry for another game. Paradox Interactive bought White Wolf 'and all properties' from CCP back in 2015, and a tweet from Paradox's VP of Acquisition & Portfolio Strategy at the time suggested giving it 'fresh blood'. So, yeah, this could be definitely be the beginnings of an announcement for a new RPG in the Vampire series.
The Tender app asks you to describe yourself (angry, sad, hysterical, numb) and gives you a choice of images that best describe you (blood splatters, maggots, an evil clown), and asks your interests, which include choices like video games, fashion, traveling, sports, dogs, murderers, witchcraft, thanatology, and so on. There are also a few 'quests' available to level up your profile, and it sounds like there will be more to come.
PC Gamer also received emails suggesting secret codes are being embedded into certain videos, partially-redacted memos from the fictional CEO of Tender have been leaked, and an investigative website is distributing clues about Tender as well. I'm not much of a sleuth, but maybe you'll be able to crack the case.