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Game News NeocoreGames go turn-based with King Arthur: Knight's Tale, now on Kickstarter

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Tags: King Arthur: Knight's Tale; NeocoreGames

You may recognise the name NeocoreGames. Some odd 11 years ago (has it really been that long), they released a very cool RPG/Total War-esque strategy game hybrid titled King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame. Then they followed it up with two more (less cool, but still competent) strategy games, before finally giving up and settling for Diablo clones like Van Helsing and WH40k: Inquisitor (which was definitely not a cool move at all).

But now they are coming back with something that looks promising again. King Arthur: Knight's Tale is going to be a turn-based, tactical, party-based RPG with what looks like a degree of kingdom management and "rogue-lite" elements, which is probably supposed to mean a random-generated world.

And of course, it's on Kickstarter, because freedom is not free. To quote its brief description from the page:

You are Sir Mordred, the nemesis of King Arthur, the former black knight of the grim tales. You killed King Arthur, but with his dying breath, he struck you down. You both died – and yet, you both live.

The Lady of the Lake, the ruler of the mystical island of Avalon brought you back to end a true nightmare. She wants you to go on a knightly quest. She wants you to finish what you have begun. Kill King Arthur – or whatever he has become after she took his dying vessel to Avalon.

King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is a Role-playing Tactical Game - a unique hybrid between turn-based tactical games (like X-Com) and traditional, character-centric RPGs.

Knight's Tale is a modern retelling of a classic Arthurian mythology story filtered through the dark fantasy tropes, a twist on the traditional tales of chivalry.

The story campaign puts a huge emphasis on moral choices, which have significant consequences in a rogue-lite structure, adding extra tension to the tactical and management decisions.​

You can read more about the game on the Kickstarter page, and pledge, if you find it worthy. The goal is 115k quid, date of delivery Q1 2021, and an early bird voucher of £20 nets you a digital copy of the game.


Jun 10, 2013
Several years ago NeoCore had announced a party-based tactical CRPG called "Broken Sea" which was described as having an "Ocean Punk" setting. Unfortunately it seems it never went past the concept phase and they've removed all traces of it from their site. But I recall there being some nice concept art of ships.

While this looks potentially decent, it's also pretty generic. So it's a maybe buy at release, but not likely something I'd get hyped enough about to back.


Nov 28, 2008
Land of Danes
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
Yes! Finally, they are done with those hack&slash craps and coming back to King Arthur universe. Though, I would appreciate more if they preserve at least partially, the old RTS formula (for example by having at least a couple of RTS battles at certain points of history) and mix it up with tactical-turnbased XCOM-style missions.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Van Helsing was really fun and one of the few hack and slash games to have proper WASD controls.
The WH40k game is OK, nothing special. If you like WH40k it's worth playing though.

Looking forward to this


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
This looks like absolute trash. Unfortunately their first two games are still the most interesting and fun to play. First King Arthur game shits all over the new Total war garbage. No idea what NeoCore's problems are, but they could had been the new CA or Pdx and fucked it up. They got that EE shovelware all over their games, great ideas and bad programming and support.


Feb 2, 2018
Cool, I'm in. All they have to do is resurrect the same level of greatness of the role-playing wargame. Lightning in a bottle?


Sep 4, 2013
You are Sir Mordred, the nemesis of King Arthur, the former black knight of the grim tales.....
Autism Triggered ! Urge to bash head against Keyboard - Activated !
Mordred is not a black knight neither literally and nore figuratively.
Sir Mordred ( Medrot / Mordrec / Medrawd ) D'Orcanie is from Orkney in all versions. His brothers or half brothers (dependent on the version) are Agravain, Gawain, Gareth and Gaheris. Therefore his coat of arms is a golden eagle or later three golden lions (in one version) on purple.
So yes this is also one possible explanation why in Excalibur (1981) his armor is golden.
Figuratively he is also not a Black Knight, because in Arthurian legends there are Black Knights ( recurring figures and trope) but they represent death or threat (besides Sir Morien) and this is not true for Mordred. Mordred was chosen by Artus to be the Viceroy of Logres and his rebellion happens after Artus is to continental Europe.

Historical facts:
The only true famous black knights of history are James Stewart the Black Knight of Lorn and Zawisza the Black of Garbòw. Hospitaller Knights wear only black mantles and Edward the Black Prince nickname was only given to him 2 centuries after his death and during his lifetime he was only known as Edward of Woodstock.

Mark Richard

Mar 14, 2016
Some of those character portraits bring back memories. The bearded guy with the gold helmet and pauldrons is the spitting image of Merlin from King Arthur the Roleplaying Wargame.

I live in hope that I'll be able to befriend an ogre in this game too.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Some of those character portraits bring back memories. The bearded guy with the gold helmet and pauldrons is the spitting image of Merlin from King Arthur the Roleplaying Wargame.

Because he IS Merlin according to the website. Mordred's spiky armour is also taken straight from the wargame.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I suspect they'll hit their goal, just barely. Game looks OK and a fantasy X-COM is something I've been wanting to see for a while, I just wish the character design for Sir Mordred was less edgy, both literally and figuratively. The other Knights look great, but Mordred looks like Sauron who stole a bunch of Orcish stuff from WarCraft. Although who knows, maybe they intend for his visuals to change based on your alignment? It'd look weird if you were, say, a Christian Tyrant and looked like that. Then again, maybe not.

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