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Game News Dungeon Siege 2 Expansion GOLD


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Dungeon Siege II: Broken Worlds; Gas Powered Games

This <a href=http://bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&threadid=69178>press release</a> at <a href=http://www.bluesnews.com>Blue's News</a> reports that Broken World, the Dungeon Siege II expansion, is finished.<blockquote>-- Add-On To Critically Acclaimed RPG Dungeon Siege II ships to North American Retailers on August 1st --
New York, NY – July 18, 2006 – 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), and Gas Powered Games, the renowned video game developer, today announced that Dungeon Siege II: Broken World for PC has gone gold and is off to manufacturing. The game will ship to North American retail stores on August 1st.
Dungeon Siege II: Broken World picks up right where Dungeon Siege II left off with an all new campaign that concludes the story and adds two new character classes, terrifying beasts and monsters, and a newly refined tactical battle sytem. Dungeon Siege II: Broken World will require the full version of Dungeon Siege II to play.</blockquote>I dare not imagine what the "new refinements" to the "tactical battle system" are. Three kinds of potions now?

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