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Abu Antar
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  • Sick avatar. What game is that from?
    Cool. I'm not as familiar with that series. I basically only played (not completed) Dragon Quest I (Dragon Warrior) on the NES, and DQ11. If I ever find an abundance of time (lol), I should take a tour through its progression, might be interesting to compare and contrast its evolution with other JRPGs and Final Fantasy.
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    Why not. The evolution is more consistent and even throughout the series. Pretty old school and cozy.
    Yeah, that doesn't surprise me after playing some of DQ11. I actually wonder if I'd have spent more time on it before if it'd have addressed some of my issues with JRPGs and not made me bounce off them as hard for so long.
    Hello Fellow Codexer comrade,

    You are the only person on Codex who appears to have played Heros of Ruin, what is your codex impressions of it?
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    I will send you a PM, since my response was flagged as too long for a profile message.
    How's your arm? It was slippery as fuck this morning. Could have ice skated to work.
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    I think my muscles will be sore for a few days, but nothing broken. Kept going to work after I fell. :salute:
    Do you have either of the pre-order bonus packs for Alpha Brotocol? I’m trying to chase them both down.
    Of course it could have been, but it was a scene release iirc. There’s a thread in the steam discussions where a guy is hunting for the hex address kn saves to enable them, and finds signs that the base game shipped with the data.

    He and I could be wrong, but if it exists I’d like to find it
    There is some stuff in the savefiles mentioning gamecrazy and gamestop pre order activation IIRC but nobody ever cared to dig too deeply for the stuff if the weapons are even present in the game files. You could always see if xenia emulates AP as the dlcs are preserved on the 360 at least: https://archive.org/download/microsoft_xbox360_digital_part1
    Did you play Willy-Nilly Knight? Didn't find a thread, is it good?
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    I have a few of those, too. Playing Va-11ha11a or whatever the name is. It's okayish.

    But mostly, I have rpgs in the backlog.
    Yeah, I played that a few years ago. I enjoyed the mechanic of making you mix drinks and managing your finances. I considered the story a disappointment, especially as you got through the game. A lot of unnecessary wokeism, too. Let us know your thoughts, I'd be happy to read them!
    Thac0 I thought I had an insurmountable backlog and a large wishlist too. But then I saw Abu's Steam profile. My life hasn't been the same since then.
    " I don't get immersed in the way other talk about some games. I am always fully aware that I am playing a game."
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    It's the world itself, the way the rules of the world work, the presentation of it all. The exploration, the things you can do, character creation, reactivity, and small things like getting newspapers to read.

    There are probably games that have done these things better, but it all blended so well together that I can use the word immersion for this game.
    "I have never felt the urge to put on a robe and wizard hat in real life"

    * except for sex obv
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    hi Abu. please don't miss Age Of Fear 4: The Iron Killer, releasing on April 30th! these games are amazing turn-based RPGs with really remarkable devs. hope you're doing well, much love, and thanks for the hard work with the updates in the thread. <3
    right. they are continuing to add new stuff, too, so the previous games will be getting a new Sea People race/unit list, invisibility options, a traps system and a crafting system, etc.. I love how when they update one game they update the entire series with the new features. Really makes me root for them. :)
    It is a bit of a blessing and a curse. I prefer the old version of their first game the most, because I think the overworld map is not done very well and distracts from the game. The pacing was sharper and the balance was better when it was just a string of encounters. I played both routes in AOF and only one route each in AOF 2&3 for that reason. The dev is cool tho, very down to earth.
    i can understand that, since the games always change u may end up not liking the changes. i have only played the current version of aof3 and i love it. it's just nice to see a dev constantly supporting their games in my opinion. and we hope and pray the changes made are good ones. :)
    How about linking the new rpg releases of the year to Steam from now on?
    The lists are very usefull, but 50% of the 2018&2019 links already go to dead websites.
    The steam storepages are usually still alive.
    Abu Antar
    Abu Antar
    I addressed this in my latest update in the thread. I was opposed to using any sort of third party store, but from now on, I will use Steam store pages (for new entries) for the reason you mentioned.
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