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Wasteland Wasteland 2 Suggestions


Mar 10, 2011
Uh, since the game is largely absent of tactics there's a lot I'd like to see put in, but here's a few for combat that could maybe be feasible...

Zones of control. Dunno wtf the game is doing without it when half if not most of the fighting in the game is at melee range. Running circles around enemies or going serpentine through their ranks not only looks retarded, but is mechanically even worse off.

Molotovs, timed grenades, and smoke grenades. Pretty obvious what they do. Terrain manipulation baby! I'd also like to see more oil/acid/radiation spills and other shit that would effect the ground, but I know that would never happen. Hell, the idea of a smoke grenade alone has me seeing the Unity engine imploding as is. Which brings me to my other suggestion which is to never use the Unity engine ever again...

Shields and two-handed weapons. Everyone's back to the medieval grind, but we don't have access to gear like shields or spears? And I realize there are some weapons that could be considered "two-handed," but I'm talking from a gameplay standpoint, e.g. Xenonauts lets allies sit behind shield-wielders for protection. Battle Brothers allows spear-wielders to "check" incoming melee attackers, keeping them at bay. Also, and maybe they're in the game, but I haven't come across in bows or crossbows yet.

Mechanically speaking, and this is just a personal preference, heavy-weapons shouldn't be remotely accurate unless fired from cover or crouch (crouch standing in for prone, really). This gives a balance to firepower at the cost of mobility.

Energy weapons should not do more damage to armored enemies. It's dumb for two reasons. Again, it looks stupid. Why would an energy weapon do less damage to flesh, but suddenly hurt flesh more when it's surrounded by protective gear (which could be leather, metal, goatfur or whatever)...? Is there such a weapon in existence that operates in this or a similar fashion? I mean, I'm willing to buy it, I guess, but it just seems silly. But the primary reason I don't care for it is because it seriously devalues armor to a negative value, where you're actually better of not wearing armor against energy users. This is just bizarre to me. It would only make sense if there were other armor types and mechanically speaking they used a rock-paper-scissors mechanic a la the Game of Thrones RPG. But it doesn't. So you have yet another binary function in the game which is bad.

All characters should have the ability to berserk, not just hired hands. Put in a morale system or put in some kind of trait that gives balance to the function. Right now, it's another binary system and one that doesn't work particularly well (oh look, the 10INT, smartest person on the squad went apeshit and ran off to go stand next to a super dangerous wild animal. Is she going berserk, insane, or committing suicide? Who knows!). Here's what I experience as is: Rose sees a cannibal blow half the team to smithereens. No reaction. Rose sees a suicide bombing bloater approaching from a hundred yards away while the team awaits in ambush. Rose losses her gourd and decides now is a good time to run off and stand next to the explodey dude.
Jul 27, 2013
Here's some stat rebalances I'd like to see:
Change the accuracy formula to have the same 2% per point that Str has on melee, a 20% max bonus will be more viable, currently the only benefit I see to coordination is being able to switch to a gun you're not proficient in if you run out of ammo, however the bonus is negligible, 2% per level would be better.

affect looting, better loot with higher luck.
affect percentage based checks by 1% per level
affect jamming rates

Increase weapon/explosive range.
Double evasion to be on par with speed

Con per level +1 per point in str, change starting con per level to 1 or 0.
Starting Maxcon: 10 +4 per level of str-

starting skill points: 1 skill point at 1 int.
Skill point every 2 points after 1.
Count half skill points in between point thresholds, have them carry over to the next level a la fallout.

Speed is okay, Cha may be a bit of a dump stat combat wise, but all the complaining about NPCs losing control shows the value of the stat.
Possible buffs that I could think of would be to have every 5 levels of cha lower a speech check by a point, or maybe every 2 levels add a +1 crit bonus to leadership. every 2 levels give 1% to buying/selling a la barter.
I see nothing wrong with Cha being mostly useful to a dedicated leader, never have, same with luck being unreliable.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"(Protip for @Volourn:"

What a fukkin' troll. 9/20

Change the accuracy formula to have the same 2% per point that Str has on melee, a 20% max bonus will be more viable, currently the only benefit I see to coordination is being able to switch to a gun you're not proficient in if you run out of ammo, however the bonus is negligible, 2% per level would be bett"


Increase weapon/explosive range.
Double evasion to be on par with speed"


Con per level +1 per point in str, change starting con per level to 1 or 0.
Starting Maxcon: 10 +4 per level of str-"


starting skill points: 1 skill point at 1 int.
Skill point every 2 points after 1.
Count half skill points in between point thresholds, have them carry over to the next level a la fallout."



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Can we have a LOS indicator for targeting? Like a red line from the character to the target?
I have a hard time figuring out why my enemies can return fire from seemingly impossible positions.
At a few instances, they were legit - since there's windows and such that is nearly invisible from certain camera angles, but a few are just impossible.
I was crouching behind a crate...waiting from one apparent exit next to a wall when the Wrecker could just casually fire through the wall on the next turn.
That's just weird. I try to return fire but Sight is Blocked.
At one time I put a rifleman on Ambush and it triggered when the enemy seems to pop from impossible positions.
That's just annoying when you can't seem to get a real 'certainty' on what's legit and what's not in turn-based combat.


Jun 3, 2005
I was crouching behind a crate...waiting from one apparent exit next to a wall when the Wrecker could just casually fire through the wall on the next turn.
That's just weird. I try to return fire but Sight is Blocked.
At one time I put a rifleman on Ambush and it triggered when the enemy seems to pop from impossible positions.
Certain points of cover function as 100% cover, so when the enemy is not firing and behind that cover, he cannot be hit, but can attack by poking himself out automatically from that cover. Ambush can hit such targets because it can attack during his turn, as he pokes himself out to shoot. You can do this, too. The AI is somewhat less adept at coping with this.


As I've read on the WL2's megathread, finding and using a code to open containers should give more XP than just using skills to do it.
Apr 17, 2013
Why not have attributes govern skills by increasing or decreasing the skill point cost for associated skills? For example, a character with high coordination would only need one skill point to increase lock picking, safe cracking etc. while someone with low coordination would need two. This would make attributes play a more important role in the game and be less complicated for players than having attributes give percent bonuses to governed skills (which I believe was suggested already).


Dec 9, 2011
I think rewriting all energy weapons descriptions like:
Armor threshold 6
Above: x2 damage
At x1 damage
Below 0.5 damage

would make it easier to understand what exactly do you want to tell players there.


Apr 16, 2012
Can all these little useful items be weightless or more obvious its a sort of quest item? You spend half the game lugging around random crap in the hopes some NPC will want it. Like those synth parts, some gnomes, floppy discs.


Dec 9, 2011
I say add weapon mods to shops, even if prices would be stingy. I am at endgame on my second playthrough, scrapped half a hundred of various rifles and still can't get a single High Powered or Tactical Scope. And savescumming for 15-20% chance of getting something is JRPG level of derp.

And do mark special encounters. "A bunch of mannerites on rooftops" doesn't tell me any more than "dangerous raiders approach". Getting through every encounter to find something unique is not fun.


Dec 31, 2007
So, I've been playing W2 and some things in the functionality department annoy me.

1. There's no way to change the order and the formation of the party. The default formation is some kind of hex shaped thing, that doesn't even manage to keep the default order since many times followers cram themselves in other people's places. That means that when combat is imminent I have to always manually move a couple of people further back because they are weak combat-wise and they are in the front row.

2. There's no minimap. If it was a fixed isometric 2,5D game it wouldn't need one, but due to the fact that you constantly need to rotate the camera to navigate and explore the areas, a minimap would be very helpful. Why does the, mostly useless, radio takes up so much UI space anyway ? Just put the minimap there.

3. There's no actual full screen map, or full screen journal. For some inexplicable reason the journal shares the screen with the map.

4. Since we're talking about the radio, when you level up why do you have to always click the radio and then go through the same goddamned dialog, in order to be able to distribute your points ? It becomes tedious after a while.

5. When you rotate the camera via holding the right mouse button, the pointer moves too and when it goes to the edge of the screen it scrolls the camera away. Is it so difficult to disable cursor scrolling while rotating the camera ?

6. When I enter a new area the camera always reverts back to the close-up position, it should remember its previous position.

sea, are any of those nuances going to be addressed in the future ?


Apr 18, 2008
6. When I enter a new area the camera always reverts back to the close-up position, it should remember its previous position.

'sup NWN2


If it also gets locked by changes in terrain height we have a winner.


Mar 4, 2013
Serpent in the Staglands Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Top three for me:
1. Have non-randomized loot. Have epic loot in hard to reach places. This is a big job, but would make exploration and discovery in the game so much more interesting.
2. Give the camera more freedom. Hated how little I could see in front of me (plus always fighting with 3d camera, ugh).
3. Less tedious lockpicking, trap disarming, etc. A few of these is fine, but EVERY SINGLE CASE??

I also agree with more and varied combat options, but I leave it to combatfags to discuss.


Dec 31, 2007
I've been playing a lot of W2 and enjoying it a lot. While it never really excels at anything it's good on so many departments, that it feels like a very well done RPG that can provide you with many hours of fun.

On the other hand it's obvious that this game was rushed. The annoyances below are signs that the dev team didn't have enough time and tried to cut corners here and there.

- As already mentioned, loot isn't implemented very well. First of all there is too much of it. Each room/small-area has at least a couple of containers in some form. Which means that you spend at least 60% of the game time opening containers and getting junk. To this contributes the fact that half of the containers are trapped/locked and it takes a lot of time to perform each skill-check. And yeah, 90% of the loot is junk in various forms. On top of that we have the damn randomization, which doesn't make sense because they way it works you can open a heavily guarded (alarm, trap, lock) chest and get nothing but junk, while an unlocked container could give you weapons and ammo. What needs to be done here is remove at least 30% of the containers, make skill-checks instant, and make at least some of the loot unique.

- Combat. As it is, it's OK, but it can get better. It needs more varied enemies and more well placed fights. Also making it more fast and brutal would benefit it.

- Again, a Mini map and a full screen map where you can put custom markers would be much appreciated.

- The writing ranges from bad to good, but I won't delve into that. What bugs me are the key-word questions you can make. Some of them seem to be carefully crafted, but most of them seem to be randomly generated around the key-word. You can easily spot them, they're usually like : "Have you heard anything about the ____ " or "who or what is ______ ". On one hand it's annoying when you can ask everyone the same question and on the other hand it's pretty jarring when you ask a mad monk "have you heard anything about the hospital ?" of course he has you schmuck, it's HIS goddamned hospital. Frankly all these dialogs bring "what's a paladin ?" to memory.

- Reused NPC portraits are also jarring. The portraits are usually very well done and very distinctive, so when they are used again it leaves a bad impression. I would have preferred no portrait at all instead of this. Also many times the portrait looks nothing like the in game model, which really doesn't make any sense because the in-game models could have been easily altered.

I don't know if anyone is reading this shit, and frankly after 4 megapatches that dealt with more pressing issues and bugs (lol release is the new beta), I don't expect much. But I really hope they keep on tweaking it, because this game is good, but it could be great.
Who knows maybe we'll get an "Enhanced Edition ©" at some point.
Last edited:


Aug 10, 2012
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Remove the Cat litter upgrade triggers, and either make it instant or set a real timer.

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
The map is too small (with the quest list), who approved that shit? No zoom? no full screen map? no map scroll?

It looks like a bad finger paint it's so tiny.

Is there a key to orient the screen to the map view?


Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
...Skill Check/Use Timers
......[ ] Normal
......[ ] Fast


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