The "Geth Server Mission" in ME3 is a naked propaganda psy-op. There's literally no other way to understand it.
Basically, the Geth are snakes. Extremely manipulative. But if you just take 'em at face value -- which is probably how the writers intended it
It's interesting how we as an audience can interpret plots so differently from the writers ("indoctrination theory" also comes to mind). Maybe our brains can't help looking for adavanced patterns, ideas and hints that don't really exist in the basically adolescent writing. Or maybe the writers are unwittingly revealing their unconscious thoughts, that are likely very different from what they profess in public.
At face value it's just
too stupid. Too childish, too neat, and too illogical.
If the Geth are what they were supposed to be in ME1, it's
literally impossible for them to disagree with each other.
All the blubbering about "d-do I have a soul?" is also absurd. It's
a solved problem and has been for decades. If the Geth are what they were supposed to be, they'd know it. ("B-but we're synthetic!" Vitalism, of all things, still lives in the 23rd century?)
Besides, everything about Legion -- that obsequious Shepard fanboy, with his smooth and inoffensive voice that makes human-like intonations -- just stinks of lies and propaganda. The Server Mission in ME3 is the icing on the cake; so ridiculous that it breaks immersion immediately, unless you reinterpret the plot so that the Geth think
you are retarded and are working to manipulate you.
I think that the writers actually were retarded, but, by accident, because they worked
too hard to make the Geth super-likeable, they created an interesting scenario. There's only one good way to interpret the Geth: None of them are your friends, they're all in perfectly unanimous agreement about trying to play you like a fiddle, and they think you're extremely stupid and gullible. They lie about
(Apparently ~40% of players actually sided with the Geth and killed the Quarians, so it worked. That said, the average IQ of Geth supporters must be well under 90.)