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Anyone else get the feeling skyrim was better?


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Retard central in full swing.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
what the game needs is real immersive enemies which can only be defeated by pressing a certain succession of Bs and Ys and Os when you get told to press them and of course cut scenes of awesome close ups on attacks and counterattacks and dodges. otherwise how will people realize it's not an rpg? :smug:


Nov 3, 2014
Nobody's complaining about enemies with special moves, what's complained about is that you're content gated by enemies with bloated hp and damage. And FYI, the game's already like what you've described, it's just delayed it a bit further.

And I know. I just wanted to write an example of challenging enemies without a HP/Attack bloat. And i still keeping my point: Who fucking cares if an enemy have 1000 HP bloat at level 15 if level 15 Geralt makes 330 damage per hit?

There's more important things to complain about: inaccurate control of horse riding when sprinting, quest markers and low description of the locate of places... This is just an irrelevant thing.

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Is supposed to be a bad one?

Retard central in full swing.

This isn't even my final form.


May 23, 2015
There's more important things to complain about: inaccurate control of horse riding when sprinting, quest markers and low description of the locate of places... This is just an irrelevant thing.
Last edited:
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
What's dumb about this system ? The fact that you are not breezing through enemies because you are an uber witcher ? The game's not perfect but this is not one of the reasons. Try to offer a valid argument without making a fool of yourself if you please.
They could have done something like this Anon suggested?

Don't be a fucking fantard.
Ok, I didn't even remember this thread existed and I'm not sure who the hell decided to bump it years later, but holy shit, if it wasn't for the date I'd think this guy just copy-pasted this summary from the dozens of posts I made on the same topic over time, because he's stating point for point the same shit I've been saying about the leveling system in TW3 for the past six years or so.

The Op claiming "Skyrim was better" is still delusional, though.


This thread is unreal. Skyrim is horrible and has no redeeming qualities. All the mods in the world can't save that piece of shit. Witcher 3 does a lot of things well.


Well sure, if you're a homosexual who fantasizes about getting raped in the ass by other species then I can understand the appeal.


Dog Itcher 3 is a player once, and put away forever kind of game. It's nothing but a lowest common denominator storyfag game. Skyrim is a play once, then install a bunch of mods, play a few more times until you get tired of the crashing and then never touch it again until you find out a few years later that some new and improved titty and sex mods come out. Then you play it again until you get tired of the crashing and then uninstall. Both terrible games. Skyrim just had much more going for it with mods and the mod toolkits.


May 6, 2016
The Centre of the World
Dog Itcher 3 is a player once, and put away forever kind of game. It's nothing but a lowest common denominator storyfag game. Skyrim is a play once, then install a bunch of mods, play a few more times until you get tired of the crashing and then never touch it again until you find out a few years later that some new and improved titty and sex mods come out. Then you play it again until you get tired of the crashing and then uninstall. Both terrible games. Skyrim just had much more going for it with mods and the mod toolkits.
brb installing gay cat/lizard/dragon/horse/dog sex mods


Professional Kobold
Sep 27, 2018
harsh circumstances
Pathfinder: Wrath
Skyrim, much like Starbound is a vast empty nothing which lends itself to mods. Perhaps it's no surprise that both are filled to the gills with sex mods.


Dog Itcher 3 is a player once, and put away forever kind of game. It's nothing but a lowest common denominator storyfag game. Skyrim is a play once, then install a bunch of mods, play a few more times until you get tired of the crashing and then never touch it again until you find out a few years later that some new and improved titty and sex mods come out. Then you play it again until you get tired of the crashing and then uninstall. Both terrible games. Skyrim just had much more going for it with mods and the mod toolkits.
brb installing gay cat/lizard/dragon/horse/dog sex mods
Yiff in hell faggot.

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