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  • Welcome to rpgcodex.net, a site dedicated to discussing computer based role-playing games in a free and open fashion. We're less strict than other forums, but please refer to the rules.

    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

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You're a special kind of subhuman, huh?
Not that unusual nowadys, but you should consider suicide nonetheless.
Hey Infinitron yes I did create the Scrotus McTavish profile - partly in an attempt to circumvent your widespread censorship of my posts here but - you are just too clever for that aren't you ;)
Victor Pflug
Victor Pflug
Special rules for me that noone else has? Yeah not cool with that mate but cheers anyway :)
Victor Pflug
Victor Pflug
I'll point out once more - my purely artwork based posts in the Primordia thread were dleeted by mods here. Not drama posts - just my work on my own game in a thread I made for my game.

So - kinda lame dude.
I deleted none of your posts here. I moved all drama-related posts to the drama thread, at which point you immediately assumed they were deleted.

Then a few days later you deleted almost all of your posts yourself.
Isn't it strange that even though you don't need much intelligence and creativity to work at engineering or technical jobs, we encourage all smart kids to work there. While jobs such as politics that actually require intelligent minds are relegated to mediocre people.

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