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  • I know that this is certainly a "If you have to ask..." thing, but fuck it, newfags gonna newfag.

    What does "hopw roewur ne" mean? I eagerly await the troll answers.
    It's related to Prosper the deranged poster on codex. Probably just some schizophrenic line that means nothing.
    Where's the Zenless Zone Zero thread? How about a Limbus Company thread? There's enough meat in both for them to not be considered "true" gatchas.
    "How does this man write so many posts with Miyazaki Kojima's nutsack on his face!?"

    Pretty easy, the Japanese are known for having small and aristocratic nutsucks.

    Unlike you, you brutish, gaijin scum. I bet you teabag the floor bending down to tie your shoes!
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    I cum on the floor not rub my nuts against it. Savage!
    I'm so pathologically obsessed with Ongezellig I made a post about it without even thinking. It's like my fingers moved by themselves.

    What's happening to me?
    You guys were right. DD2 sucks ass. Shitty no-lock combat, shitty save system, sluggish movement, no rolling, insanely stupid and vague mechanics, and annoying pawn dialogue.

    I guess they can't all be bangers down at Capcom. If only they had taken more spiritual liege from Monster Hunter.
    Alright, in exchange for an easy 70$ to buy the game, my friend and co-worker is letting me borrow his Xbox (for an indeterminate amount of time) to finally play DD2 on. Now I won't get spoiled any further than I have already, and I'll be able to unmute the DD2 thread and provide my commentary and feedback on Capcom's latest hit. For better or for worse.
    Aagh, that sucks. I had a dream I had a party of adventurers that lived in my old house, but the older, veteran-type guy kept sleeping with the girl made of coal i was interested in against my permission. They were like Dragon's Dogma pawns in that they were supposed to be 100% obedient.
    Don't ask why the girl was literally made of coal, that's beside the point, the point is I got cucked BG3-style without even playing BG3! :argh:
    I got this unusual Clover rewards code yesterday.

    "Gaze coal, Arisen..."

    Is this a prophecy from the future? Will DD2 be coal?
    Now you look like the minister of coal.
    Are we here to talk about games or culture war garbage??
    Be Kind Rewind
    Be Kind Rewind
    You're allowed to talk about game devs getting fired, but not if they are fired for wronthink. You're allowed to talk about video game companies and what they do, but Sweet Baby Inc., Blackrock and Vanguard is off the table. You can talk about what a new video game looks like but you can't comment on the bug eyed nigger woman going BLM in it. By the way did you know how much Joshua Sawyer loves bikes?
    Be Kind Rewind
    Be Kind Rewind
    For the love of Jeh*va talk about video games. Wait, no, not like that fucking GamerGoys.
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    What video games would you like to talk about Cheese?
    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this forum's heyday was many, many winters ago.
    It also doesn't take a genius to connect the dots that 2020+ registrations are tanking the quality faster than any time in history including the lolblivian crusade of 2005-2006.
    What does a 2012 newfag know about the lolblivian crusade?
    Exhanged lurking DaC when they made a newspost about this newfangled codex site. I did actually register and make a solitary post about Prelude to Darkness but there is no way I'd remember what throwaway email I used once 10 years prior.
    Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, the first major expansion for Elden Ring, will be shadow dropped on February 28th, 2024, the same day last year that it was announced.
    I ended up buying RotR during the last few hours of the sale after the free weekend was over. Shockingly enough, the tutorial was enough to get me invested in the story, but I'm hoping the voice acting budget comes back online soon, otherwise I'm going to be disappointed.

    Wish me luck against the Water Elemental!
    Well, you guys have lead me to believe Owlcat makes "the best CRPGs ever", so I guess it's time to try out the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous free weekend. I have nothing to lose, and potentially a heightened interest in more traditional CRPGs to gain.
    I wish it could have been any other way, Nick.

    I hope you found some kind of respite from whatever it was that was tormenting you so badly.
    He never withdrew from us, or anything like that. We were playing Counter Strike together the day prior. He just got hammered one night and decided it was time.

    He was only a year or two older than me. So, a lot of life, lost.
    fuck drunkards
    He was hardly a drunkard. He had a house, connections... A higher education, an advanced certification in something related to metalworking, I think. Combine that with the hotel his family owned, and he was considerably well-off. But it wasn't enough. He never believed in himself, despite all our coaxing...
    For the first time in many years, having found a new place on the web that respects the right to free speech guaranteed by the Constitution, I feel I've found somewhere that I can speak and be my true self. No more masking, trolling, putting on airs. I'm the genuine article. What you see is what you get.
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