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Game News Icewind Dale 2 GOLDEN!


Jun 20, 2002
Tags: Black Isle Studios; Icewind Dale 2

Icewind Dale 2 has just gone gold which means you'll soon {September most likely} be able to purchase it in a store near you. For those, who know nothing about IWD 2, its Black Isle's 3rd {7th if you count Bioware's products} game based on the Infinity engine and of course is the sequel to Icewind Dale.
Here's a snippet from the announcement:
"Icewind Dale II" uses the third edition core rules for the classic "Dungeons & Dragons®" tabletop roleplaying game within the popular Forgotten Realms® adventure campaign setting under licenses by Wizards of the Coast. The game hosts a large variety of new weapons, armor and magical items, and expands upon the gameplay elements found in the original "Icewind Dale."
You can find the full PR announcement <a href="http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020805/dem022_1.html"> here</a>.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Neverwinter Nights, Dungeon Siege, Morrowind... Ice-wind Dale will be lost in the flood.


Jun 20, 2002
I was actually tempted to write "Icewind Dale 2, Black Isle's new piece of shit" but i though naa, better not :D.


Jun 15, 2002
I think it came a bit later than the flood. However, only idiot fanboys, or people who buy every game ever released will get it.

Really, considering it is a title designed to make money, and looks to me as if it will not, I seriously doubt the business decision-making skills at BIS right now.

It's the same situation with Lionheart, a title designed to make money, which, in the end, probably wont.

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