I spent 1600 glamour for ONE mission unlock? Better be a damned good mission. At least the game will stop spamming the shittier missions now.
Found our zombie hunt. Amusingly, we're not allowed to bring gals on this mission because the zombies can sense their physique and get scared off. Somehow we made due with power armour, shielded flight suits and a Syn.
Tits got a promotion!
I've decided to go ahead and get her geared up like Gandalf after all. 8 emeralds for the skull comes out to a cool 40 million.
I've been putting off this level of conflict, but I think we're ready.
Damn, that was easier than I expected, these ships really are insane. We can probably handle a battleship too. I think the silver towers are still out of our league though.
Haven't done this in a while, but I'm expecting so many Star God units I don't even take a peak on turn one. Better to let the enemies move around and waste some TUs before we pop out and get shot at. Nerve wracking not knowing if they might pop a chryssalid through the floor and eat someone though.
Well shit, haven't seen them carry that kind of firepower before. It's funny, they're reliably less kited out than the mercs and Marsec, who often haul around elite plasma rifles and blast bomb launchers.
Well, I suppose they also have sectopods going for them. Ouch.
Tits' new outfit isn't ready yet, but I've decided to break out some new toys for the mission regardless. I'm like 99% sure this can be fired through the roof hatch, but it's still scary as hell to do this.
Target acquired.
Eat shit motherfuckers!
The blast stirpped it's shields and some armour, but wasn't enough to damage the health. Not bad for a single shot. Note to self: make way more ammo for these.
Orcinator finishes the sectopod off with the death ray, which essentially ignores it's massive armour.
Hopefully more don't pop out of the ship at a bad time, it's certainly large enough to hold quite a few.
Lasers strip the shields off the other sectopod, but don't quite get the job done. No matter, nothing is near our ship.
It's a bit annoying that there isn't enough room to swap the positions of our XECs in the front here. I should deploy them differently, to be honest, but I can't be bothered setting up deployments manually every time someone takes 3 damage from cold weather and gets kicked off the squad.
Regardless, the other exorcist Xec can pop out the elevator and take some shots for us, finishing off the other Sectopod.
Lightbane tries some mind control, but star gods are highly resistant to that shit. I'll have to bring him on a base assault and abuse the ever living shit out of some mercs.
We've got more sneaky tactics though. I gave a magic hammer to one of our ogres and he flew over and made a hole in the roof. The maze like interior of the enemy ship can be used to our advantage if we enter directly into it.
Between our entrance and the drone giving us motion scanner readings, we're at a huge advantage and mop these guys up easily.
Well well well, was not expecting this. What a pleasant surprise.
This was immediately followed by an unpleasant surprise when Lenneth decided to roll a crit and instakill this fucker with a single punch. Thanks Lenneth.
Also scared myself a bit here digging down into this room. Probably a non-zero chance I blow myself up hammering through a ship engine one of these days.
Almost got a catgirl blown up too, trying to take out this dude camping the elevator slot. Thankfully her shields blunted the damage enough she was merely grazed.
All told, it's a miserably small pile of loot for such a high level site. At least we know we can find coordinators here, and that the ships themselves are easy pickings. We'll have one captured in no time.
Huh, another dark ones probe. Slightly different mission name too. Although, it occured to me that I've never seen the probe itself. I wonder what happens if you force it to land via tractor beams... it's certainly slow and small enough.
Turns out it simply despawns. Lame.
Now this fucker, on the other hand, did not despawn. Pair of fighters was able to ground it effortlessly.
I intially thought the requirements here were related to it being a shadowrealms mission or something, but all these ships have a crew limit of one. Very strange...
Sadly, our resident duelist is laid up. And I'm reluctant to send Maria in case it's some freaky ghost thing that's only weak to charm damage or something.
Solution: Send an expendable catgirl with expendable gear via and expendable drop pod.
Huh, single combat duel with a dread knight huh? Cool. Not sure what ransom we're going to get from her corpse though.
The battle site is a radiactive swamp, which is fine for us, at least we won't take cold damage.
She's got quite the kit. The fire sword (which the game claims can't be brought to earth

) and some kind of SMG?
We can reach her and attack, but I don't fancy sprinting at a shadow realm smg with less than half our TUs left. Thankfully the drop pod provides full cover to hide in for a turn.
After wasting a turn trying to poison her with the viper staff (I forgot it only ignores HALF armour, with the knight's bio resist we were tapping her for like ~20 damage a hit after armour) I switched to the shockfist and put her down fairly fast. Easy fight, though the repeated psi attacks were a tad spooky.
Nice haul, several new things and a mystery box! Could use some other stuff, like dream echoes for upgrading our ogres, but this was a great haul for such an easy and quick mission.
Weirdly, despite the fact that we still couldn't capture the knight on earth, the game gave us credit for 'capturing' a VIP.
Well damn. This would basically trivialize any shadowrealm mission we've seen so far, if we can get more of the ammo.
Fighter documents didn't lead to any new designs for ourselves, sadly, but I now understand why our fighters couldn't hurt the damned thing- it's got the same level of armour as a damned cruiser! Missiles likely could have shot it down, at the risk of leaving no wreckage.
Oh come on, we've got spare hideouts, try blowing it up!
Nice result from that research: we can make cremator rounds out of it. A rare resource, but 25 shots from those things would go a long way in the shadow realms. I might consider doing another necropolis mission if we get bored, it'd go twice as fast with these guns and some glitter suits.
I've been planning to go fuck up the ninjas for a while but we keep getting sent such nice opportunities elsewhere. Time to pick up a coordinator, I think.