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  • NecroLord
    HOLY CRAP, he's got an M60?
    Is that the real thing or is it a fake?

    Anyway, too bad about his wife. Genuinely seemed like a nice and happy family.
    Holy fuck. Is that real? The top tweet there where someone used the death of Massie's wife to tell him he needs to reflect on her death and support Israel? And Jews wonder why their favor is waning.

    I saw a post on Twitter where a Jewish fellow smacked down another Jewish fellow that was bashing white people. He basically said, "You can't bitch about antisemetism when you're one of the big causes of it."
    "I can't wipe my ass properly and it really reminds me of Frank Capicoli".

    Stop thinking about other men while you diddle your ass, faggot.
    *smokes cig* personally I prefer Sora singing with her low voice but she rarely does so, I assume because she sounds very nasal and it's not explicitly 'cute'
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    Shimano Sora is the groupset just below Tiagra, which is one step below 105 and two below Ultegra. It's rather robust and reasonably priced. Also lately technical features from the higher tier groupsets have trickled down to Sora making it a sound choice for a regular commuter.
    He would be a good man if he'd just stop trying to give Lucario aids.
    He needs AIDS to reach his full potential!

    I have a shiny Lucario in Pokemon Scarlet. I have a lot of shinies in that one.
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    Don't you sandwich whore for that? Sword/shield raids made shinies worthless. Shame but it is what it is.
    Pokemon Go community days are worse than sandwich farming, and you can transfer those to Pokemon Home and then a mainline game.
    Pokemon Presents will be shown 2/24/24
    The Pokemon Presents will show off news for the Pokemon Go series, Card Game Series, Scarlet and Violet DLC, and will show off the new Pokemon Black/White Remake.
    The remake will again be handled by ILCA and will look basically the same as Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
    The remake will be called Pokemon Deep Black/Vast White and will contain both black/white 1 and 2.
    The ending of the presents will show off the next series of legends games, this one taking place in the Unova region.
    Can you bring back the Shoutbox, SP?
    I'd love to. I have time to drive by every so often on here, so the shoutbox was my main method of interaction on here as of late. I was pretty shocked when it disappeared. I'm a big proponent of ignoring drama precisely for the reason behind the shoutbox getting removed.
    Don't you do it.
    Evenin' Saint, some fat Mexican with scurvy masquerading as this place's janny once shoved 500 warnings up my ass for no reason but he's gone now so do you think you could delete those warnings?
    Wow, you actually are shittier admin than DU.
    what happened
    they posted scruffaggot's "quicky" train simulator review to spite kony after refusing to post kony's Risen retrospective quicky. then they continue to post a bunch of worthless crap news about games no one gives a shit about
    I know nothing about any of this. I could also not give two shits about something someone posted that you don't like that you also have to click on a link to get to.
    Glad to see you're posting newsposts again.
    My favorite part of Saint_Proverbius news posts, aside from the corny jokes, is that they’re games I’ve usually not heard of that are of interest to me.
    Kev Inkline So more newsposts about Minecraft Dungeons DLC then.
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    Well, that's kinda the shitposting part, isn't it? :) I do like both of you guys' updates though, don't take me wrong.
    You should care about this site at least a little bit and do what is necessary to keep it going by purging the current administration.
    He's a saint, they don't do purging. You need an archangel for that
    if your waist is 36" you are a fat bastard
    The rule of thumb is that your waist size should roughly be half your height, so if one is at or near 6' tall, 36 is perfectly fine.
    I have a wasp waist, rate
    Happy Birthday. I hope you and your duckies are doing well.
    I have 7 brand new ducklings. I also have two broody animals on two clutches of duck eggs. I'm hoping for a duck-splosion this summer.
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