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Clockwork Revolution - inXile's steampunk time travel first-person action-RPG led by Chad Moore and Jason Anderson

May 31, 2018
The Present
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.


Mar 16, 2015
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.
There is Last Epoch in aRPG genre.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.
Unsure about RPGs, but the thing that gets me is when you have to replay the same segment 99 times, often because of some story bit involving time distortion. My gaming dopamine levels drop every time.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.
Unsure about RPGs, but the thing that gets me is when you have to replay the same segment 99 times, often because of some story bit involving time distortion. My gaming dopamine levels drop every time.
Chernobylite allowed for time manipulation and changing some of the earlier choices. But there were consequences of such move.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015



Feb 9, 2021
We're looking at an FPS, right?

Life/time seems to be a clockwork. And it is experiencing a revolution as of the plot. Which I can agree on. It sounds cool although was already done in... Deathloop?


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
So, I'm guessing everyone here knew about Clockwork Revolution before me. What are your opinions?
It sounds cool although was already done in... Deathloop?
The real ripoff here was from Bioshock Infinite. Check upthread and you'll see some trailer comparison that's astonishingly shameless. The time fuckery here I feel might be different from DEATHLOOP's "Groundhog Day" approach. DL certainly didn't invent time travel in gaming. Fargo wanted to do a time travel RPG called Meantime back in the 80s but production never came together.

Anyway, the real tests for Clockwork Revolution will be whether the actual gameplay systems are good, whether combat is good, whether RPG progression is good, and most critically whether writing, plot, and choice and consequence are good. I really liked the writing and plotting of the 21st century Wasteland games, and the c&c very much lived up to expectations so I expect that stuff alone will make this worth playing. (Contrast that to Bioshock Inf which had cute ideas but trashy writing and no plotting at all to speak of.) inXile are certainly capable of good (Wasteland) and bad (Bard's Tale 4) RPG progression so that's a coin toss right now. We have no evidence at all whether they can make good first-person mechanics so we have to assume that part will be mediocre.

My bottom line: hope for the best, have no expectations, and wait for release and reviews.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.

Better question is when was the last time you consumed a time travel story that was truly a great story.

Answer is never. There's never been a story with a time travel plot that ranks among the plurality of stories tied for "best story ever told" because time travel is basically a plot hole in space-time, so stories featuring it don't even have to try and have a bad plot.
May 31, 2018
The Present
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.

Better question is when was the last time you consumed a time travel story that was truly a great story.
Interstellar, Donnie Darko, Groundhog Day, Tennet, Arrival, Coherence, and Midnight in Paris, Terminator, 2001: A Space Odessey, 12 Monkeys, Terminator 2, Deja Vu, A Christmas Carol, The Endless.

Mind you, most of these are better described as "quite good" rather than great, and there are a few here that deal with abstract experience of time, rather than literal passage through it.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.

Better question is when was the last time you consumed a time travel story that was truly a great story.

Answer is never. There's never been a story with a time travel plot that ranks among the plurality of stories tied for "best story ever told" because time travel is basically a plot hole in space-time, so stories featuring it don't even have to try and have a bad plot.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
While I am also skeptical that time travel will be more than a gimmick, what CRPGs feature time travel that make you hate it? We've got Chrono-Trigger, some IWD2 quests, that recent(ish) game Waylanders that got panned. What else? My intuition says there are more, but I'm not thinking of many.

Better question is when was the last time you consumed a time travel story that was truly a great story.

Answer is never.
Those other time travel stories lacked a genius of Brian Fargo's magnitude.



Dec 13, 2019
Better question is when was the last time you consumed a time travel story that was truly a great story.

Answer is never. There's never been a story with a time travel plot that ranks among the plurality of stories tied for "best story ever told" because time travel is basically a plot hole in space-time, so stories featuring it don't even have to try and have a bad plot.
Not an RPG, but a game that has truly a great story that involves time travel? Legacy of Kain series (both Soul Reavers in particular).


Apr 14, 2009
clockwork + Saints Row = meh


Shapeshifter Games Winds Up Clockwork Revolution​

We’re happy to announce that the newly formed Shapeshifter Games—formed of ex-Volition developers—is working with us to help bring Clockwork Revolution to life.

Shortly after Volition closed, we flew to Illinois and worked with Xbox and the then ex-Volition leadership to secure this new team as our co-development partner. Their wealth of industry experience further bolstering our efforts in developing our upcoming steampunk RPG Clockwork Revolution.

But the story doesn’t start there, our history with Volition goes back to the 90’s as our Studio Head Brian Fargo published their classics at Interplay. “I was very grateful to be able to help secure this new studio and get some truly amazing developers to help make Clockwork a reality. Co-dev groups are almost a given these days, but this one is special for us because of my long history with them going back to the Descent and FreeSpace games.”

inXile President Chris Keenan’s also has some history with the team. "One of the first games I tested in my career was Descent, so I have a special place in my heart for the Parallax/Volition team and history. First priority was ensuring these folks had a place to land on Clockwork Revolution, and we're thankful we were able to get it done so quickly. Bringing in new development partners can be challenging, but this was a rare partnership that felt right from the beginning."

Shapeshifter Games Studio Head, Matt Madigan added “The talented and experienced team that joined Shapeshifter has hit the ground running. We’ve had a lot of support from former Volitionites, and are truly grateful to inXile and Microsoft for the opportunity to assist with the development of a great new IP.”

We’re of course looking forward to sharing more about Clockwork Revolution. . . in due time.
Last edited by a moderator:


Apr 16, 2004
clockwork + Saints Row = meh


Shapeshifter Games Winds Up Clockwork Revolution​

We’re happy to announce that the newly formed Shapeshifter Games—formed of ex-Volition developers—is working with us to help bring Clockwork Revolution to life.

Shortly after Volition closed, we flew to Illinois and worked with Xbox and the then ex-Volition leadership to secure this new team as our co-development partner. Their wealth of industry experience further bolstering our efforts in developing our upcoming steampunk RPG Clockwork Revolution.

But the story doesn’t start there, our history with Volition goes back to the 90’s as our Studio Head Brian Fargo published their classics at Interplay. “I was very grateful to be able to help secure this new studio and get some truly amazing developers to help make Clockwork a reality. Co-dev groups are almost a given these days, but this one is special for us because of my long history with them going back to the Descent and FreeSpace games.”

inXile President Chris Keenan’s also has some history with the team. "One of the first games I tested in my career was Descent, so I have a special place in my heart for the Parallax/Volition team and history. First priority was ensuring these folks had a place to land on Clockwork Revolution, and we're thankful we were able to get it done so quickly. Bringing in new development partners can be challenging, but this was a rare partnership that felt right from the beginning."

Shapeshifter Games Studio Head, Matt Madigan added “The talented and experienced team that joined Shapeshifter has hit the ground running. We’ve had a lot of support from former Volitionites, and are truly grateful to inXile and Microsoft for the opportunity to assist with the development of a great new IP.”

We’re of course looking forward to sharing more about Clockwork Revolution. . . in due time.
interesting, inXile worked with contract studios for both Numanuma and BT4 as well.

how did those turn out again?

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