Diogo Ribeiro
Tags: Warp Rogue
<b>Copx</b>'s gothic sci-fi roguelike <a href=http://todoom.sourceforge.net/>Warp Rogue</a> has had a bevy of udates since the last time we checked, and they're too long to mention here (though you can consult the game's <a href=http://todoom.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/todoom/trunk/changes.txt?view=markup>changelog</a>), and is currently in version 0.7.2b.
You can grab the newest version <a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115145>here</a>.
Thanks to <b>LCJr.</b> once again!
<b>Copx</b>'s gothic sci-fi roguelike <a href=http://todoom.sourceforge.net/>Warp Rogue</a> has had a bevy of udates since the last time we checked, and they're too long to mention here (though you can consult the game's <a href=http://todoom.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/todoom/trunk/changes.txt?view=markup>changelog</a>), and is currently in version 0.7.2b.
You can grab the newest version <a href=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115145>here</a>.
Thanks to <b>LCJr.</b> once again!