Seems like the best idea, but they're not going to do that just yet. Doing so would be admitting that everything from BC onwards is shit, which would cause several heads to roll in the upper ranks of Blizzard. And since these people want to stay in their cozy jobs until the subscription numbers fall so sharply they absolutely HAVE to do this to survive, we won't see this for just a while.Just hire the nostalrius crew and give us classic servers :3
And I might be slow with this, but it seems to me that having Death Knights unlockable at level 55 is a bit odd. You go through the content of the Scarlet Enclave all the way up to the battle of Light's Hope, meet your faction leader and you're level 57-58. This means that you have to trod your way through 10 levels of Burning Crusade leveling until you reach level 68 and can finally start with the Wrath of the Lich King content. You get the big speech after the battle of Light's Hope on how you and the Argent Crusade are coming after Arthas' ass... right after you're done getting almost a dozen levels to actually be able to quest and level in Northrend. That's just silly, wouldn't it have been a lot better if you could start doing the Wrath of the Lich King stuff the moment you're done with your starting area?