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Development Info New major version release for UnReal World


May 18, 2004
Tags: UnReal World

The Finnish graphical roguelike <a href=http://www.jmp.fi/~smaarane/urw.html>UnReal World</a> has recently had an update, bringing it up to version 3.10-1. Here are a few items that appear on the latest list of changes:
<li>fixed: dead shopkeepers still trying to trade. Very persistent businessmen!
<li>fixed: stacks of traps in inventory reducing down to a quantity of one if a trap was set (applied) from the stack
<li>fixed the time required for curing and tanning
<li>protection value of the clothes you make is now dependent from the type of the leather/hide used
<li>foreign traders' inventories arranged a bit to offer more trading possibilities
<li>changes in cookery and recipes
<li>building construction is now a tile-by-tile procedure
<li>added unique graphical symbols for the peoples of the three major cultural regions
No more zombie shopkeepers in the game? How could our Finnish brothers betray us so? The decline of the RPG industry is more apparent with each passing day.
You can find all of the latest changes on <a href=http://www.jmp.fi/~smaarane/newslist.txt>this long and detailed list</a>. It is an unusual RPG and a fine example of what the indie RPG industry can produce. It would be well worth you taking the time to try the demo available on the UnReal World site, especially if you are already a fan of games like the complex Dwarf Fortress and you are able to look beyond the simple visuals. It is a refreshing change from the usual hack and slash titles that have been exorcised of their tyranny of choices long before release.
Cheers, <b>Sami</b>!


May 18, 2004
Constructing your own home in the woods:


You can build a home and then put a fence around it with traps and pits or tamed beasts to guard your home too.

The Dude

Mar 17, 2007
An abandoned hurricane.
Maybe it's time to play this one again, I played it pretty heavily when he released 3.0, eventually I burned out on the game even though it's excellent. Only problem is to find my reg info (which I already lost once but Sami was nice enough to mail me a new reg file).


Apr 25, 2008
Fez said:
Constructing your own home in the woods:

You can build a home and then put a fence around it with traps and pits or tamed beasts to guard your home too.

This is the kind of medieval life simulator I've always wanted.

I was just reading about UnReal World last night. Ironically, to bash it. I was going to unfavorably compare their licensing scheme to M&B's, because I heard a recent 3.0 update required people to re-register. Then I read that URW also offers a lifetime license. Not only that, but you can score the full game (with no updates) for $3. What a deal!

Like my brother said, "I'd register Mount & Blade without any updates for $3 if it was an option."


I can't believe the oldbies on the M&B forum are so quick to shoot down anyone who suggests they add hunting. I can only hope someone creates a mod where you can encounter deer on the overworld map, enter "battle" and hunt them down with your bow. (I'm not into hunting in real life, I just like the idea of "living off the land" in a game, compared to "plunging into dungeons for loot." It's a nice change.)

Ranging aimlessly through the forest and hunting was all I did in Oblivion. Well, that and arrange goblin bodies in compromising positions.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I've downloaded that game a while ago and love it. It's wonderful. Survival in the wilderness instead of monster hunting is lots of fun.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Fez said:
The Finnish graphical roguelike
The graphics are fine but why do we need photo's of the dudes larping in the forest? That's something the game could really do without.


May 18, 2004
I think it's a "feature" to illustrate the action and make up for the simplistic graphics. Just in case you couldn't imagine what someone cutting a tree was like, they have provided a photo. That and they are Finnish LARPers at heart. They have a forum thread asking for more photos of people willing to appear in the game. As long as your photo (especially ones suitable for face portraits) is suitable for the theme then you can submit it. Any Codex LARPers willing to donate?


Apr 11, 2008
Zeus said:
I can't believe the oldbies on the M&B forum are so quick to shoot down anyone who suggests they add hunting. I can only hope someone creates a mod where you can encounter deer on the overworld map, enter "battle" and hunt them down with your bow. (I'm not into hunting in real life, I just like the idea of "living off the land" in a game, compared to "plunging into dungeons for loot." It's a nice change.)

Ranging aimlessly through the forest and hunting was all I did in Oblivion. Well, that and arrange goblin bodies in compromising positions.

That sounds incredibly gay.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
JarlFrank said:
I've downloaded that game a while ago and love it. It's wonderful. Survival in the wilderness instead of monster hunting is lots of fun.

Is there any game that you haven't played?

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