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  • If a sequel fails commercially despite being an improvement in terms of visuals and gameplay, does that always mean "people actually hated the original all along"?

    I don't think this is always the case. I think there are certain types of stories that just don't demand a sequel, despite having been well-liked as standalone one-and-dones.
    The problem is when developers don't realize they've made a game like that.
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    I hated Interstellar, mostly.
    If we're talking about POE and Deadfire, wasn't the plan always to have more games/stories set in Eora? The first game always struck me as more of a worldbuilding exercise (not a very good one) than telling one specific story.
    How is your Vampire RPG coming along?
    I've been watching big tiddy goth porn for inspiration.

    But more seriously it's coming along, planning on polishing the demo more once I'm done with my joke parody game.
    Cat Headed Eagle
    Cat Headed Eagle
    how many "sucking" puns you have ready for the dialogue at this point?
    Good luck, brother!
    We need more indie quality rpgs like yours and less AAA slop.
    Damn, so Night Road is shit? I bought it with all dlcs but haven't played it yet.
    You could have you know tried the demo before you bought it and the entirety of its dlc to see if it was your kind of thing.
    I wouldn't say it's shit, I would just say that from the little I've seen so far, the characters are very much modern World of Darkness and nu-roleplaying in general. There's also tropes I don't like, but that's personal preference.

    I'll probably push forward with it more to see if it gets better.
    Spectral Pontifex
    Spectral Pontifex
    Retards, I bought it based on reviews and discussions. I already read quite a few comparisons with the great work Parliament of Knives, listing the good and bad in each.

    I am just specifically asking Tyranicon because I value his opinion and believe that his tastes are quite similar to my own. I am gonna play it myself, I just don't have the time or inclination right now.
    When are you going to make a real game?
    Depends what you mean by a real game. Do you mean a real RPG or a game without porn?

    My next few projects will probably be "real" RPGs in the way that codex understands it.

    However, I reserve the right to fill them with porn.
    "However, I reserve the right to fill them with porn."
    I think you have a blind spot regarding Larian, what they've created with BG3 and what they've become. They are the new BioWare, in fact they've surpassed the BioWare of 2010 in every way.
    Cat Headed Eagle
    Cat Headed Eagle
    BG3 is fine. The last panel focused way too much on degenerate stuff. It feels like they've been adding it as time went on. People kept complaining it felt nothing like D&D and/or BG. So it turned into the memefest that it is now. It was a borderline horror game at first.
    Breaking new ground Bioware dared not to, bestiality.
    That’s not a good thing
    Is the GOG release of Memoirs uncensored? Can't read the thread because of spoilers.
    I'm 20 seconds in and there's already been two content disclaimers.
    Be confident and stalwart in what you make. Helps with immersion.
    Banging soundtrack, though.
    What games do you tend to play when you've got free time and not working on your own shit?
    Not really. Every once in a while I'll revisit PS:T or something, but if it's an old game I liked, I probably played it a few times over already.

    Every once in a while, I'll try out something I missed. Like recently I was trying to get into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangsters:_Organized_Crime

    Which has unique mobster management mechanics. But it was a chore to get the game running on a modern setup.
    So you don't usually replay games?
    I already replayed most of the games I like to death. Same with other media like tv and film.

    I should probably just read more since it's not like anybody's making good media right now.
    For what it's worth, I do think that @Owlcat_Eyler is here because they want to.

    Knock-kneed pansy faggot. Say it. Say he. He. HE.
    I wouldn't call a man a woman to their face either.
    It's not culture (although culture is downstream of it), it's religion and morality. Your quibbles regarding proper usage of they, and the light jab about interwebs rot, are noted and discarded. I'll agree to disagree.

    But I've got my eye on you. Nowhere is safe from my ratings!
    Man, codex really is starved for drama.
    Are you ethnically Chinese? I always imagined you to be a hairy white man.
    My most beloved interactive fiction series is written by a chink and now my most anticipated RPG is also made by the superior Han Chinese race.
    y'all will pay for this cringe
    Spectral Pontifex
    Spectral Pontifex
    I am referring to the fact that many American intellectuals and activists prophesize and desire the prototypical race-mixed human to serve as the foundation of all humanity. Interesting that the mixing happened in the past though. I thought it must have been recent. This and your red beard remind me of the Tarim mummies.
    This raises more questions than answers
    You are a true artist. Instead of working for companies like Bethesda or Bioware,you prefer to do your honest to God games,with porn on the side. It is honest work,yes? A man of principle.
    So you make porn games?
    What does this creative process consist of?
    Also is it hard for you to be an independent developer?
    A more serious answer would be:
    1. Yes
    2. Bullshit I think of when I'm on the toilet.
    3. Hard compared to what? A corporate dayjob? Yeah it's more work and less pay.
    Got your shit. If I stick with it, prepare for an exhaustive - and exhausting - critique to drop one day, featuring a prelude mostly plagiarized from Melville's Moby-Dick. I'm letting you know in advance so that you may prepare. Best of luck.
    Do I need to play your ugly visual novel before playing your tactics game?
    I would skip The Singularity Wish unless you really want to hate me. It's my newbie-makes-a-game game. Singularity: Tactics is alright and complete, if a little buggy. However, it's gameplay loop is combat->story->combat and very much a grindy game.
    Ok thanks. Singularity just needs to be good enough to give me a cover story to buy Battle Brothel on my main account and keep the roasting by my bros irl to a minimum. Annoyingly Steam needs to wave all your purchases directly into your friends frontpages.

    I think I am gonna wishlist that and wait for a sale.
    So uhh you make hentai games?
    The Jester
    The Jester
    AWESOME! I want it for umm...Reverse Engineering! yea das rait.
    Yeah, go for it.
    Saw your game come up when looking at your publisher 'cus of something else the other day, it was cute!

    (I meant to offer to field any questions you maybe have on how brothels actually work day-to-day, if there's any gaps in what you know there — and it isn't way too late in development! — and assuming you don't already know intimately enough yourself. I can't find any evidence of me offering previously tho.)
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