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VR Shootahs


Apr 2, 2012
I edited to make it a general thread for VR action games. Post your finds here.

  1. HL2 VR + Episodes - amazing vr mods. Worth every moment spent.
  2. HL Alyx - decent game but so overrated that it doesn't need an introduction.
  3. Hard Bullet - nice time waster, but gets old fast. Eternal early access.
  4. Doom 3 VR mods. There are actually 3 versions or even 4 (if you count Doom 3 PSVR). Like wtf? I use sidequest version due to other two available on pc being dated as fuck. Tried fully posessed, but it doesn't load the second map so i just deleted it. A bit primitive, but fun horror shooter.
  5. RtCW side quest VR mod by Team Beef. Quite fun even if a bit primitive.
  6. Quake 2 side quest VR. It's Quake 2 in VR.
  7. Dead Effect 2 VR - primitive, but enjoyable shovelware. It has story campaign and you can sexually harass a blond cutie npc.
  8. Resident Evil 4 VR. Turns the game into keanu simulator. But i must say its very fun. Just too easy because the game was made with sluggish tank controls in mind. Also censored by Jewberg.
  9. 7DtD VR mod. Survival game\zombie shooter. Havent played with this mod myself, needs more time in the oven.
  10. Black Mesa Vr mod. Too early to play.
  11. Half Life VR on steam. Too unpolished and extremely slow development.
  12. Gunman contracts. Keanu simulator. There are two mods for HL Alyx and they are great. Full game Gunman Contracts Standalone is in development.
  13. Borderlands 2 VR. I dont really like original game but in VR it was fun. I wouldnt recommend buying it today though as gaybox dont even bother to support it, while it runs well the interface is somewhat broken on newer headsets.
  14. Into the Radius VR. Pain simulator. It's like stalker but the enemies are knock offs of Mimics from Prey 2017. Really good game, maybe even one of the best for vr but was infuritating at times, so... probably never again.
  15. Into the Radius 2. A sequel in development.
  16. Paradox of Hope. Game was removed from steam due to copyright issues. Probably ripped off Metro too much. Damn shame, it was a well polished shooter with lots of potential.
  17. Blood trail. Sick fuck sim. Gets old super fast. Eternal early access.
  18. District Steel. Early access shooter with robots, cyber arm and bullet time. Good fun and lots of potential.
  19. Death Horizon. Cheap quest game. Fun for a about 2-3 hours if you compare it to complete vr trash. But there are better zombie games.
  20. TWD Saints and Sinners. You mostly rely on melee weapons but you use various firearms too. It's very good, one of the best games for VR.
  21. TWD S&S Retribution. A buggy sequel. Abandoned and unsupported by devs on steam.
  22. Compound. Decent rogue like vr shooter if you're into that kind of thing.
  23. Immortal Legacy. Simple vr shooter from ps vr originally i think. Main character voiced by Geralt. Hot babes and upskirt shots. Game is japanese.
  24. The Living Remain. Zombie shooter, early access. Not bad actually and almost finished. But not that good either.
  25. Jed Knight: Jedi Suvivor side quest VR mod by Team Beef. Heard its very good. Jedi academy is in early access and patreon walled right at the moment.
  26. Battle Sister. WH40k shit. Fun, but unpolished. Not worth the full price.
  27. Amid Evil VR port. Hexen like boomer shooter in VR.
  28. DXU24. Deus Ex engine update project or something like that. Will have VR mode as a bonus.
  29. Prey (2007) VR mod. I think it's somewhat playable now. Haven't tried.
  30. Fracked. Interesting cover mechanics and shitty ski sliding sections. Writing is infantile. Pretty bad game in general.
  31. Bulletstorm VR. Will be released december 14. Hopefully will not be a completely half assed shit port. (garbage port)
  32. Far Cry 1 VR mod. It's released and looks pretty good.
  33. Crysis VR. A mod for original Crytek benchmark game. In development but playable.
  34. The Burst. Upcoming postapoc shooter with parkour.
  35. Stride: Fates. Upcoming (dystopian?) shooter with parkour. Singleplayer campaign for the multiplayer game Stride.
  36. ConVRgence. The dev of Paradox of Hope makes a new game reusing some of the assets of PoH after it was shutdown by cease and desist order from Metro dev\publisher. Free for owners of PoH.
  37. Wrath Aeon of Ruin VR. There is a trailer somewhere on the teambeef youtube channel. Hopefully the mod will be finished now that the game is.
  38. Propagation: Paradise Hotel. Solid zombie horror game.
  39. Heartshot. Early access shooter on steam. Looks pretty good, but probably too raw at the moment.
  40. Crossfire: Sierra Squad. Mostly coop "military" shooter, but has singleplayer missions.
  41. ???
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Dec 11, 2018
If you don't care about multi, it's harder to recommend Onward. The single player experience is there, and I use it because it's a lot of fun, but it's bare bones to say the least. No story beyond a splash screen detailing the current mission.

But in terms of shooters it's one of the best gameplay wise, in my opinion. The AI uses squad tactics relatively well, you have a large variety of tools to choose from, the maps that it comes with are solid and there are plenty of downloadable ones. When posted in a building under good cover you will want to keep an eye out because they will surround the building and try to ambush you inside when your back is turned. Good stuff all around.

I gave Warhammer: Battle Sister a try despite the critics because why not? It's Warhammer in VR. It's about what you expect from an average VR game. Good, but does nothing well enough to note. But if you like the setting it will be enjoyable on that basis alone.


Apr 2, 2012
Got Battle Sister (despite wahmen protag) earlier today, it was dirt cheap and warhammer bundle on steam gave even bigger discount for it.

There should be to be more W40k VR games in general. Wish there was an imperial guardsman WH game.


Dec 11, 2018
Got Battle Sister (despite wahmen protag) earlier today, it was dirt cheap and warhammer bundle on steam gave even bigger discount for it.

There should be to be more W40k VR games in general. Wish there was an imperial guardsman WH game.

There's one more Warhammer VR title atm, a more melee combat oriented one. Forget the name but you may have gotten it with the bundle. Generally better liked.

Seems like (or im hoping that) these are essentially test builds for a more complete Warhammer VR experience.


Apr 2, 2012
Got Battle Sister (despite wahmen protag) earlier today, it was dirt cheap and warhammer bundle on steam gave even bigger discount for it.

There should be to be more W40k VR games in general. Wish there was an imperial guardsman WH game.

There's one more Warhammer VR title atm, a more melee combat oriented one. Forget the name but you may have gotten it with the bundle. Generally better liked.

Seems like (or im hoping that) these are essentially test builds for a more complete Warhammer VR experience.
Tempestfall? I have that one too. Not that impressive tbh, they should have spent more time developing it. But not a shovelware either and with good visuals. You can grab an undead by the head and slam it against the floor which is kinda badass actually. But spells are kinda bitch to use when you're in the middle of action, not very good and intuitive controls and takes time to get used to.

Overall there are far better melee games, even though this one has campaign mode which makes it worth trying at least.


Dec 11, 2018
You can grab an undead by the head and slam it against the floor which is kinda badass actually.

This is the kind of stuff that really makes VR special. If you aren't adding loads of this sort of interactivity there's little reason for the VR platform in the first place.

If i'm a space marine, I should be strong enough to throw enemies of average weight. Into other enemies and ragdoll them both. Would never get tired of that sort of thing.


Apr 2, 2012
Ok, tried Battle Sister today and this game nails everything so far. This is the type of vr shooter i want to see more. It looks nice, not that impressive but not like the shovelware shit i see in heaps on steam either. The action is awesome and makes you feel really immersed in it as you repel waves of chaos degenerates left and right. I especially love the sword\bolter combo, but dual bolters are sick too. The atmosphere of 40k setting is well done, but i judge from the perspective of someone who only read a bunch of 40k wiki articles and played a few 40k games. No problem with controls so far, other than accidently teleporting with right stick from time to time.

My initial impressions at least, maybe this game will have some legit issues as you progress further.

The game definitely has a lot more issues than i thought initially. If you buy it cheap then ok, but it's hard to recommend and riddled with bugs and other problems. Devs need to work on it more, but i don't think they will update it anymore. A damn shame because potential is there.
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May 1, 2020
Have you tried Call of duty modern warfare games in VR? or Warzone? Apparently you can play them in VR.


Apr 2, 2012
I tend to avoid military shooters and can't stand CoD in general. Not aware of any such vr ports anyway.

I know only Medal of Honor VR, its region locked for me and also 170 gygabytes for what seem like a hit and miss game lmao. Not worth pirating.
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on the thread.
Is VR worth it right now?
Anything holding it back for me to wait on?

I get the feeling the software/game design is behind the curve.


Apr 2, 2012
I would say worth it for the immersion and experience alone. Visually most of the vr games feel more dated because they have to be optimized to run on pcvr or in some cases because they made as shitty apps for quest headset exclusively and ported to pcvr.

Quest 2 is probably even cheaper now, other headsets feel overpriced. I use it for pcvr for the most part, secondary for sidequest mods and some pirated stuff. You can wait for the upcoming improved headsets, quest 3 should hit the stores in late 2023, dont know about others. PCVR requires a decent pc, but i had very few problems using old 1080ti card... for now at least.

I have no regerts, in fact it ruined normal shooters for me and i cant get that kind of immersion from flatscreen games. But there are lots and lots of shovelware and garbage games and pcvr holds on pure enthusiasm and also modding at this point. In fact my favorite vr game is a freaking HL2 vr mod. But i also had a blast with with some older games like Saints and Sinners and modded Skyrim VR.


Dec 11, 2018
on the thread.
Is VR worth it right now?
Anything holding it back for me to wait on?

I get the feeling the software/game design is behind the curve.

I think it is worth it, yes. There are few unique VR titles as of right now that are top quality, it is true, but the ones that do exist are so unique and engaging that there is nothing else like it. That goes a long way towards creating value for itself. Even games that merely get ported to the system are substantially improved by it. Many, many memorable gaming moments I have that were only possible because it was in VR.


on the thread.
Is VR worth it right now?
Anything holding it back for me to wait on?

I get the feeling the software/game design is behind the curve.

I think it is worth it, yes. There are few unique VR titles as of right now that are top quality, it is true, but the ones that do exist are so unique and engaging that there is nothing else like it. That goes a long way towards creating value for itself. Even games that merely get ported to the system are substantially improved by it. Many, many memorable gaming moments I have that were only possible because it was in VR.
I'm relieved to hear there's that kind of potential; was worried they were running the industry into the ground prematurely (see Zuck's "Meta" Suck).
Would like to see more big shot industry vets see what designs they can bring into the medium.
The likes of Tim Cain and MCA apparently have nothing better to do with their lives...
(better than posting your own eulogy on YT daily till you expire)

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Pavlov alone is worth a Q2 imho.

But wait for Q3 now. It will have about twice as much performance and better lenses.

Meta releases were pretty slow this year but i expect it to pick up pace as theyre holding back for Q3 release.


But wait for Q3 now. It will have about twice as much performance and better lenses.
How quick are the release schedules for these newer models?
Like when do you expect Q4 to come out and what potential improvements (best guess).

VR tech has been too expensive for me with regard to ROI and its current utility (it's vastly overpriced compared to what I expect get out of it and money is a scarce resource/arbitrary constraint).
Haven't had much hands on experience with it: I got to try a demo once at the Detroit Auto Show like 4 years ago.
So I'm hesitant.

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