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Preview Gamers with Jobs love Sacred demo

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Sacred

<a href=http://www.gamerswithjobs.com>Gamers with Jobs</a> posted their <a href=http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=845&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0>demo impressions</a> of <a href=http://www.ascaron.com/gb/gb_sacred/index.html>Sacred</a> encouraging <i>anyone who enjoys a good open-ended RPG to give the demo a shot</i>
<blockquote>Combat itself is fast and sometimes it can be tough to ensure you're attacking the enemy you want to target. Especially when you encounter a shaman who keeps summoning and resurrecting dead allies. Blood spurts all over the place and the weapons and animations keep the combat interesting and fun to watch. As you fight you can right click and perform different attacks such as combos and moves that hit all of the enemies surrounding you. Rather than mana you simply have to wait different amounts of time for these skills to power back up before you can use them again.</blockquote>
Blood spurts all over the place...unless of course you have the American version where enemies tell you that they've had enough and leave instead of dying.


Oct 19, 2003
The state of insanity.
Well, as I said in one of the other Sacred threads here, I hope Encore decides to keep the "M" rating. Watching blood spurt out of my enemy's neck as he lay dead was just too fucking cool. :twisted:

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