Javelin - 3.5 OGL based Rogue-Like cRPG Released
Javelin - 3.5 OGL based Rogue-Like cRPG Released
Game News - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Thu 3 September 2015, 09:44:52
Tags: JavelinIt came to my knowledge that an OGL based indie cRPG named Javelin has been released. It's a rogue-like.
Here you'll find some screenshots. While using the DnD 3.5 OGL rules mostly the developers did change a few things, for instance, they're using action points instead of initiative+traditional turns. New versions adding to the features are already planned.
Game Homepage
Here you'll find some screenshots. While using the DnD 3.5 OGL rules mostly the developers did change a few things, for instance, they're using action points instead of initiative+traditional turns. New versions adding to the features are already planned.
Game Homepage
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