Of course. And, between a setting that is pure speculative garbage, and a setting more or less authentic, I take the authentic one over the speculative one. We know almost everything there is to know about many ancient societies. We know how daily lives worked, what happened, what were the consequence of each discoveries... So one well documented can start with excellent basics for a serious setting.
Fantasy and science fiction are just about escapism. Nothing more. It's highly illogical, and must not be taken seriously. It's just meant for you to dream, and escape reality. Nothing more. My point was that I would rather escape in a fantasy world, than a science fiction world. Because even I'm not supposed to question the setting, some stuff are even more annoying in science fiction. And the use of Deus Ex machina reigns supreme when you fight in a world where technology can destroy stars, mass brain control entire population, scan and observe every corners of the solar system... and where human should be transcendent beings after having acquired such a mastery of thought processing.
Magic has it's own flaws (fucking resurrection spell ) But they aren't as big as those mentioned above.