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  • Fargus
    This is good. Maybe just me but i feel Bolt Thrower influence in some tracks.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Nah, they're definitely BT-influenced. Lots of these war-themed OSDM bands tend to be, even if they're not outright worship bands (for the latter category, the psheks from Chainsword are a decent example).

    I still listen to Bolt Thrower from time to time. Quality shit.
    Tbh im not really into this type of games. But i remember playing Ill2 with a friend, i sucked ass at that game. But the sci-fi flight sim called Echelon (2001) was more to my liking. It had shitty FPS spin off called Operation Matriarchy where you kill wombyn aliens exclusively.

    Have you played Aliens vs Predator 1 and 2?
    Great FPS games.
    Though I don't know if you are into FPS games?
    Yeah, actually I have Undying but have yet to play it.
    Though I heard it's pretty good.
    Oh, you should play Undying. It's more than worth it for the story and creepy atmosphere. Gameplay is great. Heard Barker was really involved in it including changing the protagonist from some tattoed bald guy with silly name into an irish war veteran with some occult knowledge. This is the kind of game you wouldn't believe was published by EA. But they had some good stuff in early 2000s.
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    The Xbox AVP isn't a terrivle game either.
    Do you know what's happening at Nival Games? They haven't made anything since a decade ago with Blitzkrieg 3.
    As of 2022, the Russian version of the Nival website does not work, only the English version works. In this regard, patches for some games released on physical media became unavailable, and mention of some games disappeared from the company’s website (this information was moved to the archived section of the site).
    Contacts listed on the website in 2022 indicate that the company has only one office left, located in Cyprus (older versions of the website indicated that there were offices in other regions of the world).
    Nival's dead, baby. Nival's dead.
    Have you tried and finished Pathfinder:Kingmaker or Warhammer 40k Rogue trader?
    Never played. Wanted to give Kangmaker a chance but the devs disgust me... So i don't know if i ever will touch their games even if for free.
    Kangmaker is quite good, it's similar to BG1 in many ways, way more visceral and focused, also mostly poz-free. Wrath of the righteous is different however.
    It looks ok but another thing that puts me off is the kingdom management, i heard it's unfun and tedious and it's not optional like strongholds. I'm not really thrilled for such subsystems in a storyfag game.

    I'm waiting for Black Geyser's expansion to come out so i might finally try it instead.
    When, long ago, the gods created Earth
    In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
    The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
    Yet were they too remote from humankind.
    To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
    Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
    A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
    Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.
    Ryzer Why'd you delete your comment Ryzer? I'm not a big fan of church but, yeah, i agree Orthodox feels a lot less cucked than the others.
    felt like that didn't interest you, my apologies.
    I do believe, but years ago i was disappointed in church when i realized how corrupt our patriarch is. So i'm not a church goer. I do respect people who still do though.
    Hope you're alive buddy
    So much klukva in that mission. "I'm not here to eat the borsch comrade, i'm here to assassinate"

    I like soundtracks from H1, Contracts and Blood Money. But i like Jesper Kyd's music in general.
    Contracts has one of the best soundtracks in the series.
    Depends on the countryside. My friend from another city told me about the place where his family plot of land is located. Its largely abandoned, a bunch of old summer houses there and he said you can easily pick one and hide if you want because nobody cares.
    Of course i would sooner pick a countryside house with no electricity and only water from the well over a flat in any megapolis of Europe that was properly "enriched" lol.
    I'd say any megapolis ( The worst ones being Brussels (=Marrakech), Paris(=Zimbabwe))in Western Europe is enriched to some degree, the spared cities are located in Eastern Europe but as you can see in the other thread, you are not welcome there.
    How's it going, bro?
    You been playing BG3?
    You mean Original Sin 3: Zoophilic Elven Trannies?

    Not any time soon. I will play BG 1-2 instead when i can but have some stuff to do first. And no motivation for gayming right now.
    Im starting to find codex russians most balanced individuals when it comes to discussing and adequatelly rating and addressing games[beside Lann fagging for pathfinder].
    Always be warry about the codex opinion and trust your own experience. That much is safe to say.
    What a shit take, but I know why this is. Stravrophore is just a lost submissive, trying to earn back his collar from the estranged mongol masters.
    lol, rotfl even
    Have you played Fallout:Nevada?
    I heard it's really good, a lot more focused on survival and resource management than both Fallout 1 and 2. A total conversion mod worthy of being a successor to Fallout 2, instead of Fallout 3 *barfs*.
    There's also another potentially interesting Fallout TC in the making called Fallout Yesterday. An attempt to resurrect Van Buren\Og Fallout 3 on F2 engine. But the latest update was at the start of last year, i hope it won't die.
    We should get some resident vatnik to hang out in the Olympus team's discord and feed the codex with morsels about https://olympus2249.com/ been a few years since I heard anything new about it.
    My favorite part was when Rasputin and a 100 year old undead nazi assassin tried to summon Cthulhu into our world but were stopped by a 2 meter tall demon on steroids.
    What they don't tell in the history books.
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