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Ultima II: Enilno remake factsheet at RPGDot

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Ultima II: Enilno remake factsheet at RPGDot

Preview - posted by Spazmo on Fri 8 August 2003, 00:40:22

Tags: Enilno: The Ultima 2 Project

RPGDot has posted a brief factsheet on the upcoming remake of the Ultima II remake, Enilno.

The original Ultima 2 took place on earth and contained space travel. Enilno will have no earth and no space section. Enilno’s story will take place on Sosaria during the time of Minax and will reveal what happened there after Mondain's death. The story will begin in the castle of Lord British in Brittannia. What will unfold afther that is still unknow (to us) although it is sure that the political background will play an important role. On the Enilno forums there were some interesting threads regarding the map of Sosaria and the use of Moongates and Time Doors. Although there is a map shown on the site, there are many details on the lay out of Sosaria that might change. Moongates will probably not be used.​

On the one hand, I like less sci-fi stuff. On the other hand, I love moongates. We'll have to wait and see how Enilno turns out.

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