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Drakensang: The Adventures of Carth Onasi


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent—usually from warriors."



After many days of journey, Carth Onasi reached Avestria, a small town south of Ferdok. This is where his adventures begin. The guard didn't seem happy to see a newcomer.




Above is the trend on every 'quest hubs' that you visit in Drakensang. It's a design decision I suspect, where players are made to spend plenty of time in a single zone, achieving a primary objective while having optional secondary objectives in form of sidequests. There was hardly many quest that forces you to trek from one town to another. Most of the time it's social quest/fedex or dungeon exploration. Avestria is a starter town that most people should not find much trouble doing. It's a crash course on how to play the game. The difficulty WILL increase after this, so if you don't have enough foresight like the first time I played it, you will struggle in the mid game before you smarten up and simply steamroll everything thrown at you.

Our current objective is to gather two recommendations to pass this small town of Avenstria to proceed to the next hub. I think it would've been nice if they actually placed a 'bribe / sneak past option' on the checkpoint but I suspect for narrative reason they decided to 'railroad' you from hub to hub while dropping hints on the 'bigger story'. I've finished this game once, so I can connect the dots better this time around and comment.

Walking a bit further in town, I stumbled upon a marketplace where a guard was conversing with a gypsy lady. She seemed really upset about something.






This sounds a job for Carth Onasi, defender of the innocent! And helping her out will probably net a recommendation! So I offered my help. Contrary to what the dialogue says, this isn't optional. You're not leaving till you do this quest!






So Runkel Bagthumper. That's our lead. I checked the alchemist and didn't see much goods to purchase. A travelling salesman offered a sidequest though.



This is a simple herb gathering taskthat requires plant lore skill to accomplish which Carth doesn't have. But I bought 5 oneberries from the alchemist anyway that totals up to 6, we just need to find 4 more either from harvesting (plant lore) or random drops. Oh btw, the currency is like this: 100 Copper Farthings = 10 Silver Thaler = 1 Gold Ducats.

If you hadn't notice, Drakensang actually had filler text to disguise 'press any key to continue dialogue'. It really is a simple one choice dialogue option you had to click through to proceed. I can't make up my mind if this is a good thing or not, but it kept conversation flowing in an intelligent manner. The next dialogue is one of notorious sample.

I walked up to the hooded figure, Runkel Bagthumper to ask about Dranor. Lore: Phex is the god of thief and merchants






Then comes another optional side quest:





A thief asking another thief to pick lock? What the hell? Carth will need the services of a thief since he isn't one himself. That brings up our sidequest count to two. The next step would be to visit the innkeeper to find out where the murderers hide, and possibly locate Dranor, the rogue.

I came across an open air pub with a strong-looking amazon in heated debate with the innekeeper. She appears to be asking for directions to a bear cave but the innkeeper felt womyn shouldn't be venturing into dangerous places. Well, maybe we can take her along. We could use the extra muscle.


And another sidequest!


This is Rhulana's character sheet.


She doesn't have high strength, and her favored weapon is a saber. With extra endurance to spam more special attacks. She's not bad. Notice the Plant and Animal lore, which means she can harvest the oneberry bushes we'll find in the wilderness.

Oh, I almost forgot, we need to ask the innkeeper for the possible hideout of the murderers, don't we?


Alright, before we head off to Bald Mountain let's get some combat training. A pair of mercs hang out near a campfire and challenged us to a sparring match. Perfect way to explain how combat works.



The game will automatically pause when a combat is initiated. The crossed sword indicating that combat has begun. Pay attention to the top right hand corner when everyone is at 'neutral' order and the hotbar at the bottom. Hotkey 1 is tied to Mighty Blow, a special attack that cost 20 ED (endurance) and does double damage - if it hits.



The moment you left click that move or hit '1', it will override whatever you are doing. In this case Carth is doing nothing, hence Carth will move towards the target when unpaused to execute a Mighty Blow. Left clicking an enemy will initiate normal attacks that resume automatically if no special orders are given. Notice the 4 Mighty Blow Icons in a row. The furthest one on the left are queued. Might Blow takes 1 Combat Round to execute. So over 4 rounds, Carth will execute the M.Blows. But since his max ED is only 32, he will cancel the 2nd Mighty Blow and revert back to normal attack. The bottom row indicates parrying, an automatic defense roll. You can only parry ONE attack per round, unless if you are wielding a shield and train a special defense abiity. Special moves will also allow you to parry multiple times in a round.


When a move icon turns red, it means it has been done and cannot be cancelled, the ED has been deducted. To cancel a move simply click on the icon next to your char portraits.

I lost the first fight pretty badly and received a wound.


Treat wounds / heal spell will remove wounds. Wounds will lower your overall stat like AG. ED, Dodge , Attack and Parry as well as Ranged Combat. You may recieve multiple wounds in combat. Getting more than 4 is an automatic knockout.

Before my second try, I decided to train a special attack from the mercenary. You can spend experience points to buy special moves from trainers. This move is called Feint.


It reduces your opponent parry roll (making it more likely to hit) and reduces his armor rating (dealing more damage) and cost cheaper than Might Blow 20 ED. With Carth's Pool of 32 ED, I can start with a Feint and queue a Might Blow after it.


It went differently this time around.



Hmm. new weapon. Let's compare it with our current weapon.



Taken from Manual:
The damage inflicted by the weapon consists of a variable value that is rolled for (1D,
for example means 1D6) and a fixed value that is added to it (e .g . +2)

Strength Bonus
Many close combat weapons can be applied extremely brutally.The strength bonus
represents increased weapon damage due to sheer physical strength . A Khunchom
saber has a strength bonus of 12/3 . The first value (12) indicates the ST that is
required in order to benefit from the bonus . The second value (3) indicates the
strength increments at which the additional damage increases by 1 . Remember that
reaching the first value (in this case 12) does not give a bonus .
Example: A hero with ST 17 no longer inflicts 1D+4, but 1D+5, as his strength is
greater than the first increment of 12+3=15 . If the hero’s strength increases to 18, he
inflicts 1D+6 damage, as he reaches the second increment: 12+(3+3)=18 .

Weapon Bonuses
This value is used to express a weapon’s special
characteristics . It consists of two figures (e .g . +1/-2) – the
first figure is applied to the character’s attack and the second to
the character’s parry . Remember this when you think you are giving
your character a new weapon .
Example: A dragonslayer hammer wielded by Alrik has a weapon bonus of 0/-5 .
This means that his attack of 12 remains unchanged, while his parry of 13 is modified
down by 5 points so that wielding the hammer gives him a parry of 8 .
But it doesn't explain the 1W+4 with Strength 14. So I don't really get this part. So please, if anyone could enlighten me? I suspect it has something to do with inflicting wounds.

Each weapon also has different sets of special attacks. They may share some but 2 handed weapons are generally more suited for high damage attacks, while 1 handed weapons have more accurate attacks as well as able to attack multiple times in a round. Moves with yellow borders means they can be used with the corresponding weapon. The top screenshot is a two handed sword, while the one at the bottom is a single handed sword. Strike of Wrath is 2H only move that deals triple damage and has a chance to knock down. The Sword has access to Stormblade that gives 3 attacks per round.



And that concludes this entry. I might update it in a while.


May 11, 2007
RK47 said:
But it doesn't explain the 1W+4 with Strength 14. So I don't really get this part. So please, if anyone could enlighten me?

12/3 means that you get +1 dmg for every 3 points AFTER 12, so basically at
15-17 Str 1w+5
18-20 Str 1w+6
21-23 Str 1w+7
etc. etc.

now lets say you find a weapon with 17/2 and 2w+2 or something

19-20 str 2w+3
21-22 str 2w+4
etc. etc.


Jan 3, 2009
The 'W' is an oversight by the translators. It stands for 'Würfel', the German word for 'dice'. So it simply means that you will cause 1D+4 hitpoints at strength 14 with this weapon. Or more general: The value in brackets shows the hit points for the weapon with your current strength, that is the base damage plus the strength bonus (calculated as you posted above from the manual).


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Ahh that makes more sense now lol. Translation oversight indeed!


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
only thing i dont like about the game is that location outside the main city get locked after you clear them, so you cant go back and finish sidequests (which will automaticly fail if you leave.) after the main plotline has been done in those regions.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Can't possibly get it mixed up. Drakensang is German's RPG of the Year 2008. It's based on Realms of Arkania ruleset.

I've never played Eschalon.


Apr 12, 2006
Something that confused me was TaP* and SP* from the log these are skill points remaining from successful checks, something like this is important before you start a battlemage :(


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Please continue RK47! This is a very good LP start, illuminating the mechanics of a new(ish) game.

Besides, hot gypsy queens with purrrrfect boobies *fap* *fap*



Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
GarfunkeL said:
Please continue RK47! This is a very good LP start, illuminating the mechanics of a new(ish) game.

Besides, hot gypsy queens with purrrrfect boobies *fap* *fap*




collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Worm King said:
You chose Soldier? You chose the most boring character imaginable?

Don't worry, I'll give the supporting cast of characters a chance since they're quite diverse (Around 10 of them if I'm not wrong), and it will also expose the weakness of perceived 'traditional toughest' class in RPG: The pure melee fighter.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
This update is brought to you by MedievalTV:


As you can see, the citizen of Avestria has lots and lots of problems, from major murder groups roaming about, and minor ones like 'I need someone to pick my berries'. This gives the player something to do and the exp plus monetary rewards are quite crucial if you want to gear up. Too bad the inventory of the early game merchants suck. It seems as you progress along the chapter, better gears become available, as well as higher level trainers. It's a strange game balance decision, since the abilities do not require certain levels to learn, instead it relied on statistic (STR, CON, etc) and exp to spend. Oh well, on with the game.

I picked the broadsword over the 2hander for now, the damage is nearly the same and with a shield equipped I'll have better overall parry. I also focused my weapon skill on Swords to achieve higher Atk and Parry.

On the way out of the gates, a wizard apprentice begged me to find their missing master. Like the gypsy quest, this isn't optional either.



There's also a braggart in the city


Listening to his long winded tale of bullshittery gives you 15XP although you had no option to expose his lies. There was also a minor social quest concerning an apple tree that two neighbours are arguing over. I wouldn't even cover that. You basically had the option intimidate one into backing out, or putting the fear of nature's god into play, or simply ignoring them. But it's still XP.

Getting into the wilderness, the game autosaves for you. This should be a hint of combat. I headed a bit north to the hunter's cabin and saw Owlstone being attacked by a wolf. We slay it and he proceed to offer more sidequests. Slaying a bear and a white wolf.


I decided to track down the murderers first before doing those and stumbled upon two robbers arguing over who should carry the loot.


We have the initiative, engage!


We dispatched both with no problems and among the loot is a cutlass, which should be given to the amazon. We proceed up the footpath leading into Bald Mountain where we found Atton Rand, errr- Dranor in trouble.




Ah well tying up loose ends...


The mysterious fella teleported away before we could intervene. What are the chances of us meeting him again? :lol: Anyway, we can still save Dranor from thugs, so let's get to it.


The Drakensang parry system encourages player to focus fire more than usual. This is because fighters only have one parry roll per round, if three person are attacking a single combatant, then the single combatant only has enough for one parry roll (unless he has a shield) while the other 2 attacks must be dodged. Some special attacks bypasses parry completely and hence is more effective against shield users who are usually encumbered with heavy armor and has lower Dodge Value (DV).

The traditional fighter like Warriors, Amazon and Soldiers are reliant on armor to protect them. But not all weapons can execute all special moves. So it's somewhat useful to master at least two different weapons: One for Hard hitting, the other for armor bypass moves. Mages have no such problem, except they lack the staying power in the front line. They also do not have the benefit of Parrying while casting. But I'll show you how it's done when I get some casters in the party.


Dranor's a rogue. And quite useful to have early game to pick locks and other thievery. His social talents are quite diverse as well. His preferred weapon is fencing, one that focuses more on accurate strikes than brute strength. He also has access to master parry.


I'd like someone to clarify this skill to me. At first glance it seems like a powerful tank skill, but upon combat testing, the effect seems to disappear after a successful dodge/parry is made. So it's 15 Endurance for 1 guaranteed parry/dodge ?

I had Dranor try his hand at a nearby locked chest but failed.


When you failed a lockpick, you suffer 'Shaky Hands' status for 8 seconds, I have no idea why they even left this in the game. But it's a minor annoyance. To avoid failing often use a hairpin or lockpicks. It's one time use only so keep your rogue well stocked.


With Dranor in the party, we tracked down the White wolf and killed it without much problems.


I also used Rhoanna XP on max out her animal and plant lore. Animal to skin the wolves, Plant to collect oneberries for the quest.



Skinning animals give some pelts to sell as well as some crafting materials. Recipes are needed before you can make items though.

I made a quick return to the town to pick the Thief Guild chest.



And reunite Dranor with his gypsy lovebags.




That's one down. We checked the nearby chicken coop for the Thief Guild secret message but was stopped by a nasty dog. I decided to chat up with the owner. And suddenly we have EXTRA DIALOGUE OPTIONS!


with yucky result


With the bone as a gift to the dog, we searched the chicken coop for the second clue. It leads us to an old mill cellar which is very small, contains some barrels to smash for loot and rats to kill before we finally found a chest for the final clue.

Before we return, we decided to find that missing wizard in a nearby Cave but stumbled upon a bear. This shouldn't be too challenging for first zone combat. I did it as a pickpocket once with Rhoanna tanking it with no problems.


But just for the heck of it, I applied weapon balms that increase damage by 1 for 10 strikes. Whetstones can also achieve the same effect as well. So keeping your frontliner stocked up with these are quite helpful.


It's a standard tactic to send the most heavily armoured fella in first to draw the attention while the rest attack from behind.


It didn't take long for the bear to fall


We took another path in the cavern and stumbled upon rocks. Nothing but rocks and some locked chests that Dranor picked.


We found the old wizard at the end of it. He sounded slightly 'deranged'



As we make our way out of the cave, the rock turned back to their living form, it seems like the wizard spell had worn off.


We decided to make their disability more permanent.


Rakorium's lightning bolt made short work of them. Soon as we exit the cave, the wizard teleported and we ran back to town to find him.


That's our second recommendation and we turned in loads of quest. The berries, the bear head and wolves.


and the Thief Guild as well


I'm getting the hint that we're leaving this town soon, so I put Dranor pickpocketing skills to work. I also stumbled upon a merchant who lost his goods in the pub.




Sounds suspicious. Dranor picked his pocket and found a letter.


So it's worth at least 10 ducats then. A little bit of searching and I found the parcel and demanded a lot more than 1 ducat for it. But he still refused, so we'll just have to hang on to it till we found another buyer.


Dranor's pickpocketing is paying some dividends as well:


While the townspeople generally only give 1 silver thaler, or sometimes just a few farthings, the named NPCs like Alchemists and Guard Captains carry ducats and some good tidbits in them. So pickpocketing is quite worthwhile in Drakensang, the catch is that you only have one shot at this. There is no second attempt given if you fail the first, so make sure your pickpocket is at a good level before trying.

I cleaned up whatever I could in Avestria, it's time to leave.



Yep, you can't come back. Ever.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
RK47 said:
It's a strange game balance decision, since the abilities do not require certain levels to learn, instead it relied on statistic (STR, CON, etc) and exp to spend.
I don't follow. If the abilities required levels, there wouldn't be any need to restrict access to trainers in the first place.

I'd like someone to clarify this skill to me. At first glance it seems like a powerful tank skill, but upon combat testing, the effect seems to disappear after a successful dodge/parry is made. So it's 15 Endurance for 1 guaranteed parry/dodge ?
Yeah, the translation sucks. It should read "The next dodge or parry maneuver within 15 combat rounds will always be successful."
So you got it pretty much right.
I think you suffer a penalty if you fail a combat move like feint, so you might want to use this to compensate, but I'm not sure. The game deviates from the original rules pretty strongly in the combat move department and I don't recall it being mentioned anywhere, but I believe after a failed feint there was a penalty mentioned in the console.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Claw said:
RK47 said:
It's a strange game balance decision, since the abilities do not require certain levels to learn, instead it relied on statistic (STR, CON, etc) and exp to spend.
I don't follow. If the abilities required levels, there wouldn't be any need to restrict access to trainers in the first place.

I'm commenting on the designer's decision to limit trainers. Advanced moves like Stormblade only costs 100 exp to learn, something everyone can afford early game, but the problem is that no trainer offers it. Not even in Ferdok. So from level 1-6 until I reach the advanced trainers, I'll never get the advanced special attacks like Deadly Blow and Stormblade.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I know what you said, I just don't get your point. Access to trainers is limited because the designers didn't want you to get these moves (or spells)earlier.

I can only guess what their intention was, but they may have wanted to spread character development out more so you don't buy the super cool attack you always wanted at level four and then feel there is nothing left to pine for.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

So onward to Ferdok. Ferdok is much more larger than Avestria. It's something like Arcanum's Tarant after their small starter village. It has four districts and will serve as a central hub where you can always return to craft, swap party members and eventually own a house.

Upon arrival, Dranor left the party.



Oh well, hopefully we can get him back. So many citizens to pickpocket from and we'll need chests picked.

A simple custom check and we're in.


Looks like everywhere we go, shit happens. Sounds familiar? Yeah, welcome to Baldur's Gate,...I mean Ferdok. Let's go find this Ardo.

Before that let's grab more training.


Offensive Combat is a good Attack booster. But it comes with a steep price, each attack gains +2 attack bonus, but costs 2 ED to perform. Your regen will never keep up, and eventually it had to be toggled on and off as needed. A good combo would be to activate it before doing a Mighty Blow to ensure it lands. There is a counterpart to it called Defensive Combat that provides parry bonus and costs ED per parry.

other useful passive ability to train would be these two. Endurance is always on and gives a higher maxED pool to spend. While Shield Fighting increases chance to parry with a shield.


I didn't take a screenshot of Dodge, but it increases Dodge Value by 2 per level. All these costs money and exp to train. There is also Armor Use to reduce encumbrance when wearing heavy armor. The higher your encumbrance, the lower your dodge value, and in some extreme cases, will lower your attack and parry rating.

And here's a generic side quest that was also available in Tarant.


We smashed 8 rats before finding his worry-stone and collect our reward.


A little walk from there we find ourselves at Ardo's House.


This doesn't sound good.


Darn it. Looks like it's up to us to uncover the truth. I browsed a weapon shop and right click a light crossbow to explain how ranged weapons work.


There's basically 3 types of ranged weapons to consider. Thrown, Bows or Crossbows.
Thrown weapons are the fastest but does not have the highest damage but thrown axes still pack a decent punch, and Power throw skill can double the damage if I'm not wrong but they have the shortest range, so you can't really snipe with it.
Bows are medium speed. Short bows fire quick and should really be used when you have those special arrows that burn or poison to spread the effect quickly amongst your enemies. Long bows take 2 turns to fire but hits harder and from longer range. Using Double Shot special ability with a slow long bow would pay off better.
Crossbows are the slowest to reload but hits the hardest. Keep in mind with the help of training, you can reduce the reloading time. Some heavy crossbow does 2D dmg from range too! This hits as hard as a general two hander. If you can get decent weapon skill training ,it might be worthwhile to let off one shot from all your party members crossbow's before switching to melee for a nice burst damage.

Rhulana can be build in multiple ways, either you turn her into a full fledged Bow user, or standard Saber+Shield or Spear Amazon. Spears don't have raw attack power abilities but they make up for that with more accurate attacks and the only two handed weapon with Stormblade ability- a triple attack in one round. The cost? Spears have -4 Parry penalty.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
So the main plot upon entry to Ferdok involves investigation of Ardo's murder, and the game provides two more npc you have the option to recruit. And they're not bad really.

But first let's talk to the Guard captain.




Let's check out Wagoner's home to find Gladys first. Upon entry we are approached with a trio of thugs demanding silvers. No social skill checks appear if you do not have sufficient points to attempt. In this case, Dranor left the party, so we are really lacking in the social options, so we let our blades do the talking for us.



We checked the local innkeeper for clues. But he is uncooperative. The rest of the patron are quite unhelpful either. This section is handled quite poorly with no variety in handling it. You just simply go from one patron to another until there's no lead to follow.



So after leaving the tavern you'll meet Gladys herself. Who finally showed up after your questionings in the tavern.


If you still wondering why there isn't a fully voiced dialogue for this game, this is probably why:


Anyways, Gladys is a nice party member to have. She's a Charlatan, something like a bard in D&D terms. Jack of all trades, master of none.


She can pick locks, pick pocket, fast talk, seduce and is knowledgeable in human nature (sense motive). She can also cast magic.


She doesn't have direct damage spell at the start, but you can purchase spells from the mage store. But at the moment, she doesn't have enough exp to learn all of them. You should prioritize healing more than anything else.

Spells like attacks take up Actions to complete with one major difference: casters do not get a parry roll when casting spell.


Notice the above action bar is a healing spell that takes 3 actions. So it took 1 attack & 1 parry from the first round while it takes the attack action from the second round, Gladys can still parry after finishing the spell on the 2nd round. However, if you queue two healing spells in a row, Gladys will immediately cast another healing, therefore using up the parry chance on the 2nd round to start another spell.

Gladys is a decent all rounder, but the major problem with her build is that you have to prioritize building her as a thief or mage first. Her lockpicking and pickpocket will never cut it until you spent gobs of exp to max it out. Expect to break a few lockpicks until you do so. But doing that will mean she will not have enough exp to upgrade her direct damage spells. This also ignores her weapon skills and other passive skills. She's a really EXP hungry class to play.

Our next companion to recruit is Forgrimm the emo dwarf who cut off his beard over Ardo's death. We found his quite drunk in a tavern. The innkeeper offered us a herbal mixture to get him to sober up.




Hmm, so Ardo is in a middle of a meeting before he was struck down...oh well dwarf fighter is a hardy sort. We'll take him in to complete the party of 4.


Forgrimm's a strong merc with high str and con, a great frontliner with high vitality and melee skill bonus. He specialzies in Axes, a hard hitting 1hander that has access to Strike of Wrath, a triple damage attack that has a chance to knockdown. He starts with Mighty blow and Knockdown. Buying him a shield would be a great idea. He is equipped with a heavy chain shirt that provides lots of armor bonus to many parts of his body. Let's not forget he can also do a little bit of blacksmithy, and before long do higher level recipes once we've maxed those out.

We're nearing the end of this playthrough but let's cover the basics of spellcasting somemore. There's leather armor and metal armor, the item description will clearly state this. Gladys is a caster, while wearing leather, she would have no issue with casting at all. She can also boosts her armor further with the spell Fastness of Body, this is quite effective if you're building a melee wizard. The only issue would be the low strength and physical stats they start with.


But putting on a metal armor like Forgrimm's chainshirt would result in her spells being inaccessible. (note the hotbar at the bottom grayed out)


This limitation applies to elves as well. The general rule of spellcasters is that they can cast spells as long they are wearing non metal armor. Shields are still fine but remember they cannot parry while casting. Obviously with some good character building you can work with a leather-clad battlemage that is capable of casting fantastic support spells and still participate in decent melee combat. Compare Gladys armor rating versus Carth who are both wearing the same armor. Yes, hers is slightly higher, and will only get higher as she pumped her armor spell to max.


So there you go, building a caster is not as straightforward as it seems. Just keep in mind of your attack and parry rating, as well as encumbrance because those will affect your melee performance more than anything else.


Sep 23, 2004
Claw said:
I know what you said, I just don't get your point. Access to trainers is limited because the designers didn't want you to get these moves (or spells)earlier.

I can only guess what their intention was, but they may have wanted to spread character development out more so you don't buy the super cool attack you always wanted at level four and then feel there is nothing left to pine for.
This applies to the available spells and items as well. For instance only later on will some of the better bows become available in Ferdok. The available spells don't improve at all. You'll have to get better spells from other sources. Then again there are a lot of skills to choose from and you need to increase attributes as well, which is very costly but necessary.

Note that because some NPC's will disappear after completing the initial quest in Ferdok, you want to pickpocket them in advance. Give Gladys/Kladdis 6 points in pickpocket and get her the special ring that grants a +2 Pickpocket bonus. Also before going in the Ferdok sewers chasing the bad guys, she should have something like 10 lockpicking for accessing some locked areas in the sewers. Alternatively visit the Thieves Guild first to get Dietrichs (+5 lockpicking, one-time use). Make sure to look for secret areas in the sewers as well, as there's some great loot there.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Yeah I just tried out an Elementalist and was surprised he had access to Summon Fire Elemental spells at level 1. The burning attack is just too good for early game.


Aug 13, 2009
the first post is just great. already looking the torrent to download this game
adult dating site. gilf dating is situk dating web site.


Aug 29, 2005
RK47 said:
Ahh that makes more sense now lol. Translation oversight indeed!

The real reason for that bug is that the original game didn't have the whole "doing your basic division work for you" portion which was only patched in when the US publisher complained about complexity. So the German patch team put in a bunch of help text in brackets, and the result is sloppy translation work :?

WhiskeyWolf said:
Situk said:
the first post is just great. already looking the torrent to download this game

Drakensang is well worth not removing from an inventory, you're just envious that the Germans are better game developers than the Pollacks.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
BeholderX said:
WhiskeyWolf said:
Situk said:
the first post is just great. already looking the torrent to download this game

Drakensang is well worth not removing from an inventory, you're just envious that the Germans are better game developers than the Pollacks.

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