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Preview The Dark Eye: Demonicon Preview


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: The Dark Eye: Demonicon

Gamesradar put up a preview of <a href="http://www.demonicon.de/EN/">TDE: Demonicon.</a>
No, that link leads to the homepage of this game, <a href="http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/the-dark-eye-demonicon/preview/first-look-at-the-dark-eye-demonicon/a-20100416154113281063/g-20100416153058500091">this is the link to the preview.</a>
<p style="margin-left:50px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-top-color:#ffffff;padding:5px;border-right-color:#bbbbbb;border-left-color:#ffffff;border-bottom-color:#bbbbbb;">There’s nothing new about the Oblivion-esque scenery and attempt to match its gameplay (although each quest you undertake will apparently have three distinct solutions and outcomes), and the makeup of your team will be instantly familiar to anyone who does overtime at their local Games Workshop – but the selling point here is that the hunky warrior, sly dwarf and brave archer lass who will be watching your back will all be controlled by up to eight flesh and blood gamers, and every dungeon you explore will be specifically tailored to teamwork, Left 4 Dead-style.
Here's an excerpt from their homepage:
<p style="margin-left:50px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-top-color:#ffffff;padding:5px;border-right-color:#bbbbbb;border-left-color:#ffffff;border-bottom-color:#bbbbbb;">No matter whether you prefer to travel Aventuria using magic, with a sword, or with the resourcefulness of a thief - there are individual quests and approaches to problems for each character class.
They must be kidding, or are they?
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/97592-the-dark-eye-demonicon-preview.html">GB</A>


Nov 16, 2007
BG in coop was pretty cool, hopefully this will be too. Nothing like totally a totally nerdy lan-party weekend.


Apr 25, 2008
JarlFrank said:
circ said:
So if you want real innovation in RPG's, you gotta go euro. Ok.

Yeah. It's been like that for, what, at least 5 years?

Eurasian titles embody the spirit of my favorite 90s PC games. American developers just want to make Doom with 'RPG elements' over and over. I think the remakes say it all: Syndicate handled by the Chronicles of Riddick team, X-Com handled by the BioShock 2 B-team.

It's sad that I must look overseas for games like Mount & Blade, Space Rangers 2, King's Bounty, etc.

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