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Indie Strategy Games - post 'em if you find 'em


Feb 5, 2016
Hey guys i'm actually developing a strategy game
You can check it out on the Codex Workshop here
I'm taking all kinds of feedback, don't hesitate


Checked it out. Seems p. interesting. Are the graphics yours?


Feb 17, 2014
Checked it out. Seems p. interesting. Are the graphics yours?
Yes, i've been trying to improve the UI and have been adding new things recently
I'll post a new "update" thingy on the workshop, so you know it's not dead


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014


Unfortunately, there are rather a lot of wizards. If you want to join the Majestic Few, be prepared to enter the Majestic Trials.

Majestic Trials is a turn-based fantasy tactical game where you must compete in increasingly challenging trials to earn your place within the Majestic Citadel.


To succeed you will need help. A variety of creatures, mundane, magical and monstrous will be available, summoned with your magic or found and 'befriended'. Use their abilities to scout the area and combat your opponents and their servants, avoiding confrontations that could otherwise bring a swift end to your efforts to join the Majestic Few.


Discover forgotten spells to improve your character, find valuable and powerful treasures and try to prevent your opponents from doing the same. Each trial provides opportunities to improve yourself before the next trial, assuming of course that you survive that trial! You will need to explore every nook and every cranny of an area thoroughly.


  • Choose a wizard to play from a large selection and customise their starting spells.
  • Enter varied trials within unique fantasy locations with different challenges and opponents. Face zombie pirates on creaky docks, scuttling giant spiders in dank caves, skeletal warriors in abandoned fortresses and much more.
  • There are dozens of different types of creatures to be found and befriended or summoned with your magic.
  • Use the terrain features in a trial to your advantage. Hide behind trees or set them on fire!
  • Discover new spells and find useful treasure to help improve your character between trials.
  • Improve your wizard the way you want to after a successful trial.
  • Do favours for the Majestic Few. They don't all like each other and none of them want to be the one who loses their place to which-ever wizard comes out on top in the trials.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Strange Russian game that looks like it's straight out of 1990s:

You can feel yourself like a wise emperor with a turn-based strategy in a fantasy setting.

Select your Race:
  • You can become a brave knight of the gloomy people's kingdom, or mighty ruler of the elves.
  • You can also become the king of dwarf dungeons, genie, assassin of the dark elves and even orc!
  • Choose the right race for you and start the campaign.

Manage the economy:
  • To keep your lands it is required to direct the population to prey: food, gold, and obtained resources will allow you to build an army and improve the fort.
  • If subjects don't have enough food, there will be riot and sabotage!

Capture the lands of enemies:
  • Explore the terrain, look for enemies, and seize their land.
  • If you have a lot of population but few earth, the plague may begin.
  • In passing, you can find artifacts that will help capture the world, or carry out a quest that you can take in a tavern.
  • You can also try to conclude an alliance or buy off enemies, if you were suddenly taken by surprise.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014


After a devastating war between the mightiest of ancient mages, Driftland has become a shattered planet, held together by a powerful spell. In the face of the destruction of an entire civilization and life on the planet, warring parties decided to call a truce and tried to repair the damage. For that, however, was already too late. Using all the remaining magic resources to cast a powerful spell, they managed to keep their world in a relative balance.

Many dark ages have passed, but when all seemed lost, a spark of hope shined once again: new sources of magic appeared and the whole planet began to give birth to new mages. Now, the rediscovered power can either restore Driftland to its former glory or devastate what's left of the planet, when the old conflict inevitably returns.

You take the role of a Mage Overlord with your own castle, tower, and a small realm on one of the islands. With your unique powers, you can explore a procedurally generated world and connect floating islands, expand your increasing kingdom.

Gameplay focuses on setting general goals for all the units, without the need for micromanaging each one of them. Under your command, warriors, archers and mages are able to tame and ride different types of flying beasts, creating various aerial units.
  • procedurally generated world
  • resources and magic based economy
  • move and terraform scattered islands by magic
  • tame and ride dragons and other creatures
  • explore and fight on the same map
  • set goals instead of directly control units
  • single player campaign and multiplayer


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Tempest Citadel, a strategy/city builder "set on a storm-ruled planet." Build a city in the clouds, train people, explore the surface, research, and fight enemy factions,:




Tempest Citadel is a strategy game set on a storm-ruled planet in which sci-fi and fantasy collide. Assume the role of an enigmatic Captain from Terra, whose past and future are yours to shape, as he embarks on a mission to explore a deadly world that promises wondrous and terrible power.

But you are not the first to come.

Armies of ruthless enemies hide within the clouds, hungry for the blood of the weak and the foolish. From gene-spliced psychics to cyborg dark-mages, other factions have claimed the ancient sites which hold the technological marvels you seek.

Can you build, grow, and risk enough to stand against your enemies? Will you dare to be as merciless as those who would show you none? Do you have what it takes to fight for control of this world and claim for yourself the secrets of the ancient, dead race on which it once thrived?

Your mission was a lie. Your first moments waking from cryostasis bear this revelation, and you find yourself in a corner of the cosmos that you know nothing about. Only one thing is clear: those that sent you knew full well what they were doing.

Beneath you, a planet sleeps imprisoned by the planet-wide storm ruling its surface. What you're after – your true mission and your only way home – hides deep under those rage-fuelled clouds. And the price of ultimate power is always the most dear.

Tempest Citadel sees you building a city in the clouds, module by module, and leading 100 unique crew members into action, be they Soldiers, Scavengers, Workers, Researchers, or Medical Experts. You pick their role, their training, their equipment.

The primary goal is to explore the surface. You start by scanning and picking sites to send expeditions to, using any intel you can find to pick the best squad for the terrain, weather, and opposing forces. Preparation is vital; once your squad lands, the battle plays out automatically.

This is what makes Tempest Citadel a Grand Strategy game – a genre that infuses RTS with high-level, long-term tactical play. Plan your attack, set up your soldiers, and release them onto the battlefield as if it were one long pull of a gun trigger. Then watch the hammer breathe fire and send the silver bullet flying as your squad unleashes havoc.

Survival means conquest, so a big focus of research and production is optimising your attack squad and your city defences. With a full array of Sci-Fi weapons, armour, and augmentations, you can make anything from Bio-Enhanced Super Soldiers, to Exosuit-Wearing Assault Troopers, or even Psychic Stormweavers. Ultimately, choosing the right tool for the job is essential to victory; the right squad design can often overcome sheer strength in numbers.

With a large crew to manage, you have options to auto-equip based on a role, such as "Assault Runner", "Skirmisher", or "Sniper". When you resupply with new weapons and armour, your crewmembers choose the best for their role.

Successful missions can yield research data, such as blueprints and schematics, as well as scrap and tech items. Back at the city, these are vital to unlocking the 200+ node research trees, and constructing 170+ modules, items, and weapons.

Missions will also have a cost, both material and human. If your soldiers fall in battle, you can bring them back with all kinds of technology - but they might lose their humanity in the process.

Your progress on the planet is beaten back by 5 enemy factions, each with their own troops, tech specialities, strengths, weaknesses, and storylines. Overcoming them is no easy feat. Further, the day-to-day running of the city is interrupted by tactical and social dilemmas that lead to great risks – but also to lucrative opportunities.

Tempest Citadel is a tough game to master, and there are many different strategies and specialities to explore. Multiple endings and post-game challenges against the hardest enemies also await you after the main campaign. Several achievements unlock permanent bonuses that follow you between reboots of the campaign, and you can also unlock different crews to try a variety of play styles. For example one crew is mostly military trained, while another has a mining and production skillset.

While the main campaign events are fixed, all of the smaller events and surprises are drawn from a random deck and will change the flavour of replays. And the open map design lets you focus on different areas and objectives as you choose. So the story of your citadel forms differently each time you build it.

Aartform Games' previous Steam releases include the empire building economics sim Spice Road and a fun sculpting program Curvy 3D

What lost secrets lay hidden beneath the eons-old storms? What unimaginable treasures await your finding? What will you sacrifice to find out?

Be the Captain of the Terran ship.
Brave the dark reaches of the storm world.
Build a Tempest Citadel that will outlast them all.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice


After a devastating war between the mightiest of ancient mages, Driftland has become a shattered planet, held together by a powerful spell. In the face of the destruction of an entire civilization and life on the planet, warring parties decided to call a truce and tried to repair the damage. For that, however, was already too late. Using all the remaining magic resources to cast a powerful spell, they managed to keep their world in a relative balance.

Many dark ages have passed, but when all seemed lost, a spark of hope shined once again: new sources of magic appeared and the whole planet began to give birth to new mages. Now, the rediscovered power can either restore Driftland to its former glory or devastate what's left of the planet, when the old conflict inevitably returns.

You take the role of a Mage Overlord with your own castle, tower, and a small realm on one of the islands. With your unique powers, you can explore a procedurally generated world and connect floating islands, expand your increasing kingdom.

Gameplay focuses on setting general goals for all the units, without the need for micromanaging each one of them. Under your command, warriors, archers and mages are able to tame and ride different types of flying beasts, creating various aerial units.
  • procedurally generated world
  • resources and magic based economy
  • move and terraform scattered islands by magic
  • tame and ride dragons and other creatures
  • explore and fight on the same map
  • set goals instead of directly control units
  • single player campaign and multiplayer

Looks cool. Reminds me of Netstorm.

Hairy Penguin

Barely Literate
Nov 1, 2017
Sorry if the link doesn't work, also sorry if this was already posted, but I felt it needed some love. It's Lambda Wars, a real time strategy game set in the Half Life universe.

P.S. It is a mod for Half Life 2, so you'll need that to play this.


Mar 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
Solar Settlers

I don't know quite how to describe except to say that it's boardgamey. But it's a fun little game for when you've got a half hour to kill. It's only $8 at the moment.


Barely Literate
Jan 23, 2018
Hello, dear friends. We are indie developers of the game Taste of Power about alternative history of the middle ages in the genre RTS. Alpha version will be on steam soon What do you think about it? Follow Us On Facebook :

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Combat Actions: VIETNAM is a unique abstracted combat game that puts the player in command of a US Infantry Squad / Platoon during the Vietnam War. It covers some of the prevalent ground combat conditions and 'Fire Fights' that occurred between the United States and North Vietnamese / VietCong forces.


- Quick, interactive, engaging Turn Based Play

- Scenario Based Mission Types: Search and Destroy, Blocking Force, Evade and Escape, US and NVA Static Defenses, DarkHorse Bravo Down, and MAC-V-SOG Recondo

- Variable Troop Levels and Quality, Terrain, Fire Support, and Morale

- Weapon Systems: M-16s, AK-47s, M-60s, RPGs, RPDs, Claymores and more...


Has anyone played this?
Any good?
May 8, 2018


Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492.

In 10 weeks.

With 100 men.

With 3 ships.


Don’t be naive, stranger.

Open your mind, for God’s sake.

Firstly, someone had to defeat kraken and tritons. Someone had to vanquish the Leviathan. Someone had to banish all the ghost ships. The information about these deeds is missing from the archives, and you can’t find it in any great statesmen’s memoir. The knowledge of the “Avant Armada” was completely erased by some bloody officials.


The people who took part in the expeditions were not sane people. Maniacs, psychos and common crackpots were forced by royal orders to eradicate Evil in the uncharted seas. “Here Be Dragons” describes these events.

  • Use Dice Activation System to attack enemies, heal your crew, and upgrade the fleet.
  • Observe and react to specific monster abilities. Don’t lose the initiative… your foes just wait for it.
  • Collect and use Command Points to turn the tide of the encounter. Unused dice explode and can damage both the monsters and you!
  • Cross the seas with an ancient, living map, full of terrible creatures that want to devour you!
  • Confront the most fierce beasts that ever lived: leviathans and krakens, predatory whales and lustful mermaids. Decimate tritons, awake Dagon, and then erase them from human memory.
  • Watch out for environment conditions that change the rules of combat. Volcano, Neptun’s Wrath, Fog, Maelstorm, or Acid Sea affect your decisions.
  • Meet an extraordinary company of weirdos, madmen and oddballs. Their vices and virtues fuel the journey.
  • Experience clashes with bureaucratic machine. Don’t lose your mind when confronted by absurdities spewed by authorities and royal advisors.
  • Sniff at pirates. Ignore the settlers. You are above them. You are a monster hunter traversing through the aqua incognita. Who cares if you are insane?
May 8, 2018



Songs of the Eons (SotE) is a living, sandbox-style fantasy world simulator wherein the player influences the fate and evolution of a society through the eons.

The world of SotE will be teeming with life. The civilized races (humans, elves, dwarves and the like) carve their way through--- or adapt--- to the wilderness, transforming it to their own needs and vision. But beyond the pale light of civilization, monsters and barbarians alike feed, breed, and seek habitat in all the many multitudes of dark places on the map. Like the hungry beasts that they are, they nibble at the borders of civilization, forever threatening to overtake it and return the achievements of advanced societies to ruins and dust.

SotE is a post 4X game. It attempts to overcome the stereotypical 4X genre by introducing realistic systems of ecology and economics as a basis for evolving societies and an evolving world. While there are the familiar vestiges of eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate, SotE breaks free of the frantic race against evenly matched opponents that most 4X games force their players to participate in. Most 4X games are about achieving irreversible improvements both technologically and economically, but in SotE, a remote mountain valley civilization may just as well outlast that highly advanced continental empire over yonder. In a game where decay mechanics are just as robust as growth mechanics, a society guided toward resiliency might easily outlast the society that is geared toward rapid expansion, its technologies lost, its deeds and monuments forgotten after collapsing violently beneath its own weight.

In an eternal game world where the decline or catastrophic collapse of civilizations are as common as their rise to prominence, the player is rewarded for taking their own time and inventing their own objectives in a system with an infinite combination of civilization types. There is no victory conditions, only the songs - each unique - sung by your society as it rises and falls through the eons.

All the mechanics of SotE will be true to life. Not only will SotE take inspiration from real ecology, economics, warfare and governance, it will seek to replicate them. Civilized societies colonize and transform the land around them, making it more suitable for themselves while the wilderness persistently weathers at it, as though threatening to wash it back to the sea. Along with an authentic economic growth system, societies participate in true and dynamic trade, taking into consideration supply, demand, and costs of transaction related to distance, terrain, and banditry. Warfare will take into account the real world limitations of supply, morale, and the oft overlooked subject of what kind of men and materials are available in a society. When you govern, you will not be some all-knowing God King micromanaging the day to day work schedule of every citizen, but instead be the ruling agency of your society with limited power, capable of influencing and directing the activities of your people but not dominating them.

These are just a few of the simulated systems slated for SotE, and when combined together, they will create emergent game-play where decisions cascade through society with predictable but sometimes unexpected results. The joy in SotE will be in the player's freedom to experiment, and how that experimentation will contribute to the rise - or decline - of your civilization.

Will you be the wealthy, enlightened city state that grows rich from trade at the crossroads of the world? Will you be the ancient elvish society that has existed sleepily for thousands of years at the center of an ancient forest - and will continue to for thousands of more? Will you be the roaming band of barbarians who slowly reave around the world like a never ending swarm of locusts? Or will you be the empire that sweeps across the world, creates great riches during its golden age, then collapses, leaving behind great ruins and treasure to be colonized by monsters and looted by future civilizations? There is no right or wrong choice in SotE.

SotE is planned as a very long term project. While we intend to release smaller iterations of the game as development progresses, we expect to make it our life's work in order to build the ultimate strategy experience.



Jul 19, 2015
In a game where decay mechanics are just as robust as growth mechanics, a society guided toward resiliency might easily outlast the society that is geared toward rapid expansion, its technologies lost, its deeds and monuments forgotten after collapsing violently beneath its own weight.
that would be new
May 8, 2018
These are the people that are working to make SotE a reality.

  • Real name: Dana Smith
  • Lives in: The United States, Florida
  • Works on: Programming/Design
  • Background: Biology and Literature
  • Weird fact: Demian has a sleep condition whereby his body isn't disabled while he dreams. The result is that he wakes up at night and acts out his dreams.
Demian is the ring leader of Songs of the Eons and was the Chief Systems Architect of the Europa Universalis 4 mod, Meiou and Taxes.

  • Real name: David Buunk
  • Lives in: The Netherlands
  • Works on: Programming/Design
  • Background: (Astro-)Physics
  • Weird fact: As a child, David once read a thousand-page encyclopedia, cover-to-cover.
When reading Demians first design for SotE, went "hey, that's the game I want to make", and started thinking about how to implement all that. Now mostly busy with setting up the simulation code, and organising design discussions.

  • Lives in: Poland
  • Works on: User Interface/Wiki
  • Background: Mathematics
  • Weird fact: Their grandmother was an occultist and taught them "magic".
  • Lives in: Austria
  • Works on: Graphic Design and Animations
  • Background: Graphic Design
  • Weird fact: CyberMonkey had a set of Greek armor at home for the purpose of Live Action Role Playing.
  • Lives in: Canada
  • Works on: Tile Art
  • Background: Property Management Assistant
  • Weird fact: Started doing tile art after a beaver meme.

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