Zombie RPG Design Update
Zombie RPG Design Update
Development Info - posted by DarkUnderlord on Tue 20 October 2009, 14:15:57
Tags: DoubleBear ProductionsAnnie and Brian have been doing regular design updates on DoubleBear's upcoming Zombie RPG over at the Iron Tower Forums. Here's the latest:
Skills in the ZRPG – unlike, say, Fallout - don’t work on a percentage system, but in a 10-point spread.[...] You won’t be able to max out ALL your skills in the game, not by a long shot – where you put those points is a significant choice.
SO. Skill perks. In addition to having heightened benefits from increasing your skills, at certain thresholds – level 3, level 6, and the max level of 10 – you will gain a Skill Perk in that particular skill. Sometimes this is an active skill: the Kick ability (gained at level 3 of Melee) knocks a target back a certain number of spaces. Other skills are passive, such as the level 3 Survival perk, Survey – which increases the player’s viewing area on the Area Map by 50%.
It takes a small point investment to reach level 3, so the Perks are correspondingly handy, but not overly helpful. Level 6 takes more concentrated effort, so Perks are significantly improved – and the max Perk at level 10 is guaranteed to be awesome, albeit not in a “this is the win” cheesy and game-breaking way. No matter what skill you put your points into, it should be worth your investment, and Perks should be interesting, well-integrated into all other systems, and easy for the player to conceptualize – they should look at it and immediately know how and why it would be immediately useful to them.Earlier updates covered some of the other skills you can expect and how they might play out.
Skills in the ZRPG – unlike, say, Fallout - don’t work on a percentage system, but in a 10-point spread.[...] You won’t be able to max out ALL your skills in the game, not by a long shot – where you put those points is a significant choice.
SO. Skill perks. In addition to having heightened benefits from increasing your skills, at certain thresholds – level 3, level 6, and the max level of 10 – you will gain a Skill Perk in that particular skill. Sometimes this is an active skill: the Kick ability (gained at level 3 of Melee) knocks a target back a certain number of spaces. Other skills are passive, such as the level 3 Survival perk, Survey – which increases the player’s viewing area on the Area Map by 50%.
It takes a small point investment to reach level 3, so the Perks are correspondingly handy, but not overly helpful. Level 6 takes more concentrated effort, so Perks are significantly improved – and the max Perk at level 10 is guaranteed to be awesome, albeit not in a “this is the win” cheesy and game-breaking way. No matter what skill you put your points into, it should be worth your investment, and Perks should be interesting, well-integrated into all other systems, and easy for the player to conceptualize – they should look at it and immediately know how and why it would be immediately useful to them.