chasing a bee
Tags: LambdaRogue
Mario Donick is <a href="http://lambdarogue.net/dl-showentry.php?n=153" target="blank">looking for assistance</a> with renaming his graphical roguelike, <b><a href="http://lambdarogue.net/dl-showentry.php?n=39" target="blank">LambdaRogue</a></b>.
<blockquote>People in the poll thread at roguetemple stated that the name "LambdaRogue" is not a very good one.
So, in respect to the game itself and the story, which name would fit better to this game?
Let me hear your ideas.</blockquote>
I have no doubt the Codex Brain Trust can provide Mario with some suitably inspiring suggestions.
Mario Donick is <a href="http://lambdarogue.net/dl-showentry.php?n=153" target="blank">looking for assistance</a> with renaming his graphical roguelike, <b><a href="http://lambdarogue.net/dl-showentry.php?n=39" target="blank">LambdaRogue</a></b>.
<blockquote>People in the poll thread at roguetemple stated that the name "LambdaRogue" is not a very good one.
So, in respect to the game itself and the story, which name would fit better to this game?
Let me hear your ideas.</blockquote>
I have no doubt the Codex Brain Trust can provide Mario with some suitably inspiring suggestions.