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Is cyberpunk 2077 going to be good

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
It's not like there isn't SOME quality there, it's just used in the wrong way and in the wrong places.


Balanced Gamer
Jan 2, 2020
I always thought everything they made was terrible. At least I managed to get a double digit number of hours out of Cyberpunk. I couldn't even stomach that much of the Witcher games.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I like Bioware stuff, but hate Witcher. I had NWN, I didn't need a Nintendo version! The quests and stuff were ok, but the combat was literally just timing a single click, am I wrong?! Not acceptable. Same goes for W2 and W3. Let me play as a Necromancer or something in those games and I would be really happy, but the crappy combat kills it. I feel the same about everything Piranha Bytes ever made too. And some others.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
The best example in this regard is Half-Life 2. Mediocre gunplay, mediocre story, mediocre to bad vehicles, yet it got praised for all of this.

As far as FPSs are concerned they are not mediocre. Least of all the story.


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
On Patroll
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech A Beautifully Desolate Campaign My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Nothing from cdpr has ever been good, people shouldn't have been surprised that cyberjank was trash, get fucked.
CDPR is now receiving the Bioware treatment where we pretend everything made from them is terrible retroactively.
Well, Bioware games weren't considered good on the Codex when they released. But expectations were high, and BG2 was a very unfaithful rendition of D&D, with terrible fetch quest writing. For me anyways, the games might now be better in retrospect lol (still shit, but less so)

The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.

Same type of reactionary attitude can be seen against Larian games. Yet they're great incline.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2011
The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.
As ironic as it might be, I think that the Codex's idea for a perfect RPG actually contributed to the decline. Codex's ideas work in theory, but not in practice. The pinnacle of the Codex design philosophy is Age of Decadence and I don't think the game was better for it.


May 31, 2018
The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.
As ironic as it might be, I think that the Codex's idea for a perfect RPG actually contributed to the decline. Codex's ideas work in theory, but not in practice. The pinnacle of the Codex design philosophy is Age of Decadence and I don't think the game was better for it.

Because it's not fun, but what is fun isn't universal. Different strokes for different folks gets them off. Stroking by itself is fine but everyone has their own unique preferred or waiting way to be stroked off.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.
As ironic as it might be, I think that the Codex's idea for a perfect RPG actually contributed to the decline. Codex's ideas work in theory, but not in practice. The pinnacle of the Codex design philosophy is Age of Decadence and I don't think the game was better for it.
codex vision of a perfect RPG reminds me of Maximilien de Robespierre and his very specific and unattainable vision of the revolution

"Rob what if we added healing potions to our perfect rpg"?

"HEALING POTIONS? that is pop-a-mole TRASH! why are you trying to sabotage my perfect RPG? Who are you REALLY work for? Bioware? Austria? GUARDS ARREST THIS MAN"


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
On Patroll
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech A Beautifully Desolate Campaign My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.
As ironic as it might be, I think that the Codex's idea for a perfect RPG actually contributed to the decline. Codex's ideas work in theory, but not in practice. The pinnacle of the Codex design philosophy is Age of Decadence and I don't think the game was better for it.
Age of Decadence's problems have nothing to do with C&C. The C&C's great.

The problem is the skill system that goes with it. Since access to different paths require certain attribute and skill levels and it's made so you can't access everything, character build has great impact on what you can do in the game. The problem is that you have no way to know what skill levels you need to open or close a path, so character building becomes and exercise in frustration, trying to predict what you're going to need in future situations. That's the issue.

We'll see if the train by use sytem in Colony Ship fixes that problem. My guess is that it'll feel much less restricting, but that we'll see different set of choices lead to different paths. People will them optimize by saying: you have to do this and that in order to boost your skill so you can access Y, but if you want access to Z you need to do this set of actions to boost other skills instead.
Feb 20, 2018
The Witcher was great from the start. They had atmosphere and groundedness unlike whimsy Bioware games, and C&C with long term consequences that weren't done that much before it. CDPR guys clearly read the Codex and VD's highly critical news and reviews, because they adopted the C&C buzzwords that were put forth here and made them central to their game. Gameplay has gotten worse as their ambitions grew though.
As ironic as it might be, I think that the Codex's idea for a perfect RPG actually contributed to the decline. Codex's ideas work in theory, but not in practice. The pinnacle of the Codex design philosophy is Age of Decadence and I don't think the game was better for it.
Age of Decadence's problems have nothing to do with C&C. The C&C's great.

The problem is the skill system that goes with it. Since access to different paths require certain attribute and skill levels and it's made so you can't access everything, character build has great impact on what you can do in the game. The problem is that you have no way to know what skill levels you need to open or close a path, so character building becomes and exercise in frustration, trying to predict what you're going to need in future situations. That's the issue.

We'll see if the train by use system in Colony Ship fixes that problem. My guess is that it'll feel much less restricting, but that we'll see different set of choices lead to different paths. People will them optimize by saying: you have to do this and that in order to boost your skill so you can access Y, but if you want access to Z you need to do this set of actions to boost other skills instead.

I love AoD but the one frustrating thing as you said is the skill system. On the one hand, the way the plot is designed it's meant to be replayed over and over through trial and error until you figure out the optimal path to the true ending. The issue being that same trial and error is punished with content being locked off if you happen to make a bad build. Which just encourages one to play it safe. Or just get a walkthrough that tells you the optimal path. Which then defeats the point of designing the game for trial and error. It's two handed game design that doesn't know what it wants to be. Very frustrating.

Oh yeah, sorry. Cyberpunk is still a train wreck I see. Oh well.

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