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Preview Sacred praised by EDBIS

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Sacred

<a href=http://www.edbis.com>EDBIS</a> posted a positive <a href=http://www.edbis.com/all/previews/2004/february/sacred_1.php>preview</a> of <a href=http://www.ascaron.com/d/sacred>Sacred</a>, which is, according to the reviewer, a <i>well done single-player RPG with excellent graphics</i>
<blockquote>With over thirty main missions and two hundred sidequests, Sacred offers plenty to do. NPCs who give main missions will look on you more kindly if you complete lots of sidequests. They can even join you as hirelings. If you’d rather play with real people, the game offers a multiplayer mode with support for up to sixteen players in one party at a time.
Whether alone or in a group, you’ll face plenty of opposition, from humans, monsters, the undead, and other things intent on killing you. You’ll have a trusty steed to help you through; mounted combat is included in the game. So is item creation; blacksmiths can create stronger weapons and armor using gems and magic items. The combat interface looks pretty simple. There are ten action slots: those on the left are for weapons and shields, and those on the right are for magic and special moves. </blockquote>
Finally! A game with mounted combat. It would also be cool to buy some armor for your horsie, but I doubt it's in the game.


Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Just one strange thing... according to Encore's page of the game, one of the possibilities of horse riding is to fight... hand to hand :shock: How exactly is this?


Jun 25, 2003
Kick 'em the teeth as you ride by?

Actually, they may just mean hand to hand in the sense of 'not ranged combat'.
Generic game terms + translation = slight confusion.

Or maybe you can kick them in the teeth.

Edit: checked the page- they also mention hand to hand in this part of the blurb:
Create your own custom combat combos – blending hand to hand, ranged combat, and spellcasting styles into specialized combat abilities.

They are just using it as 'not ranged' (and 'not spellcasting')


Mar 30, 2003
Bumfuck, Nowhere
If you're a Necromancer, can you ride undead horses? I don't generally play magic-y types, but Skeletal Sea Biscuit sounds like fun.

I'm glad to hear they're extending the dolly-dress-ups to your equine companions. I want to get a headpiece for my horse with blades down the sides so I can ram into enemies.


Jan 21, 2003
VD, I can't really say more. All I know is that playing the demo yesterday I could see several different (and magical) harnesses for the horsies. I don't even know if it shows in the model or not (though everything else does)

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