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Game News Pillars of Eternity II Fig Update #55: Seeker, Slayer, Survivor Screenshots


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire; Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

As you might expect, Obsidian have published a Pillars of Eternity II Fig update about the game's upcoming Seeker, Slayer, Survivor expansion DLC for those who missed its reveal at PAX West this weekend. Screenshots, some brief details, the usual.

In the slightly nearer term, the update also announces a date for the 2.1 patch, which will be adding the god challenge modes described in last month's update. As I recall, those were supposed to be out in August. Instead they're coming on September 11th, just two weeks before the new DLC - which is supposed to be accompanied by another patch adding two more god challenge modes. Will Obsidian be able to meet their schedule?

Patch 2.1 and Incoming

Patch 2.1 will be available on September 11th! It's currently on the Beta Branch, and Josh Sawyer would welcome any feedback you might have for the God Challenges below:
  • Abydon - The more you use weapons and armor, the more they will wear down and become "Damaged". This modifier will make them progressively worse and eventually destroy them, unless the mods are removed through Enchantments. Choose the items you will wear into battle wisely!
  • Skaen - With Skaen's challenge, when indoors or at night, fog of war encroaches more. Torches and lanterns can partially offset the additional fog of war, but only a little.
Next month, we'll be bringing our first Mega Boss, Belranga, to Deadfire. This poison-dripping monstrosity is only for the highest leveled players and will test your party's mettle to new heights. We'll have more information on Belranga and her ravenous brood in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!​

It seems there's been some confusion here. I'm pretty sure the first Mega-Boss is also supposed to come out alongside the new DLC, meaning this month. This is what happens when you fall behind schedule!

Safav Hamon

Village Idiot The Real Fanboy
May 15, 2018
Great promotional artwork!



One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I didn't know what these God Challanges will be, at first I thought they are going to be some simple fights or quests. But these are actually adding a new flavour to the whole game. Can't wait to see the other challanges in the future.

Safav Hamon

Village Idiot The Real Fanboy
May 15, 2018
More of an arena than a dungeon, but I'll be satisfied as long as there are well designed and tactical encounters. They're claiming it's the hardest challenges in the series yet.

Slay your way through the most challenging foes you have ever faced, both past and present.

We hope you've been enjoying all the soft balls we've used to ease you into Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire's combat until now, but the baby gloves are coming off. This month, we're releasing the Abydon and Skaen challenges in Patch 2.1, a Mega Boss for those who adhere to the "get good" philosophy, and an entire DLC focused around proving your worth through glorious combat. Prepare yourselves, Watchers - none of this is for the unworthy.

My fear is that if they make the DLC too difficult it will review poorly. I've heard many people raging at the Neriscylas fight in Beast of Winter, and White March got bad reviews for the same reason.


Jul 21, 2012
Codex 2014
I'm still waiting for them to fix Principi's "dance with the dead" quest that prevents me from finishing the game.


Jul 26, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I've heard many people raging at the Neriscylas fight in Beast of Winter, and White March got bad reviews for the same reason.

The Neriscylas encounters were the best part of BoW. I was a level or two too low for the first encounter and it was actually quite challenging, basically the only time that I ever had to use consumables, summons, empowers to refill abilities, etc for anything other than speeding up a fight. If you don't wipe a few times on a boss fight then it's probably not balanced correctly.

Safav Hamon

Village Idiot The Real Fanboy
May 15, 2018
I agree, but that doesn't stop idiots from whining that it's too hard. An entire DLC full of even harder fights will get bad reviews.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
So how is this game now with patches and DLCs? My Cuckstarter CE will probably arrive today, I just might start up this puppy.


Feb 17, 2012
So how is this game now with patches and DLCs? My Cuckstarter CE will probably arrive today, I just might start up this puppy.

It's alright, but if you've already waited this long - why not hold it off for a few months more so you can play the entire game with all DLCs?


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I don't think this game will have a Definitive Edition. At least, not a formal one that comes out after a year. I think the game will be considered "definitive" when the console version is released, which is supposed to happen at the end of the year.


Apr 23, 2018
Weapon degradation is such a no fun mechanic (unless everything is well designed around it). Why are they doing it.
Next patch, the game will alt tab every random 30-60 seconds.

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