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  • do you really find it shocking. "the government shouldn't pry into how i wanna live!" is a sentiment shared both by danger hairs and by dont tread on me types. in fact in my own country the voter base for both options is statistically comparable
    And they're right, but as socialists, the danger hairs are despicable hypocrites about it.
    the term 'socialist' assumes for the sake of argument that the self-proclaimed socialist cares about the shape of society more than about his immediate gains, the most common reasoning being that life is not a zero sum game. a danger hair doesn't give a crap about society and just wants to remove whatever inconveniences xir
    personally i find it hard to empathize with socialists for two reasons, 1. resources DO BE finite, 2. as someone from working class my whole life i aspired not to stay working class
    Christmas always makes me miss HoMM3.
    You can literally play Homm3 whenever you feel like it
    Blackshirt but I can't play it with my childhood friend while sitting on chairs too tall for our feet to reach the floor, can I?
    Independence Day is so demoralizing when we just spent a year spiraling down a bootlicking hellhole and show no hope of stopping.
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