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Gothic What is the most overrated cRPG on the codex?

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Since we're now through with all RPG's as being overrated, I think that Underrail and Dragonfall are definitely underrated and should be higher:

most underrated game on that list is ultima underworld


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Any answer that is not Fallout, Arcanum, or Fallout: New Vegas is wrong.

Fallout is a great game for sure, but people overrate it because all that came after it lack in many basic (and some not so basic) aspects that Fallout got right.
Arcanum is a worse game than Fallout, but a much more ambitious RPG. So naturally people also overrate it.
Fallout: New Vegas has better writing than Fallout 3 for sure, but the gameplay isn't that much different in spite of all the improvements Obsidian brought to the table. The combat still sucks, the world is empty and boring, and no "muh desert!" will ever change the fact that perhaps setting your open world RPG with a seamless world in an open desert is perhaps not the best idea? (Fallout used a hub world, reducing pointless desert travel to a handful of random encounters)

So I'll say Arcanum, because New Vegas is not a cRPG.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Any answer that is not Fallout, Arcanum, or Fallout: New Vegas is wrong.
It used to be either Arcanum or FNV for sure, but currently... who knows. With the generational switch, codex is now full of people who unironically adore various mainstream console action rpgs, second/third-rate jrpgs and lots of other crap.


Sep 8, 2016
Good but overrated: Fallout 1 & 2, Morrowind, Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Decent but overrated: Arcanum, Temple of Elemental Evil, Gold Box games, Shadowrun series

Mostly bad and overrated: Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2, Underrail, Ultima series, blobbers


Oct 16, 2015
Fallout: New Vegas. The game is not bad but it's still Oblivion with guns.
Oblivion: :rpgcodex:

Oblivion with Guns: :fight:

Oblivion with Guns and Skill Checks: :happytrollboy:

Is this really how Codex views these games?

Oblivion is complete trash absolutely, with shitty RPG systems, terrible quest design, bland world design, plastic boring NPCs, terrible writing and a step back from Morrowind in nearly every way.

Fallout 3 is not very good, but not quite as banal as Oblivion. It still has plastic boring cringy NPCs, bland world design, terrible writing, but the RPG systems for example are not quite as fucktarded as Oblivion (though still not exactly great either). Even though most notably the RPG systems/many systems in general are completely different and not so retarded, you could call this Oblivion with guns if you want. It is rather mediocre. Where things require more nuance is with New Vegas.

With New Vegas almost everything is better to some degree or other: world design, writing, RPG systems, quest design, you name it. New Vegas isn't in the same league of game or RPG as Fallout 3 at all, let alone Oblivion. It's the best Bethesda game ever made, which is hilariously insulting as it wasn't even devved by Bethesda.

As for Codex's most overrated: certain storyfag RPGs. These are in reality retard-tier games as they feature hours upon hours of gameplay, but said gameplay is bland, poorly implemented, unengaging, you essentially go through the motions unchallenged on a mental level. This is a waste of the player's time and an insult to his or her intelligence. "But the story is deep and mature bro!" Fuck off, I don't believe you if you're too much of a dullard to take issue with the time sink bullshit retarded gameplay.


Oct 16, 2015
You clearly have a very skewed definition of a storyfag game.

Storyfag game = the devs clearly only give a shit about telling a story. The gameplay has little thought put behind it, is by the numbers bland, often pretty basic overall, systems don't work with one another in cohesion, there could be endless cutscenes, minimal interactivity or interactivity that lacks meaning, "level design what's that???" says dumbfuck developer....and so on. Bioware games serve as pretty great examples here, e.g Mass Effect.

New Vegas has a lot of thought, time and effort put into its gameplay, there's quite a lot of systems, there isn't many other games that play like it, systems work somewhat cohesively, there two cutscenes in the entire game, an absolute fuckton of interactivity and meaningful player expression/C&C, and even the little things like the inclusion of a whole new card game with its own rules, as well as casino games.


Sep 2, 2017
You clearly have a very skewed definition of a storyfag game.

Storyfag game = the devs clearly only give a shit about telling a story. The gameplay has little thought put behind it, is by the numbers bland, often pretty basic overall, systems don't work with one another in cohesion, there could be endless cutscenes, minimal interactivity or interactivity that lacks meaning, "level design what's that???" says dumbfuck developer....and so on. Bioware games serve as pretty great examples here, e.g Mass Effect.

New Vegas has a lot of thought, time and effort put into its gameplay, there's quite a lot of systems, there isn't many other games that play like it, systems work somewhat cohesively, there two cutscenes in the entire game, an absolute fuckton of interactivity and meaningful player expression/C&C, and even the little things like the inclusion of a whole new card game with its own rules, as well as casino games.
A choose-your-own-adventure game is still a storyfag game. C&C is just branching storyfaggotry. Even Telltale games had C&C.

And why complain about oblivion's quests and writing if you're against storyfaggotry? Oblivion's quest lines were one of the few things good about the game. They just didn't have any C&C. Which is fine for what they were, lead-ins for the kill-loot cycle.


Oct 16, 2015
I'm not against story emphasis or effort, I'm against games that aren't games but are stories masquerading as games.

New Vegas has a lot of storyfag effort put into it for sure, most RPGs do, but there is a clear divide between RPGs that are merely a vessel for storytellers and RPGs that have some solid game design effort, intellect and emphasis behind them. If you can't tell the difference, well you're likely another clueless storyfaggot.

I'll use Mass effect to guide you:

-very basic gameplay in summary - pop moles and play with basic RPG systems, not a lot else. There's moon buggy segments but these add next to nothing in relation to gameplay and are very low effort.
-non-existent level design, it's just corridors with waist-high walls instead of verticality, navigation challenges, traps, interactivity, non-linearity, secrets etc.
-Hubs that revolve around endless talking instead of exploration, party management and character building, optional challenges etc etc.
-Almost zero interactivity in relation to gameplay across the board. You can bet there is tons of story interactivity though.
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I'm not against story emphasis or effort, I'm against games that aren't games but are stories masquerading as games.

New Vegas has a lot of storyfag effort put into it for sure, most RPGs do, but there is a clear divide been RPGs that are merely a vessel for storytellers and RPGs that have some solid game design effort, intellect and emphasis behind them. If you can't tell the difference, well you're likely another clueless storyfaggot.
oblivion has better combat than fnv
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Trying to think of RPGs that have worse combat than FNV and it's actually kinda tough. Oblivion wins by virtue of having magic + spellcrafting.
FO3 is about equally shit.



Oct 16, 2015
New Vegas >>> FO3 > Oblivion

Kind of funny that you do not have the PER & INT required to measure the significant difference in quality. What next will you claim, Skyrim is better than all three?


Oct 16, 2015
Can you not just equip some grenades and consider them fire magicka? Have a little imagination.

And I don't know why you boil down the quality of the entire games down to a couple combat mechanics.


Sep 2, 2017
New Vegas >>> FO3 > Oblivion

Kind of funny that you do not have the PER & INT required to measure the significant difference in quality. What next will you claim, Skyrim is better than all three?
Oblivion is the worst TES and its still far better than FO3.

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