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Civvie thread (classic FPS reviews/commentary on youtube)


Sep 6, 2022
Youtubers and their opinions...
That's why I always say just stick to the content they're producing and not the actual person behind the scenes. They will inevitably turn out to be less than ideal.
The more popular the youtuber becomes, the less you will be able to just dodge their opinions and political leanings (because more than likely the youtuber himself will broadcast them).
Very few youtubers treat this as just a hobby and creative effort these days.


Mar 24, 2023
Well the bitterness of performance artists is real even if you aren't a semi famous youtuber like these guys. It's the price you pay regardless of success and thus if they are in the arena, thems the breaks - the hazards of the job, as it were. I'd still kill for a production team capable of helping me make well edited game reviews, even if the price was a bunch of judgemental audience cunts. It's better than stand up: Fuck that.
I don't envy them. Imagine being a youtube celeb and waking up every day knowing the only reason you have money and can live is because large numbers of kids and parasocially retarded adults watch you and give you money online.

Imagine knowing that one day you'll be an old man who's sick of it but you can't stop because performing online is the only way to make a living you know of. You probably hate what you do but you've got no choice, you have to pretend to like it or you're out on the street.

You live off the completely unpredictable charity of others and if you ever lose your audience for any reason it's all over. Zero job security and you're always walking on eggshells.

See Vinesauce and Jerma. Even Pewds had to come back recently because he was running out of money and fishing for donos is all he knows.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Very few youtubers treat this as just a hobby and creative effort these days.

It's easier and less work just to get people mad at [socially acceptable speaking points] rather than make videos of any real value.

It's fucked up but if you join the hivemind, you get signal-boosted and make more money.

It's kind of retarded to attempt any kind of honesty in a digital space.


I don't envy them. Imagine being a youtube celeb and waking up every day knowing the only reason you have money and can live is because large numbers of kids and parasocially retarded adults watch you and give you money online.
I feel the same way but half of these idiots end up buying mansions and banging e-thots. They despise and hate their audience, which they depend on.

I forgot who it was, but one of those CS-gambling site shill grifters ended up making a half-assed apology from his huge mansion and I stopped looking at influencers as human.

They're a symptom of decay.

Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
For that matter, isn't Gman also kind of a lefty?
Although he didn't seem like it on many different occasions.
Honestly, trying to dicern every fucking YT game reviewer's political leanings is more trouble than it's worth and leads only to rage.
this is some serious autism that even i wouldn't be caught dead doing lmao
You wouldn't have any reason to, you're a fat American kike that used to go by the name of FedSmoker until it became untenable to keep the handle since you're with the big banks, Blackrock, Vanguard, Hollykike and the press all of the time and you love the federal American government and its policies. You can just assume that the faggots peddling indie slop are on your side and on the kike side of history and whatever political motivations they have for doing so are yours also.

Necro, like me, just want to know about good games and that means staying away from schizophrenics from the American state cult.

When it comes to Civvie it should be obvious that he's not just with the American tranny nigger faggot regime but he's of that archetype that is bound to be so. There is this class of American midwittery that all trend towards the same destination, and it involves making "skits" and playing different characters in their series of youtube videos. They're all the same, you can draw a straight line from the nostalgiafagot to trannies like GrimBeard and state propagandists like CuckoldPoints. Pissed Pedro, SpoonyGone, there are countless others. Jim Sterling, the literal cuckold tranny. Or the Red Letter Media homos.

They either dress up or use graphics to present some sort of narrative and provide something of a show, like a grown ass man playing with sock puppets, and the emphasis is more on them being assclowns than it is on the topic of discussion, in this case the video games. It gets even worse when game developers insert their faggotry into video games because video game magazines are dead so instead of having a PC Gamer on a table somewhere in a level you have this reddit blob of a subhuman being having voice lines or references made to in the game.

These "people" are all middle-class, absolute failures at getting into something more respectable and serious, like film, documentaries, theatre or whatever else, and have aspirations of being more like the upper classes, or really, the image of teh upper class that media kikes have been injecting their minds with for the last century. You're not going to find an adult person doing voices in his basement for a living that is Right-Wing or even semi-well-adjusted. Trooning out spiritually or phyiscally is a given here. The more focused they are on talking about video games and the more in-depth their knowledge is, and the less retarded memes there are, the higher the chances are that they are fascists and White supremacists.


Nov 17, 2019
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth
For that matter, isn't Gman also kind of a lefty?
Although he didn't seem like it on many different occasions.
Honestly, trying to dicern every fucking YT game reviewer's political leanings is more trouble than it's worth and leads only to rage.
this is some serious autism that even i wouldn't be caught dead doing lmao
You wouldn't have any reason to, you're a fat American kike that used to go by the name of FedSmoker until it became untenable to keep the handle since you're with the big banks, Blackrock, Vanguard, Hollykike and the press all of the time and you love the federal American government and its policies. You can just assume that the faggots peddling indie slop are on your side and on the kike side of history and whatever political motivations they have for doing so are yours also.

Necro, like me, just want to know about good games and that means staying away from schizophrenics from the American state cult.

When it comes to Civvie it should be obvious that he's not just with the American tranny nigger faggot regime but he's of that archetype that is bound to be so. There is this class of American midwittery that all trend towards the same destination, and it involves making "skits" and playing different characters in their series of youtube videos. They're all the same, you can draw a straight line from the nostalgiafagot to trannies like GrimBeard and state propagandists like CuckoldPoints. Pissed Pedro, SpoonyGone, there are countless others. Jim Sterling, the literal cuckold tranny. Or the Red Letter Media homos.

They either dress up or use graphics to present some sort of narrative and provide something of a show, like a grown ass man playing with sock puppets, and the emphasis is more on them being assclowns than it is on the topic of discussion, in this case the video games. It gets even worse when game developers insert their faggotry into video games because video game magazines are dead so instead of having a PC Gamer on a table somewhere in a level you have this reddit blob of a subhuman being having voice lines or references made to in the game.

These "people" are all middle-class, absolute failures at getting into something more respectable and serious, like film, documentaries, theatre or whatever else, and have aspirations of being more like the upper classes, or really, the image of teh upper class that media kikes have been injecting their minds with for the last century. You're not going to find an adult person doing voices in his basement for a living that is Right-Wing or even semi-well-adjusted. Trooning out spiritually or phyiscally is a given here. The more focused they are on talking about video games and the more in-depth their knowledge is, and the less retarded memes there are, the higher the chances are that they are fascists and White supremacists.
lmao this nigga

as far as i'm concerned, civvie can believe whatever he wants - if he wants to believe in banal, far-left kulturkampf shit - whatever, it's his loss, i'm not gonna cry over spilled milk. i'll only take issue with civvie if he lets his banal shit boring kulturkampf shit bleed into his work

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Gaming IS the big industry now, far larger than film, theatre, etc etc. At least in the west. Not sure in Asia or India their film markets grew exponentially a while back, bollywood for example is huge all on its own. We see the bleed off in gaming now in the massive Asian market (the pandering is obvious in film and games) but due to their controls on gaming it might not be as large...I expect it might be though with companies like Tencent in the picture.

Also, yes, I'm including mobile gaming. It might suck, but it rakes in the monay and that is, of course, all that matters.


Sep 6, 2022
Gaming IS the big industry now, far larger than film, theatre, etc etc. At least in the west. Not sure in Asia or India their film markets grew exponentially a while back, bollywood for example is huge all on its own. We see the bleed off in gaming now in the massive Asian market (the pandering is obvious in film and games) but due to their controls on gaming it might not be as large...I expect it might be though with companies like Tencent in the picture.

Also, yes, I'm including mobile gaming. It might suck, but it rakes in the monay and that is, of course, all that matters.
But is gaming really bigger than Hollywood right now?
I guess there's an explanation for why so many game developers want to make their games "cinematic" and play like a movie...

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
It makes more money, yeah. By a significant margin. It's due to mobile and microtransactions etc, but the industry is larger - partly due to business being slow on the uptake and putting a bunch of different gaming mediums in the same boat, whereas film is 'just film'. I'm 'fairly' certain that gambling isn't counted in modern gaming but don't ask me for a citation on that one - that would certainly bugger the numbers further.

If you were to just take 'PC gaming' as it's own thing then film is still much larger, for example.

Edit: a further broad example: FIFA, on its OWN, makes billions a year due to grunks unable to stop themselves buying microtransactions - or kids spending their parents money. This outperforms all film when taken on a 1 to 1 basis.


Sep 6, 2022
That's all due to consoles.
PC gaming is still the most prestigious option, while consoles are for the slop eating goyim.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
Certainly certainly. But its the reason why the whole industry went to shit, with 'progressive agendas' and microtransations in everything. It's also partly why film has gone to shit - the transfer to gaming profit has film and TV scrambling for profit, leading to risk aversion and a whole bunch of cynicism, rehashing of old ideas, remakes and 'marvel style' films. It's kinda over for film.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Certainly certainly. But its the reason why the whole industry went to shit, with 'progressive agendas' and microtransations in everything. It's also partly why film has gone to shit - the transfer to gaming profit has film and TV scrambling for profit, leading to risk aversion and a whole bunch of cynicism, rehashing of old ideas, remakes and 'marvel style' films. It's kinda over for film.
Look at Furiosa. How many people just assumed it was some wacky gender swap girl boss movie and didn't bother with it? It's not really the fault of the movie or George Miller that people think that after years of Hollywood pulling this shit and no one wants it.


Dec 27, 2008
IT's a shame to see formerly edgy and/or cool devs becoming castrated manginas. Sometimes literally.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013

big graphic content warning - it contains fragments of Borderlands movie - and as you could guess it's dogshit
yes they made Borderlands movie
and nothing changes - Borderlands from Telltales is still the only one BL game with something resembling humor
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Aug 1, 2013
max payne

more like

max payne in the ass because of the difficulty

lmao got em

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