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Review GameOver reviews Bloodmoon


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

<a href="http://www.game-over.net">GameOver</a> has reviewed the latest expansion pack for Morrowind, <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/index.php">Bloodmoon</a>. They give it a solid 87%.
<blockquote>Werewolves are one of the new additions to Solstheim. And like the other diseases that plague Vvanderfell, the weary hero of Morrowind and Tribunal must catch it and then overcome it. Catching the disease is similar to becoming a vampire. You're ostracized when people find out your identity, which begins to happen when the sun goes down. The few NPCs that roam around provide a source of food until you break the curse. Like vampirism, you're able to refuse a cure for this disease when the opportunity presents itself. You're free to return to Vvanderfell to finish your Tribunal and Morrowind quests using your new identity, although it will most likely be more difficult and time-consuming; that is, if you want to quest without leaving a wake of destruction behind you like Godzilla.</blockquote>
Personally, I think a werewolf Godzilla is a <i>brilliant</i> idea.
Spotted at <a href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a>.


Jun 25, 2003
Hmmm. Sarcasm, or not sarcasm?
Italics though...

Either way, you'll be amused to know that such a concept has been done.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Voss said:
Hmmm. Sarcasm, or not sarcasm?
Italics though... tricky. Either way, you'll be amused to know that such a concept has been done.
Linkage, please? This I gotta see!


Jun 25, 2003
Thats the giant monster battle thing right? Based off the old arcade game?
Well, I was thinking of that.

Plus there was a piece of fanfiction I was thinking of (I know...opinions will be rather wild on this particular subject) anyway- its called Biker 1/2. Rather good actually, if you like that sort of thing. Think Anime Biker werewolf monster battle, and you've got the general idea. Nice reference to a 12 year old girl werewolf that likes to go godzilla style and sleep in a underground bunker. You kind find it at http://www.asynjor.com/fanfic/ The author's name is Calum Wallace and is down at the bottom of the list. Definitely not for everybody, but good if you like that sort of thing.


Doubly so when it involves anime.

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