I'm very dissapointed that you just repeat same activities in LA as in Arizona, but with ten times less flavor. Back in Arizona you had command to report, you had a base, it felt like you actually belonged to something important, and things were moving somewhere. Forward to Arizona and you have a huge empty location with a trader and one quest NPC instead of a base, and you're just a hobo traveling around and repeating same stuff you did back there - fix the radios, find radsuits. Fix another radio, find yet another stuff for radsuits. It is a great feeling for a while to be alone and build Ranger reputation from nothing with your actions, but you quickly turn from a member of interesting group to a fetch quest squad. And I played so long, and I never met another friendly squad of rangers to fight together with, and we never moved onto building up our new base, recruiting personnel or improving our defences (except nailing a few planks to a wall).
No wonder at some point you get ambushed twice, enemies could just roll into base while you're not at it, kill your radio guy and that's it, no more rangers in LA.