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Anime Your test site sucks

Do you zoom in when reading the Codex?

  • Yes, I usually or regularly zoom in (increasing the font size) in order to read the Codex.

    Votes: 82 26.9%
  • On the odd occasion, I have had to zoom in. Maybe on a particular device.

    Votes: 37 12.1%
  • No. Never.

    Votes: 148 48.5%
  • Bitch, I zoom out.

    Votes: 21 6.9%
  • Oh Comrade of Kings, lament not our sins.

    Votes: 17 5.6%

  • Total voters


Nov 30, 2016
An oasis of love and friendship.
Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I helped put crap in Monomyth
the nu-shoutbox is fucking disgusting and unusuable, between the ratings, the linking of pictures (dick pics, anyone? brown assholes, anyone?) the ability to "report" shouts, all the notifications from the box... tons of wasted space yet the actual box is cramped and you can only see like 5-6 shouts at a time and that's it.. good thing we have 2 inch margins everywhere for uhh reasons i guess.. at least you won't be able to cut yourself on a corner since they are all rounded like a toddler's toy, call it duplo-box. ugly as fuck timestamp blob, the ratings is actually taller than a single fucking shout, and the thing is just a MESS. and why is it ;;avatar;;@;;username what does the @ symbol appearing there do? nothing but add more bloat. this shit is disgusting and the entire fucking website looks like some failed microsoft product from the year 2010

is du prepared to lose 50% of his userbase within the first week? because that is what's going to happen.


Nov 30, 2016
An oasis of love and friendship.
Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I helped put crap in Monomyth
also xenforo's own fucking forum looks miles better than nu-dex but I'm sure the shills will insist they are using some ultra modified version of their own software for some reason


Nov 30, 2016
An oasis of love and friendship.
Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I helped put crap in Monomyth
this is your "improved" shoutbox btw:


it's still fucking shit, with tons of needless crap and tons of wasted space.. yet these people like Roguey will tell you how much "better" it is. maybe.... maybe.... but it's still absolute fucking SHIT


Oct 29, 2021
Between the pages of Potato's "Republic"
I really don't like how even the latest version, while much better than the previous, is still much darker overall. The contrast between the text and the background is distracting and causes eyestrain. I also removed the borders on the sides, they're unnecessary. Topic tags are also annoyingly bright and I think they make the titles look messy, they should have at least the same width if you're adamant to keep them there. Pinned topics need more than a small pin icon, seriously. I think this would work much better:


Also, bring back normal user/topic info. This 2K, thumbs up, no text, funny icon bullshit is a cancerous retard school of design with a well-earned hard "r". All in all, while current forum layout could use some cleaning up, I consider what's coming inferior to what we already have. Lamentable, really.


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
By the way, speaking of wasted space:

Are you using the Xenforo theme?

this is your "improved" shoutbox btw:
? It doesn't look like that anymore.

I don't think the SB can be made to look and work decently without necessarily ripping out its HTML and CSS templates and remaking them. It's not something I'm going to unilaterally start doing for that reason. At this point it can be made to suck slightly less, for instance removing the at-sign tagging "feature" and hiding all rating functionality via CSS.

For now let's work on regular forum elements, shall we?

First is at 150% where the edge fits perfectly.
Second is at 100%. But the Search box should just be in line with the rest of the forum.


No one complained about in-thread background colors which is good.


- hidden more annoying SB functionality
- new post indicator inside threads is no longer orange
- fixed search box
- changed quotation colors
- changed background for forum list and thread list to be in between old color and XF2 Codex color
- the colorful thread label now goes to the right
Last edited:


Village Idiot Zionist Agent Shitposter
Jan 2, 2012


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I am using whatever is the default. It says "XenForo Theme" at the bottom, so I guess I am?

How'd you get the thread list looking like that in the first place? I don't get subforum titles displaying at all. Same with the unread forum indicator.

- The troll should now collapse onto its own line when screen width is less than 1450 pixels.
- Forum list read/unread icons are differently colored now.
- Added comments to the CSS template for the next unfortunate person editing it.
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2016
How'd you get the thread list looking like that in the first place? I don't get subforum titles displaying at all. Same with the unread forum indicator.

You tell me.

- The troll should now collapse onto its own line when screen width is less than 1450 pixels.

Those "media queries" or whatever they call them are the devil. They only work to make your CSS triple the size and double the convolution. I don't know how anyone can work with them.

That said, the collapsed troll is not very good:


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
the nu-shoutbox is fucking disgusting and unusuable, between the ratings, the linking of pictures (dick pics, anyone? brown assholes, anyone?) the ability to "report" shouts, all the notifications from the box... tons of wasted space yet the actual box is cramped and you can only see like 5-6 shouts at a time and that's it.. good thing we have 2 inch margins everywhere for uhh reasons i guess.. at least you won't be able to cut yourself on a corner since they are all rounded like a toddler's toy, call it duplo-box. ugly as fuck timestamp blob, the ratings is actually taller than a single fucking shout, and the thing is just a MESS. and why is it ;;avatar;;@;;username what does the @ symbol appearing there do? nothing but add more bloat. this shit is disgusting and the entire fucking website looks like some failed microsoft product from the year 2010

is du prepared to lose 50% of his userbase within the first week? because that is what's going to happen.

Which 50% if the user base?

Drop Duck

Dec 22, 2020
the nu-shoutbox is fucking disgusting and unusuable, between the ratings, the linking of pictures (dick pics, anyone? brown assholes, anyone?) the ability to "report" shouts, all the notifications from the box... tons of wasted space yet the actual box is cramped and you can only see like 5-6 shouts at a time and that's it.. good thing we have 2 inch margins everywhere for uhh reasons i guess.. at least you won't be able to cut yourself on a corner since they are all rounded like a toddler's toy, call it duplo-box. ugly as fuck timestamp blob, the ratings is actually taller than a single fucking shout, and the thing is just a MESS. and why is it ;;avatar;;@;;username what does the @ symbol appearing there do? nothing but add more bloat. this shit is disgusting and the entire fucking website looks like some failed microsoft product from the year 2010

is du prepared to lose 50% of his userbase within the first week? because that is what's going to happen.

Which 50% if the user base?
Regressive nazis who hate anything that is different and that can get you into legal trouble. Could you make the text slightly larger before you change this into the new site? Commies and nazis are allergic to progress but if you do it in one swoop they will defend the new and more readable font to the death after a month.


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
whoever's fiddling with the troll top left is a talentless idiot

Question is whether Codex staff are fine with hiding the troll for all users with horizontal resolution of less than 1450 pixels.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
whoever's fiddling with the troll top left is a talentless idiot

Question is whether Codex staff are fine with hiding the troll for all users with horizontal resolution of less than 1450 pixels.
tbh I was just going to throw whatever shit you did out and start again anyway. Possibly with bright red borders, pink backgrounds, and fluorescent green text that's too small to read, along side dancing donut people.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
whoever's fiddling with the troll top left is a talentless idiot

Question is whether Codex staff are fine with hiding the troll for all users with horizontal resolution of less than 1450 pixels.
tbh I was just going to throw whatever shit you did out and start again anyway. Possibly with bright red borders, pink backgrounds, and fluorescent green text that's too small to read, along side dancing donut people.

You have some nerve thinking you can use Cleve's graphics

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