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Interview Peter Molyneux Unveils Valium Habit


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Fable 2; Lionhead Studios; Peter Molyneux

<p>In this interview with UGO Peter Molyneux <em>talked about his strategy for downloadable content, why we haven't seen Fable 3's Kinect features yet and how he copes with harsh fan criticism.</em></p>
<p><strong>UGO:</strong> I just played through the demo of <em>Fable 3</em> here, and I saw a lot of improvements. What did you learn from <em>Fable 2 </em>that has benefited <em>Fable 3</em>? What improvements from <em>Fable 2</em> did you have in mind when you began on <em>Fable 3</em>?</p>
<p><strong>Molyneux:</strong> When we sat down with a design, the first thing we did was take lots of Valium, and we looked at the communities and started reading the community boards. You have to take Valium because we designers take this very personally, and when people say horrible things about your games, it's like saying something horrible about your child. You almost have to go for counseling.</p>
<p>When we looked at that stuff, there were lots of frustrations that people had, and we kind of wanted to address those frustrations and fix those frustrations. So that was one side. The other thing we said is, "Why shouldn't we continue to surprise people and give people stuff they haven't seen before in any game in <em>Fable 3</em>?" We want to make sure everything is accessible and it kind of made sense, but we love the idea of innovation. Mixing those two things together is really where <em>Fable 3</em> was built.</p>
<p>Very specifically, we can credit some of the features in the game (to user feedback). Everything from -- very obviously -- people saying, "We love co-op but why cant we have our own heroes in the game?" We took the idea of co-op so that you can invite anyone you like into the world and mixed it with some new stuff. So we said, "Why can't you marry the person you bring in? Why can't you start your own family and have your own children?" So you can do that with your co-op partner if you want to now. That's just a cute little mechanic we added.</p>
<p>Taking valium is not very healthy in the long run. Maybe you should try to calm yourself down by farting on peoples heads, I heard this works well in real life.</p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/98515-fable-iii-interview.html">GB</a></p>


Aug 10, 2005
I hope he will read the Kkkodeks someday. No amount of valium will protect him from having to be counseled, nyah.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
Lol, that explains so much about his constantly promising things that are never in the final product (for those who are benzo-naive, valium like all benzos causes the person to suffer almost total amnesia concerning the time that the drug was effective, if taken at too high a dose, or even at a normal dose stretched over long periods of time - the latter occurs because it has a huge halflife, staying in the body for about a week and hence builds up quickly).

The guy's been going around giving interviews with no recollection of the game he's making, and then designing the game with no recollection of what he's been promising.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
DraQ said:
Valium head.

Who me? or Molyneux? I'm no valium-head - I just wiki'd that category of drugs after getting sleeping tablets for jetlag one time. I noticed the amnesiac affect from the sleeping tabs (for some reason I was given one of the uber-strong benzos, rather than the temazepam that they usually give for that stuff) and so was curious to see whether it was typical or not.

I've also had a friend or two that had valium habits in younger days - hence the knowledge of how it tends to screw with people even at lower doses if they take it for too long.


Jul 11, 2004
Didn't he also admit ,some time ago, to having a drinking problem? As in he'd be drunk at work and get into arguments with his employees.


Aug 20, 2005
Molyneux: When we sat down with a design, the first thing we did was take lots of Valium, and we looked at the communities and started reading the community boards. You have to take Valium because we designers take this very personally, and when people say horrible things about your games, it's like saying something horrible about your child. You almost have to go for counseling.
If he visited Codex he'd need to upgrade to smack.


May 19, 2005
So they take it very personally?

Err ...

So why exactly did he just trashed Fable II in a recent interview? or for that matter trashed Fable in a interview years ago?

He is just full of bullshit, he got away with Black & White because it was EVIL EA but when the company have Microsoft as a publisher he have no excuses.

I wonder how long will MS tolerate him, I suppose as long his shitty games sell he will be fine ... I hope this crap bombs because otherwise I must assume there is no intelligent life on Earth.


Dec 12, 2008
DraQ said:
mondblut said:
I hope he will read the Kkkodeks someday. No amount of Valium will protect him from having to be counseled hopefully killing himself., nyah.


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