Tags: PosBand
The first version of <a target=_blank href=http://posband.web.ur.ru/>PosBand</a>, a new variation of Angband with lots of monster races (there's only one for now, though) and a Possesor class (not implemented yet) is available for download.
Currently only sources are available, but it should compile cleanly on Windows, UNIX or anything else. A Windows .exe of the roguelike will be available soon.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://yarns.felis7.civ.pl/index.php">YARNS</A>
The first version of <a target=_blank href=http://posband.web.ur.ru/>PosBand</a>, a new variation of Angband with lots of monster races (there's only one for now, though) and a Possesor class (not implemented yet) is available for download.
Currently only sources are available, but it should compile cleanly on Windows, UNIX or anything else. A Windows .exe of the roguelike will be available soon.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://yarns.felis7.civ.pl/index.php">YARNS</A>