Knights of the Chalice is Here
Knights of the Chalice is Here
Game News - posted by Jason on Sun 9 August 2009, 22:18:38
Tags: Knights of the ChaliceTurn-based indie RPG Knights of the Chalice is now available for purchase as well as the demo.
A haunted forest. Strange ruins. The villagers call this place “Devil’s Lair”. The ruins may be dead, so they say, but the sinister, malevolent creatures that lurk underneath most certainly are not.
Tightening your packs, you reflect upon this. The devil’s lair, Hah! How could any self-respecting adventurer shy away from the golden opportunity? In this short adventure, the player characters are pre-created and start at level 3.For more info, check out the interview and updated screenshots page.
A haunted forest. Strange ruins. The villagers call this place “Devil’s Lair”. The ruins may be dead, so they say, but the sinister, malevolent creatures that lurk underneath most certainly are not.
Tightening your packs, you reflect upon this. The devil’s lair, Hah! How could any self-respecting adventurer shy away from the golden opportunity? In this short adventure, the player characters are pre-created and start at level 3.