Just so you know I currently am playing through the DOS version on 300 cycles (via DOSBox Staging so thank you for that) just to prove you wrong (or right - dunno yet.) But it's still fucking Wizardry so I'm grinding up my guys on floor 1 currently. Will report back later.
Thanks for that
I don't want to be right or wrong, I don't care; I just wanna know the answer. I'd be a bit sad if the DOS version was screwed, but it is what it is.
It's legit kinda hard to tell since it's Wizardry but so far the levelling does seem a bit bullshit compared to the Apple II version
The biggest thing I've noticed though is that hit-point increases are pitiful most of the time. It seems like I'm getting increases of 1 way more often than I'm supposed to. Will report back later
EDIT: I made a backup and here's the same guy getting levelled up. Seems a bit off to me still, but again look at the hit point increase. It's rubbish. And that's a fighter too:
I'll see if raising the cycles does anything next
Here's the same guy (that's Kyle, the 2nd Fighter) getting levelled up again only this time at 3000 cycles:
Doesn't seem to have made any difference. And keep in mind I'm reloading a backup. That's Kyle going from level 3-4 each time.
Conclusion: Seems a bit off. Fuck, I'm probably going to have to start up the Apple II version to compare. Wizardry's great but man, the early, EARLY game grinding really kinda blows.