Mirth crafts up to bigger and better version
Mirth crafts up to bigger and better version
Development Info - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 9 January 2006, 20:29:07
Tags: Minions of MirthPrairie Games has updated Minions of Mirth to some wacky new version, which includes the following changes:
Thanks, Josh Ritter!
- Integrated the Arcane-FX spell casting effects library from Faust Logic, Inc (http://www.arcanefx.com/afx.html) (We will be expanding and improving the casting effects in subsequent patches.)
- Added the new Lich model, thanks to Magnus Blikstad of WIT Entertainment.
- Added the first part of the Paladin's epic quest, thanks to Kbro.
- Added the warrior epic quest, thanks to Keallsovfe.
- Added the Tomb of Pharoah Tarkus to the Desert of Mohrum, thanks to Rune, tkirby, and Rastlin.
- There is now a /craft command which will automatically craft the specified item if you have the proper components and skill. The crafted item will appear in your crafting inventory. Example: /craft Masterwork Diamond Greataxe
- Gnomes can now be Tempests
- Alliance members now get notifications of what other alliance members are looting
- OSX: Command Click now simulates a right mouse button click for single button mice
- OSX: Fixed issue with shift and ctrl not opening additional macro pages
- Fixed issue with medium crafted chest pieces being unwearable.
- Egil Gest is now level 20.
- Added Bind Stones as points of interest on the map for each zone that has them.
- Put a limit on the number of times a character can do the Scorpuis Tail and Mummy Tatters quests in the Desert of Mohrum.
- Fixed the model on the druid's pet, Winged Guardian.
- Play Nice Policy has been posted in the forums, please read this.
- Increased the stats, added the artifact flag, added a level requirement and an armor rating on Rtharo's Bracer and Chest of Doom.
- Increased frequency of Recluse Venom Sac drops, added more Brown Recluse spawns to Trinst and Kauldur.
- Fixed the Nan Sorb's lantern quest.
- Increased range of Paladin Awe to 10 meters
- Added Meteor Strike drop only wizard/tempest spell
- Added Gameplay panel to options. In singleplayer, you can control the respawn of enemies and the game's difficulty.
- Added healing logic to assist party healing
- Greatly improved the mob healing AI
- Titans now qualify for Power Wield advancements
- Adjusted starting quest weapon stats
- Players are now properly confined to zone boundaries
- The Inner Glow light range was reduced
- ctrl-f1 now brings up the game help
- Clearing a macro now clears the icon properly
- Characters can no longer repair whilst dead
- The Disarm skill was adjusted
- The Mouse Look key is now a toggle. You no longer have to hold the key down.
- Rangers now get some healing spells
- The Righteous Coif and Dusty Skullcap drops were reduced
- Arrows are now much quicker
- Greatly improved the quality of drops in the Trinst Sewers
- Fixed an issue with illusion and shrink/enlarge interaction
- Adjusted Concentration, Tactics Defense, and Spell Critical skill checks to improve more quickly
- Faction messages are no longer displayed for factions you cannot possibly ally with due to being a member of an opposing realm. Whew.
- Adjusted tactical/aggro code
- Tracking skillups are no longer displayed
- Increased the Presence stat on mobs and pets
- Increased Magi and Priest health for mobs and pets
- Adjusted Block, Dodge, and Shield skills
- Fixed a problem with mobs assisting other mobs
- Implemented the /roll command which can be used to in game decisions such as who gets loot, etc
- The following mobs can now fly: Winged Guardian and Hemnosh the WarLich.
- Nan Sorb's Lantern Quest now unlocks the Rock Snake monster template.
- Talk to Orain Sansmil in Trinst to unlock the Vicious Bat monster template.
- Updated the Ranger epic quest so that you can keep spawning Jarek Arayan and Flaine Hurgeon until you successfully obtain the items they carry.
- Dedicated World Server: Backups of your world are now created at 30 minute intervals
- Dedicated World Server: The server's owner is now the only account that can grant Immortal status
- Test Server global chat now uses the #testing channel
- You can now fly when logging into the monster realm as a bat.
- Flesh Flies and Coffin Flies now stack in groups of 10.
- Changed the drop frequency of Grey Wolf Hides to always.
- Added a readme.txt file to the interiors folder, modders please read this.
- The Druid's default stats have been updated, 50 points to mys have been moved to wis.
- Fixed a collision issue in Rtharo's Chamber.
- The Sword of Fellowship can no longer be equipped in a player's offhand.
- Increased the stats on the Shield of Fellowship and the Sword of Fellowship.
- Made some small dialog changes to the main FoL quest.
- Other tweaks, enhancements, and fixes
Thanks, Josh Ritter!
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