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Review ... because we can't get enough Oblivion reviews


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Here are three more <a href="http://elderscrolls.com/home/home.htm">Oblivion</a> reviews for those of you who just haven't read enough of them yet. First up is <a href="http://www.driverheaven.net/">Driver Heaven</a> with <a href="http://www.driverheaven.net/articles/Oblivion/">their take</a>:
<blockquote>Hype can be a negative in the video game industry, many games have become major sellers even if they are terrible, all thanks to their marketing campaigns. Enter the Matrix is a very good example and the same can be said about Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness which was complete garbage but still, thanks to the hype, was a respectable seller.
This brings me to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a new sequel to the very successful Morrowind series from Bethesda Softworks on PC and lately, this new Elder Scrolls has been getting monumental amounts of hype.</blockquote>
Don't worry, it's all downhill from there with the game scoring a final of 97/100. Moving on though, <a href="">Game Industry News</a> have <a href="http://www.gameindustry.com/review/item.asp?id=645">their look</a>:
<blockquote>Wow. Where do I begin to describe how amazing Oblivion is? Should I talk about the eye-popping visuals and fully-3D world that is light years beyond anything anyone has ever seen on a computer? Should I talk about the depth of the plot that would rival a full-length feature film or even, gasp, a great literary work? Or should I talk about how darn smart the AI in the game is and how you can actually follow people around in their daily schedule as they go to their jobs, head over to the tavern for a drink with friends or turn in for the night after locking up their bedroom doors?</blockquote>
Yep. They give it "A perfect 5 gems"!!!11oneonetwo. Finally though, here's one from <a href="http://www.langamereviews.com/">Lan Game Review</a>. Now I know what you're thinking "He saved the best til last". Unfortunately, <a href="http://www.langamereviews.com/content/view/268/41/">you'd be wrong</a>:
<blockquote>For the most part these are well done, with the exception being the speech craft mini-game which gets repetitive uninteresting rather quickly. But that’s about the only uninteresting thing in the game. You will never run out of things to do in this game. Period.
Though it doesn’t deviate far from the path set by its predecessors, Oblivion does take the formula and refines it into an art. This is a must have game for any X-box 360 owner, RPG fan or not.</blockquote>
Oblivion: It's not a game, it's art!
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blues News</A>


Feb 13, 2003
DarkUnderlord said:
Should I talk about the depth of the plot that would rival a full-length feature film or even, gasp, a great literary work?

What a load of wank.


Feb 26, 2005
DarkUnderlord said:
Should I talk about the depth of the plot that would rival a full-length feature film or even, gasp, a great literary work?

I'm sorry, but that's just a fucking disgrace to every author who has ever lived. I really just cannot stand comments like these. I was thinking of saying something witty like "well that depends if dick and jane are considered great literary works... hyuk, hyuk", but I'm too full of hate to even bother.

This level of sheer... well, I'm not quite sure what to call it. It's not stupidity. It's beyond that. It's so bad that I cannot fathom an appropriate word for it, if it in fact could be expressed in words. Whatever the case, it should not and cannot be tolerated. To say this is to undermine thousands of years of human history, growth, and knowledge. Great authors from all walks of life have devoted their lives to expressing feeling, emotion, thoughts, and other such natures through the beautiful use of the written word, which itself was slowly developed by the greatest minds the known universe has ever seen. The epics of Homer, the beauty of Shakespeare, the eloquence of Virgil, the brilliance of Plato, the imagination of Jules Verne, the expressiveness of Mark Twain... has all of this been in vain? The Bible, the Vedas, the Koran... should they be tossed in the fire? Have they all been undermined? Their work is now regarded as trash in light of the holy majestic qualities of Oblivion? Their legacies, disgraced.

If this is truly how the gaming world views things we are in a very sad state of affairs. We should realize that we've hit rock bottom when a poorly thatched together piece of 'work' by men who are anything but brilliant (and are, in fact, lying and conniving thieves) is held higher than the great work of our ancestors. For what, I ask you? For fucking what? Are these unintelligent pricks just so proud of themselves for being the kings of a new genre of entertainment, that they must set upon their high thrones and declare all other forms of expressiveness as scum? Because a few illiterate computer programmers tossed together some dialogue in a world of the carnage from Quake and Doom they have suddenly become literary gods? Because the game deals with dragons instead of the hood it is now a masterpiece?

Continue to set upon your high throne, oh great kings of geeks. Bathe yourself in the slimy marketing hype and glossy graphics while proclaiming your putrid pile of filth can give Hemingway a run for his money. Religious or not, the Bible says the devil will come dressed as an angel, but you should recognize the mark of the beast and his evil flaws. That devil has come for our young industry. Embrace him, and video games are history. They will be looked upon with scorn and resent. RPGs will be no more than mindless clickfest clusterfucks with blood spewing from all angles, and a wide open world with countless citizens to slaughter. The lines between genres will further be blurred, and the game with the easiest guns to fire will receive the highest scores. Our kids will look at us and ask when it all went wrong. We will tell them, "The developers asked us to sell our souls, and we obliged."

I'm through with this bullshit. It's too depressing.


Nov 5, 2005
Some european shithole country....
DarkUnderlord said:
Should I talk about the depth of the plot that would rival a full-length feature film or even, gasp, a great literary work?

Just imagine Tolkien, writing just 50% of LOTR and leaving the rest for the readers to write. What a great literary work it would've been! :D


Oct 23, 2002
Game Industry News: You say "Suck it down!" and we say "How deep?"

Bethesda Softworks: We can't program a computer, but look at what we can do with the young and impressionable gamer's mind!

I bet there are fucking Scientologists looking on with envy at this spectacle of mindless devotion.

Horrible shit. At least Chefe's rant was worth reading. In fact, some might even say that it would rival a full-length film or even, gasp, a great literary work. Of course some people also ought to consider literacy before considering the literary.


Feb 10, 2003
Icy Highlands of Canada
Chefe said:
This level of sheer... well, I'm not quite sure what to call it. It's not stupidity. It's beyond that. It's so bad that I cannot fathom an appropriate word for it, if it in fact could be expressed in words. Whatever the case, it should not and cannot be tolerated. To say this is to undermine thousands of years of human history, growth, and knowledge. Great authors from all walks of life have devoted their lives to expressing feeling, emotion, thoughts, and other such natures through the beautiful use of the written word, which itself was slowly developed by the greatest minds the known universe has ever seen. The epics of Homer, the beauty of Shakespeare, the eloquence of Virgil, the brilliance of Plato, the imagination of Jules Verne, the expressiveness of Mark Twain... has all of this been in vain? The Bible, the Vedas, the Koran... should they be tossed in the fire? Have they all been undermined? Their work is now regarded as trash in light of the holy majestic qualities of Oblivion? Their legacies, disgraced.

Like you said, they're nerds. The reviewer probably considers Harry Potter slasher fanfiction to be great writing. :roll:


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
GoldLeader said:
DarkUnderlord said:
Should I talk about the depth of the plot that would rival a full-length feature film or even, gasp, a great literary work?

Just imagine Tolkien, writing just 50% of LOTR and leaving the rest for the readers to write. What a great literary work it would've been! :D

Just imagine. Someone having the guts to compare oblivion with a half-finished work of Tolkien.


Oct 7, 2005
Oblivion: It's not a game, it's art!

At least they acknowledge that games can be art. Now they only need to learn how to distinguish shit from art.

User was nabbed fit

Damn, Chefe couldn't have said it better. What a disgrace some people are.

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