I think that today I played the worst game of 2016.
It's called Blade & Bones and it's a shameless Dark Souls rip-off.
Of course, I love Dark Souls and I found the trailer interesting to give it a shot. God I was wrong.
First of all, the game is ugly and runs like shit. Also, FOV and camera movement is fucked and people that get motion sickness from games, will puke their guts out.
Another reason to vomit is the combat. The game has 2 attacks. Light and Strong attack. PERIOD. No combos, no special moves, no attacks coming from rolling, NOTHING. Of course you can roll, but rolling is so distant that when you avoid attacks you have to walk back to your enemy (who has recovered) and practically you gain nothing from rolling. Oh it has backstep too and there is no shield (so no fancy stuff like parrying too). A couple of details:
1. Let's say you want to roll and attack afterwards. You can't. Well, you can, but only if the rolling animation finishes, the character goes into idle mode and half a second passes. I cannot describe how clunky this feels, you have to experience it for yourselves (DON'T).
2. The worst offender of the game: Collision detection. 1 out of 4 hits don't register. I was in front of my enemy, hit the attack button and NOTHING HAPPENED. It's like Dark Souls has a dice rolling system and you miss.
3. Of course the enemy doesn't have this kind of problems, because there are no i-frames when you're rolling. And the enemy sometimes does a 180 degree turn in one frame. In the attack animation.
4. You don't think that there is any weight in the attacks, right?
The weapons are the same katana thing named Sami, Kyle etc (wtf?). Maybe there are more unique weapons later on, who knows, a katana named LeBron or Adolf?
Oh, and it's semi-roguelike. You have 7 lives that you can replenish, not in the place you died, a la Dark Souls, but in random places in the open world. Speaking of open world, the only fairly interesting idea is that you can manipulate day-night cycle. Night has more difficult enemies with better loot (strangely named katanas) and devs say that several shortcuts unlock in different hours of the day. I doubt it.
Anyway, after my character suddenly died when I was in the sea (with the water being a little below of my knee) and I had no lives left, I uninstalled, which was the wisest thing to do.
You're going to see this game in bundles worth 0,50$. Don't even think about it. You'll get better gameplay tossing 0,50$ in the sink.