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The Witcher W3EE - Overhaul mod to TW3 that fixed everything that was wrong with vanilla game.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
If I wasn't lazy I would make a mod that in reality only removes red skull from enemies and put a ton of BS description of fake combat balancing.

It would be considered 10/10 total fix for this game....like its that great gameplay from Dark Souls man.

I see what you did there :)


Jan 29, 2017
Guess I'm gonna go with GM then. From what I've seen online, EE is more like AE: autism edition. Dat alchemy :lol:
...wow. Looks like a paradox game.
EE is super customizable. You can make it as easy or hard as you want, you can adjust pretty much every facet of the game with it. I would really recommend it over GM, its a great mod.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I'm on act 3 playing with Ghost mode. 3/5 mod.

On one hand, it doesn't try to make a new game from scratch and it's easy to adapt to the changes. Otoh, ghost mode also suffers from the "muh dork souls" syndrome.

Here is the thing: W3 was NOT designed with stamina management in mind. GM forces it onto the player and the result is a mixed bag. Encounters are more challenging, sure, but it comes from hp bloat + the fact that Geralt became a sickly grandpa who tires after 2 blows and a dodge.

Fighting without tawny owl is nigh impossible. Enemies will run down your "stamina" and you become a sitting duck. A lot of fights end up becoming wars of attrition between your stock of potions and enemy hp. Eh...too late to swap mods now I suppose.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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I was pretty happy with the Super Turbo Lighting Mod. Here is my mods list:

It's a great game, I'm not saying RPG, it deserves going through it for the story. The rest of the elements can be made less annoying with mods, but IMO combat will never become truly amazing, DS level.

After having made a first and completionist playthrough without any mods, here is my current mod list. BTW you said something about graphic whoring:

I have a bunch of others too, but these are the ones I had enabled when I checked now. I have a bit over 100 hours in my second playthrough with these mods. The setup is all stable, but to use this combination of mods, you may need to tinker with file merging a bit with Script Merger. Once you set it up though, it's solid. I recommend you use Generic Mod Enabler for easy toggling of mods on and off the list.

Cheers and have fun in the Northern kingdoms!


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Perkel jin dobre good sir,what lighting/enb mod you would suggest for dem withcer 3?

none, TW3 is very good looking game that.....

....unfortunately suffers from CDPR's potato fondness for OVERSATURATION. That was already the case in TW2.
If you walk around Velen during sunset it looks like a nuke exploded on the horizont. There are great ENBs that fix that.


Mar 28, 2014
Perkel jin dobre good sir,what lighting/enb mod you would suggest for dem withcer 3?

none, TW3 is very good looking game that.....

....unfortunately suffers from CDPR's potato fondness for OVERSATURATION. That was already the case in TW2.
If you walk around Velen during sunset it looks like a nuke exploded on the horizont. There are great ENBs that fix that.

It is called artistic direction. Secondly i don't think you ever saw proper polish sunset. Especially in fall where those nuclear bombs are common. Basically the longer you are from equator the longer the distance lights needs to cover from sun which takes even more blue out of it which leaves you that nuclear bomb red. Add to that kurwa magic and you have nice nuclear sunset.

To be honest TW3 doesn't even go quite far enough. I once saw sunset that was bsaically pink-red, i couldn't believe that i wasn't dreaming or something because how weird it looked like.


Aug 23, 2005
is this skybox from the default game, or something the dude added? (timestamped video to the part/skybox i mean)



Feb 10, 2007
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Perkel jin dobre good sir,what lighting/enb mod you would suggest for dem withcer 3?
I think vanilla W3 often looks disgusting with its yellow/green color filter, and Blood and Wine made me want to puke. What solved that for me was LCN reshade preset. Unlike many reshade presets it doesn't try to provide dramatic looking screenshots (like the horrendous crap in that video aweigh posted) and change too much, but rather a pleasant playing experience. In almost all lighting conditions toggling it on and off left me thinking it provided natural colors while the game looked like it had a color filter over it. It's not perfect: in extremely bright light, bright whitish surfaces can become too bright, and in certain low light situations Geralt's face can look a little red. It provides the least benefit in Skellige, the most in Toussaint.


Aug 23, 2005
I think vanilla W3 often looks disgusting with its yellow/green color filter, and Blood and Wine made me want to puke. What solved that for me was LCN reshade preset. Unlike many reshade presets it doesn't try to provide dramatic looking screenshots (like the horrendous crap in that video aweigh posted) and change too much, but rather a pleasant playing experience. In almost all lighting conditions toggling it on and off left me thinking it provided natural colors while the game looked like it had a color filter over it. It's not perfect: in extremely bright light, bright whitish surfaces can become too bright, and in certain low light situations Geralt's face can look a little red. It provides the least benefit in Skellige, the most in Toussaint.

i don't care about reshade. i want to know if that skybox i timestamped in the video is in the default game.

can anyone answer this?


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
I think vanilla W3 often looks disgusting with its yellow/green color filter, and Blood and Wine made me want to puke. What solved that for me was LCN reshade preset. Unlike many reshade presets it doesn't try to provide dramatic looking screenshots (like the horrendous crap in that video aweigh posted) and change too much, but rather a pleasant playing experience. In almost all lighting conditions toggling it on and off left me thinking it provided natural colors while the game looked like it had a color filter over it. It's not perfect: in extremely bright light, bright whitish surfaces can become too bright, and in certain low light situations Geralt's face can look a little red. It provides the least benefit in Skellige, the most in Toussaint.

thanks,but i ended up using turbo light mod with e2014 reshade.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
If the game requires this many mods to make it bearable then we're getting into Skyrim territory i.e. polishing a turd.
its insane how lazy the devs were for this game when it came to actual gameplay mechanics. shit is still broken in the vanilla game like the broken Fiend AI that just becomes totally passive and runs around in circles. At the least, Skyrim was very modder friendly.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

If the game requires this many mods to make it bearable then we're getting into Skyrim territory i.e. polishing a turd.
its insane how lazy the devs were for this game when it came to actual gameplay mechanics. shit is still broken in the vanilla game like the broken Fiend AI that just becomes totally passive and runs around in circles. At the least, Skyrim was very modder friendly.
I don’t know that I’ve had a fiend do that, but ok.

I don’t think it was laziness that’s responsible for the game’s mechanics issues. I think it’s human error and competing design philosophies. Eg, your fiend issue would be human error and the fact that a game that was clearly scripted to be non-linear from day one has a level system that makes it nearly impossible for players who do quests in the wrong order.

You’re talking about the same dev that usually releases free Enhanced Editions of their games (though not this time). I don’t think it’s a laziness issue. The game is far better patched that Skyrim, which still has to depend on fan patches for major issues.

IIRC, the Witcher 3 has a mod toolset the same as Skyrim does.

In fact, due to most of the game’s scripts being written in plain English and even noted as to what they do, it’s probably even more modder friendly than Skyrim.
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Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
If the game requires this many mods to make it bearable then we're getting into Skyrim territory i.e. polishing a turd.
its insane how lazy the devs were for this game when it came to actual gameplay mechanics. shit is still broken in the vanilla game like the broken Fiend AI that just becomes totally passive and runs around in circles. At the least, Skyrim was very modder friendly.
I don’t know that I’ve had a fiend do that, but ok.

I don’t think it was laziness that’s responsible for the game’s mechanics issues. I think it’s human error and competing design philosophies. Eg, your fiend issue would be human error and the fact that a game that was clearly scripted to be non-linear from day one has a level system that makes it nearly impossible for players who do quests in the wrong order.

You’re talking about the same dev that usually releases free Enhanced Editions of their games (though not this time). I don’t think it’s a laziness issue. The game is far better patched that Skyrim, which still has to depend on fan patches for major issues.

IIRC, the Witcher 3 has a mod toolset the same as Skyrim does.

In fact, due to most of the game’s scripts being written in plain English and even noted as to what they do, it’s probably even more modder friendly than Skyrim.
the way they did the whole levling process with higher level monsters that just had more stats was terrible. the utterly pointless loot cluterring up every box, magic swords everywhere, lazy alchemy mechanics, the ridiculous economy....just thinking about all those vanilla mechanics makes me wanna barf. its like they had all these big ideas then realized it was 2 weeks until release & they were just like "just make a script that drops rope ladders, string and magic sword 2 levels higher than the player into every box in the game"


May 31, 2018
Witcher 3 never came across as lazy to me. More like over ambitious for their studio and choosing bad design for some things. Like progression, leveling, etc, and the combat.

I'm almost done with the last DLC after playing the game for about 2 years on and off. I think that Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine are way better than the main game. The issue is that it still has the bad combat, loot, leveling.


May 31, 2018
I dunno, clicking? Is this question because I kinda repeated myself?


Jan 22, 2019
Even if I am more of a mechanicsfag than a storyfag, game touched me in places no other game had for many years.


Sep 29, 2007
I once saw sunset that was bsaically pink-red, i couldn't believe that i wasn't dreaming or something because how weird it looked like.
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